Every Saturday you will find one or more articles in the national press during the week, in my opinion deserve - for better and for worse-to be made available to readers catoniani, with a brief comment.
This week:
Il Sole 24 Ore - Umberto Eco and the Italy of 150 years - by Gianni Riotta
Corriere della Sera - Renzi, Vendola against -generation of Giovanni Sartori
La Repubblica - Henry Musso and Berlusconi: The nose and the consistency of Senator - Don Paolo Farinella
Gianni Riotta
"The Italian identity of the next 150 years?". Umberto Eco smiles in her living room, in the shadow of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan, in front of the impossible demand. You recently returned from Paris, at the editorial meeting of the leftist daily "Liberation" Han asked as usual de "les Italiens," and tried to respond, "eye movements rather than the cultural and political, look at the university."
And a few days of the 150th birthday of the country, trying to look at what ideas will unite - and divide as omens in his novel The cemetery of Prague - the next generation, the pioneer of semiotics ventures "Judge by television and the Internet. The TV was good and bad for the poor to the rich. Internet bad for the poor to the rich and well. "
Paradoxically straight from the Times' Apocalyptic and integrated, "Eco's essay that gave dignity to the mass culture of" culture ", he upset by stoats and wigs in 1964, enlivening 7580 sites on the web today:" Television gave language to the poor, the national language Italian. It may be that they spoke with Mike tic Bongiorno but the learned. The educated class, the rich irony to say, but maybe you left the reading of Marcel Proust and "La Search of Lost Time, to quiz and variety. The exact opposite with the web. The poor, those without the means of culture of new knowledge, is likely to get lost in the ocean of information of the network, ending the sites of the conspiracy, the populists. Do not learn new information but it is poison of lies. The rich, the educated, can write a thesis exegesis bliblica clicking on a keyboard. "
It's called "digital divide", the cultural barrier produced by the websites and this could be the bridge levator of the new Castle of power in the next century and a half national. A birthday Eco celebrates that with moderate enthusiasm, "The country seems to have lost moral energy, force. It is as if he were drugged. I am tired of seeing our identity mistreated abroad by analysts.
Two or three years ago, we pitied "poor you are less evil", now almost mad "because they do not react?" as if the identity, the national consensus patterns were easy to reverse. "And before you get to his. worried, having on Italy 2010 - 2011, Eco returns to the years of the foundation, the myth of the Risorgimento
"The United States had a civil war, and tragic, but even with the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell, and three years later with the Filmon, Gone with the Wind produced by Selznick, tried to give a unified, national, where the Confederates and Yankees could give another account of the reasons. Exercise impossible for us Italians. Not only that we are divided between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, but also between whites and blacks, in a constant kaleidoscope of factions and groups. That did not give us peace policy. "
For Eco is the culture to have the country together, rather than political institutions and they tried with mixed success: "We have a tradition of local feuds. If the tear is today embodied by the Northern League, do not forget that the South have always been driven active autonomist, separatist, Sicily, Sardinia. The myth of the Risorgimento, challenged or not, is as opposed to a myth of the Bourbon kingdom, that I never shared. To put it bluntly, if today is rubbish in the street in Naples is the worst legacy of that tradition.
And coldly history, we must admit that the Piedmont "- and here speaks for Eco Piedmont doc, like Senator Chevalley The Leopard -" did a lot of stupid things, where they were repressed reform, but I think that at the end, Italy is a united country, and a community better than what we inherited from the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Bourbons. North and South would be well to accept this moral. "
To understand the depth of the Italians, however, the DNA in 150 years, Eco calls for a global effort early. Consider our country, "the first nation in general", even when computers were used in place of printed books. "Our identity is cosmopolitan. In politics so that every castle called the stranger to join forces against the neighboring castle. And in culture because the ability to "global" of our classic Italian made them lose. The French tend to
annetterseli, as French and Modigliani Leonardo, the English appreciate how an Italian cousin, the British and the Germans look to the humanist values, as if Dante was a compatriot of Machiavelli and Shakespeare and Goethe, Hegel. If Italian is, and remains, the outside world, foreigners tend to hire him as an international cosmopolitan. I am arrived in America more often invited by the French Cultural Institute and from those of Italian ...».
