Derive policy based on giusitizialismo
Sometimes reality exceeds not only expectations but also the imagination.
When some years ago, in 1998, Antonio Di Pietro founded his party, Italy of Values, drive action and political rhetoric in the fight against all forms of corruption - even at the expense of the most basic principle of ensuring - few would have imagined that today, the agenda of public debate, and the front pages of major newspapers, it marked the bitter dispute erupted within Italy of Values \u200b\u200bon the moral issue of the party dipietresco.
The Hound of Montenero di Bisaccia, the bard of law, the national bogeyman, a champion of justice, the arch enemy of corruption, is mired in the quicksand of a domestic dispute charges that the attitudes and choices as less 'opaque' .
Robespierre has found his worthy Lambert. (more. ..)
E 'the infamous, brutal struggle for survival by purity: pure always finds its way a more pure, that the purges. We
, which we have seen so many old conservatives, we are surprised not that much.
We just smile at this small and pathetic paramaoista riot, in which the wild instincts and constantly tickling the leaders turned against him, driven by human calculations and shop at the service of a cannibalistic feud over succession. In the front row is Luigi De Magistris, its standard-bearer of the renewal pro domo.
What surprised me so far, however, is that the press have put us so long to understand the true meaning of 'affaire Scilipoti. That is the deputy of the past Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(and not only) in the Berlusconi camp.
of this grotesque affair, the progressive media have mostly just underlined the almost caricatured figure of the character in question, charging that paradoxically Scilipoti moral burden to the government that has come to vote ("You see how government support Berlusconi!") .
But what was the 'finger', to put it with the Chinese proverb.
The 'moon' was indicated that the party of Antonio Di Pietro counted (and probably still counts) characters of this kind among its ranks, and that Peter himself has candidly admitted quisque de populo a candidate who had the sole merit of have made him out among the crowd of adoring a provincial rally, wearing a T-shirt printed with the effigy of the star Toni.
If this is a worthy selection of the national political staff that must lead us out of the swamps of the Cayman, it is not difficult to understand why the hated plutocrat continue to stay on the crest of the wave for many years.
Waiting to know what will happen in the Ok Corral DiPietro (with the fun of the media parentheses executioner par excellence, Micromega, which - in the throes of an anxiety cleaning and t (n) ica-supports and fosters the all'Idv internal tensions), we enjoy the wonderful skirmishes in a chair of this party of manettari, ready to do anything to avenge his wounded honor.
Sometimes reality exceeds not only expectations but also the imagination.
When some years ago, in 1998, Antonio Di Pietro founded his party, Italy of Values, drive action and political rhetoric in the fight against all forms of corruption - even at the expense of the most basic principle of ensuring - few would have imagined that today, the agenda of public debate, and the front pages of major newspapers, it marked the bitter dispute erupted within Italy of Values \u200b\u200bon the moral issue of the party dipietresco.
The Hound of Montenero di Bisaccia, the bard of law, the national bogeyman, a champion of justice, the arch enemy of corruption, is mired in the quicksand of a domestic dispute charges that the attitudes and choices as less 'opaque' .
Robespierre has found his worthy Lambert. (more. ..)
E 'the infamous, brutal struggle for survival by purity: pure always finds its way a more pure, that the purges. We
, which we have seen so many old conservatives, we are surprised not that much.
We just smile at this small and pathetic paramaoista riot, in which the wild instincts and constantly tickling the leaders turned against him, driven by human calculations and shop at the service of a cannibalistic feud over succession. In the front row is Luigi De Magistris, its standard-bearer of the renewal pro domo.
What surprised me so far, however, is that the press have put us so long to understand the true meaning of 'affaire Scilipoti. That is the deputy of the past Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(and not only) in the Berlusconi camp.
of this grotesque affair, the progressive media have mostly just underlined the almost caricatured figure of the character in question, charging that paradoxically Scilipoti moral burden to the government that has come to vote ("You see how government support Berlusconi!") .
But what was the 'finger', to put it with the Chinese proverb.
The 'moon' was indicated that the party of Antonio Di Pietro counted (and probably still counts) characters of this kind among its ranks, and that Peter himself has candidly admitted quisque de populo a candidate who had the sole merit of have made him out among the crowd of adoring a provincial rally, wearing a T-shirt printed with the effigy of the star Toni.
If this is a worthy selection of the national political staff that must lead us out of the swamps of the Cayman, it is not difficult to understand why the hated plutocrat continue to stay on the crest of the wave for many years.
Waiting to know what will happen in the Ok Corral DiPietro (with the fun of the media parentheses executioner par excellence, Micromega, which - in the throes of an anxiety cleaning and t (n) ica-supports and fosters the all'Idv internal tensions), we enjoy the wonderful skirmishes in a chair of this party of manettari, ready to do anything to avenge his wounded honor.
then learn from the same DiPietro remained loyal to the head, that the head of 'IDV would have discovered that two members of parliament were investigated by the courts only after they have spent with Berlusconi - watch combination.
The icing on the cake, however, is the declaration of filodipietrista Bruno Tinti (yes, even a former judge), that turning against the 'conspiracy' allegations of immorality, he points out that the only well known exception to the policies of ' IDV - requiring the exclusion of the accused suspects - has so far been represented that its the main antagonist of Di Pietro, Luigi De Magistris, indicted in Salerno for the official acts of omission. I almost forgot: even speak to him, ça va sans dire , a former magistrate.
The icing on the cake, however, is the declaration of filodipietrista Bruno Tinti (yes, even a former judge), that turning against the 'conspiracy' allegations of immorality, he points out that the only well known exception to the policies of ' IDV - requiring the exclusion of the accused suspects - has so far been represented that its the main antagonist of Di Pietro, Luigi De Magistris, indicted in Salerno for the official acts of omission. I almost forgot: even speak to him, ça va sans dire , a former magistrate.
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