Easy prediction on the outcome of blasphemy on television
You will not believe, but I knew how it would end.
I read yesterday a titoletto on various websites (obviously the news they deemed important).
A participant in Big Brother had blasphemed during the program and were at risk of elimination.
fact, to date all participants so-called reality show caught snuffed were regularly hunted. (more. ..)
But in our society, rivers beneath the bridges of morals and customs run very fast. And, without wishing to disturb Heraclitus, I imagined that the blasphemer in question would not have bathed in the same waters in which they were caught out last year and deported to other equally blasphemous made.
I read today about the usual short I propina Virgil soon as you open the server, the guy who was pardoned by the television production.
No expulsion.
I would abstain from any religious comment, because unfortunately the blasphemy thrive on the lips of many believers, or those self-styled.
It seems to me rather conclusively opine that the terms are blasphemous, even by an atheist point of view, the ultimate vulgarity.
not you agree? Then we set a try.
Do you have a child of seven years. Comes home and complains about his school day. Imagine your disappointment if the infant infarcisse his comments with words and heavy bloom.
Now, however, do them a mouth sounding blasphemy. What do you do? I would say worse. Much worse.
fact, while the bad word - in certain contexts, adults, even educated - is justified by improved flavor, for a force of figurative representation of states of mind than normal terms of the current language 'for good', blasphemy is the logical point of view, not to make a vacuum.
For the believer, the insult to God can only be the ultimate evil of the word, as an atheist for the mockery of an institution invented is a sheer nonsense.
Add to this a curse that hurt the sensibilities of believers have to listen. Especially in a country with a Catholic majority.
Blasphemy live video, then offends millions of people at once. It is an example. His punishment is mere pedagogy, even without wanting to bring up the Two Chief World Systems.
There is good reason to exclude from the powerful half those who have blasphemed.
It's not a right, go on television.
Not the prison, damn, come away.
Or maybe yes.
I read yesterday a titoletto on various websites (obviously the news they deemed important).
A participant in Big Brother had blasphemed during the program and were at risk of elimination.
fact, to date all participants so-called reality show caught snuffed were regularly hunted. (more. ..)
But in our society, rivers beneath the bridges of morals and customs run very fast. And, without wishing to disturb Heraclitus, I imagined that the blasphemer in question would not have bathed in the same waters in which they were caught out last year and deported to other equally blasphemous made.
I read today about the usual short I propina Virgil soon as you open the server, the guy who was pardoned by the television production.
No expulsion.
I would abstain from any religious comment, because unfortunately the blasphemy thrive on the lips of many believers, or those self-styled.
It seems to me rather conclusively opine that the terms are blasphemous, even by an atheist point of view, the ultimate vulgarity.
not you agree? Then we set a try.
Do you have a child of seven years. Comes home and complains about his school day. Imagine your disappointment if the infant infarcisse his comments with words and heavy bloom.
Now, however, do them a mouth sounding blasphemy. What do you do? I would say worse. Much worse.
fact, while the bad word - in certain contexts, adults, even educated - is justified by improved flavor, for a force of figurative representation of states of mind than normal terms of the current language 'for good', blasphemy is the logical point of view, not to make a vacuum.
For the believer, the insult to God can only be the ultimate evil of the word, as an atheist for the mockery of an institution invented is a sheer nonsense.
Add to this a curse that hurt the sensibilities of believers have to listen. Especially in a country with a Catholic majority.
Blasphemy live video, then offends millions of people at once. It is an example. His punishment is mere pedagogy, even without wanting to bring up the Two Chief World Systems.
There is good reason to exclude from the powerful half those who have blasphemed.
It's not a right, go on television.
Not the prison, damn, come away.
Or maybe yes.
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