How we managed, however, for centuries, and today in spite of everything to be the second industry of Europe and one of the first in the world, but with a country poor in resources and political unity? "Because we manage, we are used to hold on, to create, invent, invention is the Renaissance, the economic boom of the 60 invention. Do you know where it comes from the word kitsch by some etymologies? From sketches, the sketches to the good that the street artists sell to tourists English gentleman of the past. Even then laundered the glories, a marketing to the good. "
And today? Fabio Fazio asked to Eco, the star of the avant-garde Gruppo '63, working with "Espresso" and "Manifesto", if the word "desperate" used by the Sun to review his latest novel and had guessed the answer, on TV, as here, is the same: "Getting older and we do pessimists. Prodi had left the paper and burned it twice, just for those ancestral feuding faction. And the right has a leader who represents many Italians want their tics and gives the illusion of being in modernity, but then did not overturn the country. There should be a Committee of Public Safety, a government unit that would work on problems, but I do not see politicians or public opinion, capable to generate it. "
despair or pessimism Umberto Eco away from work: "Young people read them, Amman, Nine, the Avallone, are good. Just go to the movies instead, only the classics. When the magazine is reborn "Alphabet" I asked that the committees were made up of young graduates in Bologna, Turin, Rome, to give opportunities to many young full of wit and critical sense. But the fact is passed by the newest political TV, Come away with me by Fabio Fazio and Roberto Saviano. In addition to the ideologies of the twentieth century, m'รจ seemed a way to look beyond politics, beyond party, looking for the culture that unites us. " It was, for Eco, a birthday present Italy, on the birthday number 150
Umberto Eco I've got to write, bitterly disputing against sull'Urfascismo his essay that, although of poor quality (or perhaps because of it), is considered one of the must- left the drawing-room conversation pret a penser (the article in question is located in the glosses): http://cato-maior.blogspot.com/2010/07/quandoque-bonus-dormitat-ecus.html
But, as has I wrote in that same article, Eco is one of our greatest intellectuals.
In this interview with Gianni Riotta we can see both sides of the illustrious Alexandrian semiologist: on one hand the brilliant professor who, in a few phrases, explains better than a treatise on sociology social dynamics unleashed the first since the invention of television - with the sharp reflection of the beautiful and dell'abbruttimento of beautification of the brutes - and then the Internet (standing ovation from his description of the brain ignorant left a prey to conspiracy sites).
other hand, the intellectual irredeemability progressive, that does not give up their very thick single vision lenses to watch the Italian reality. If the benevolent puzzling definition of professional and bureaucratic governments Prodi, considered a 'burnt paper', in short, a wasted chance for the left, surprising that an intelligent person Eco touches on the ridiculous as saying without irony that 'Come with me' (transmission that is all in all I liked it, mind you) can be considered "a way to check the culture that unites us." In the face of some unfathomable mysteries that lurk in the depths of the psyche of even the most exalted minds of our national progressivism, I raise the white flag.
Giovanni Sartori
If Berlusconi does not laugh (at least until December 15) the next Bersani and surroundings can only cry. When the Democratic Party was the PC-from Togliatti to Berlinguer - the cursus honorum, career, was strictly regulated: first experience in local government, then, for the best, the national parliament. Everything was decided by the secretariat of the party and, ultimately, by his secretary. Then no one dared to say and even think that the Pajetta Terracini and at that time had to be "scrapped" to retire because they are elderly. And if Togliatti had not died early, nobody would have challenged even 90 years. Yet that Pc, on the whole "anzianotto 'came to achieve a third of the votes of Italians and almost overtake the Democrats.
Compared to its golden age left our post-communist leader exhibits relatively young, by D'Alema and Fassino Veltroni Bersani. No old man. Yet the mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi (35 years) and the governor of Puglia Vendola (52 years) called them "old stuff", material from retirement. Their word is on the young people, namely yourself. In the story, always and everywhere, the youthfulness is rare. The youthful restlessness begin with the Sturm und Drang (storm and assault) of the early Romantics, and in Italy, with futurism and fascism. But they were wisps. Revolutions are often promoted by young people, young people, however, cling to power until death. When the USSR broke up the most outstanding gerontocracy (Government of the old) in the world.
I said that the youth can not last. It is so by force, because young people become old. But it is also a good thing. Young people bring an item - energy - that older people have more, but older people make the element that young people still do not have, and that experience and knowledge. In short, youth is energy without knowing, without knowing seniority is power. The civilization fell to senescence and when it becomes gerontocracy. However, no civilization has ever emerged a paidocrazia, from the power of youth. At this time the school is in turmoil and young people are fighting against reform of the university. It is a reform without money, and this is his most serious limitation. But, money aside, the Gelmini reform is not a bad reform. And it is a necessary reform that addresses the legislative nonsense and abuse 'barons' in decades.
I do not know if the build is in turmoil, Barbara Spinelli writes in La Repubblica, a "generation burned." But it is certainly a generation brought up by the promise of nonsense "rising expectations." Yes, today's youth will have a hard life. But it was hard even the lives of young people found themselves, after the last war, a devastated country and a future that seemed to be without. We, the youth of that time, we managed. But young people today who are fighting against the university reform Gelmini fighting for its own damage and for their evil.
If a fierce Florentine (perhaps tautological expression) as Professor Sartori, fiercely hostile to Berlusconi, is able to say - of course, in passing - that the university reform Gelmini is not bad, should we begin to wonder if the Minister 's Education has not done a good job.
But the item that interests me point out in this article is the defense of old age, or at least maturity, made from old Sartori. Bravo. With a note.
Constitutionalist money order, the professor did not show much of a scholar of social phenomena.
crab takes a glaring fact, when he writes: " I said that the youth can not last. It is so by force, because young people become old (...) no civilization has ever emerged from a paidocrazia, by the power of youth. "
Sartori is confusion among the youth, chronological phenomenon that does not last, and to youth, that is the glorification of youth as a value in itself, weltanschauung reigning for nearly four decades.
Our society is increasingly erecting on the foundations of paidocrazia, despite what he says Sartori. The paidocrazia wins because those who are not young now, does everything to show it.
And most of today's social and psychological dynamics are the result of this vision.
But plenty of what I wrote elsewhere, I refer you to the item 'Zeitgeist' of the Breviary Minimum, and the editorial "De juventute.
Don Paolo Farinella
's former candidate for mayor now says he will not vote confidence. But can you believe it? Of course, accept the 'invitation to dinner has been shown to have the stomach. The senator tried the white truffle that was pretty to look at and delicious to the taste and after eating, ate and drank well, offered to the confidence vote, perhaps in exchange for the mayor's chair. Today, the senator says he will not vote the confidence to believe him or not? Ah, know! 30/11/2010 The Senator Enrico Musso, a former candidate and former mayor of Genoa PDL receives a dinner invitation from his former boss, Maurizio Gasparri and his former deputy Gaetano Quagliariello, two that no doctor would recommend either before or after meals , otherwise the 'expulsion from' register. We see that Senator has good stomach and digestion of 'steel. The white truffle was intended to convince the senator Musso, ahead of the December 14 vote of confidence in the Berlusconi government that a few days before he was discouraged in their personal capacity, transmigrating in the mixed group of the Senate, shocked to notice only after sixteen years that Berlusconi is not liberal. The senator is always polite, but nobody can understand how it can sit at the table along with two that anthropological structure "before, during and post" because they confuse the truth with lies. The senator denied any vote trading and now is publicly committed to vote for censure. What happened? The senator at the beginning of his career was struck on his way policy from the liberal program of the Berlusconi government and married him without even a day of engagement: love at first sight. It is a mystery: one that is credited with coining the liberal, is at ease with the "libbbberale" Arcore, except that everything is liberal. Apart from all those pinzillacchere market tampered with from loans of the mafias, the trifles of dangerous friendships, conflict of interest, corruption as an economic system, etc.. Musso's liberalism does not allow for hesitation. On this road liberal, heralds a bright future, the senator, the Senate reached the bench, almost all the votes illiberal laws that favor the interests of the person and the head master, but a couple, so for stand out a bit 'or perhaps to silence the conscience that perhaps inadvertently biting. Then the miracle: the senator regained his sight and discovers that Berlusconi is not liberal, that the program is illiberal and even the party that designated him is illiberal, it is assumed that his election has been illiberal, because no one could "click" with the electoral law passed illiberal illiberal and desired by four parties, especially his. It's nice to be liberal democracy in name, in a monopoly market (for the interests of the owner) in a government that has eliminated the timid liberalization of Communist Bersani that he wanted at all costs try to be liberal. They are the liberal as Senator, which decriminalized false accounting, eliminate the judges to eliminate the jobs (if not, threaten the civil war), fuel economy drugged, provide a program that does not exist and distort the state budget (it seems that the debt still rises and require additional heavy maneuver: bet, Senator!). Liberals do not hesitate to say for years that all is well and that the crisis there 'is, only to give a face and put the blame on the communists who are always ready and comfortable as needed. The senator, then, after leaving the party and the entry into the joint group of the Senate, was preparing to vote confidence in Berlusconi December 14, 2010, but must make a public statement to ensure instead he will vote no confidence. I do not know who or what has caused this sudden change again, but I'm beginning to believe that its ranks began the race to "every man for himself." If Musso become mayor, will be consistent as a Senator, up in agony. Congratulations, Senator! Ad meliora! Good night, Genova!
* * * *
I had no idea who this Don Paolo Farinella. The 'don' catch me unprepared. Three possibilities: a noble, a Mafioso, a priest. Despite his words - ugly, partisan, deeply insincere - not testify in favor of the third hypothesis, I found that it is a priest of Holy Mother Church. Offhand, I thought I understood why people go to church less and less, with priests like this: instead of caring for the souls of their people write about the Republic (and warn the reply: no, I do not think the two things can really go hand in hand, seeing what he writes).
But, practicing Catholic, I immediately regretted this evil.
Then I repented of repentance, when browsing the web looking for news about this Don Paul, I discovered a letter from him. He had addressed to his bishop, Cardinal Bagnasco, and intimidating (by hypothesis number two) had ordered to answer, otherwise after a week would make public the message. How did it. A letter from the typical tone of a priest engaged in 'social policy' (for some reason, I have the vague impression that it is the priests who wander around in jeans and a sweater, rather than habit, habit or clergyman), with a violent - and however justified - charges against certain personal behavior of politicians, but politicians of the right-handed deployment means.
But what struck me about this letter, which is explicitly intended to lead the Cardinal to declare that only the left is the repository of Catholic values, is a passage in which, welcoming the fact that Benedict XVI has declared the end of capitalism, Farinella, forced to admit that The Pope obviously considered also failed Marxism, glossed with a very significant sentence: " Benedict XVI (...) maybe he meant the Marxist ideological and historical, as done in Sovietism . In short, one of many Marxists that the real Marxism has not been applied, long live the true Marxism.
This is the author of the article.
In the text of which takes issue with one of the few parliamentarians to examine our national political landscape, Enrico Musso. Reo, indeed convicted by the Tribunal of the respective personal Inquisition Don Paolo Farinella, of being elected by the Devil, that lists the PDL dell'impresentabile Berlusconi. How can the priest says, to declare a Liberal (former) member of the People of Freedom? I will not long, but I swear I can, as it could do so even those who belonged to a moderate party of the left. Liberalism is a theoretical system, a culture, not a dogmatic church, clerics of red or blacks.
Musso is a liberal, if you let the stress dear Farinella. It is an honor, or appreciation, but the finding of fact.
How is a fact that Don Paolo Musso on maramaldeggi lazy, with a deletion large enough to become a true lie. In fact, reading his article one gets the impression that Musso sit in Parliament with Berlusconi since time immemorial, and that his alleged repentance is only the result of fear of mice, which leaves the ship in distress to get on the run.
It 's true the opposite.
I'm not a blind fan of Musso (I wrote him a letter in the past to quiet critics, for other events, which has not ever taken the trouble to respond), but his political history is obvious to anyone who has given penalty to follow, especially from Genoa.
Musso is a liberal intellectual who sits in parliament for only two years (I repeat for Farinella and his readers: two years), during which time has spared no criticism of his party, well before the ship sank I do not say (which may not sink) but he started pitching.
His independence of thought is that - again in very difficult times - his candidacy for mayor of Genoa, which frightens the progressive Don Paul, was sunk by the Journal and the hard-core Berlusconi, who objected to Professor Musso precisely its lack of orthodoxy against the party. So I had not
Musso, but the truth.
Why, certainly knows how to don Farinella, " The truth shall make you free" (John 8-32).
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