We wrote the Speaker of the House: some surprises
Dear Poerio,
Dear Poerio,
defeat is the coat of arms of noble souls, "said Cervantes. I would do my utmost
this if I did not fear the risk of being mistaken for a hidalgo insane who fought in vain with the windmills, venendone thrown.
My battle is not over; admit the debacle, but my horse is just lame, and I am and I intend to stay in the saddle.
I address this letter to Cato Maior and his readers for two reasons.
First, it is a place not at least neutral if not partisan, cultural and political sense oriented towards a conservative line, in part, I agree.
Second, in the recent past, even the prime minister took advantage of the hospitality of the Cato Maior to express and defend their ideas, using a trick (on the other hand, was not the first nor the last): got in his letter ascribed to the category of apocrypha.
I am, by nature, far away from tricks like that, and I have recently been shown to not be afraid to expose myself to all my ideas. However, it's my institutional role as Speaker of the House (on which I will return later) to request and to some extent to impose a degree of discretion.
will ask therefore, in spite of myself, to use against me the same courtesy given to the Premier. (more. ..)
to reward them for this courtesy, will submit to you and your readers some conclusions which I have never understood, until now, no body to share information.
from the beginning.
My most ardent detractors accuse me of having betrayed the most benevolent of you have completely changed my ideas.
The first is a false accusation. The second, we must clarify some issues.
are still convinced that he never betrayed the values \u200b\u200bof a modern right, for which they have been voted two years ago. I left the coalition with which I was elected, this is true. But I ask myself who can argue with what he would do if, after having planned and organized a trip with a co-pilot, found out that this is going in a completely wrong direction. I tried to change his route: he has thrown off the moving car. I had to give up the trip? Would not it be, that the true betrayal of those who believed and still believe in me?
I found another way, smaller, but I continued to the destination. I do not know who else called it consistently.
What I want to prevent my former traveling companion to get to the end, it is clear, since the means that guide also contains a few tens of millions of Italians.
The accusation that he had changed his mind, I will not shuffle the cards: it is true, but only in part.
First, I think it's time to say a great truth, I have so far been silent.
I've never been a fascist.
is not a statement of comfortable, Veltroni: anything, since this statement I will present the only accusation of betrayal that perhaps merit, that people coming from MSI which for so many years I led and represented.
even then I was not fascist, decades ago, when I claimed to be.
I had tried many years ago, let it leak out this shocking truth, when I said publicly that my subscription to the Social Movement was an instinctive reaction to the fact that a boy, some boys left mob prevented me from entering a cinema to see Beanies Verdi, war film starring John Wayne.
In those sad years, even those who buy the paper to Indro Montanelli (Montanelli and himself) were labeled as fascist.
I took advantage of: Fascism was wanting to see the film an American actor, who played the conservative values \u200b\u200bof the United States?
time I was a fascist. So I kept saying, after having, in a fit of rage, the MSI card.
And so I continued to tell me, while I was inside the MSI career.
was the left, ie intellectuals el'establishment of those years, my little deception to justify, indeed to not even make it such.
I was an opportunist? Perhaps, and surely. But I do not remember any great leader who has not been so.
Rauti yes, he was a true fascist, in the etymological sense of the word: fascism that belonged to some 'socialistoide that has always been the true spirit of Mussolini and his regime (which in fact established without problems 'absolute evil').
But I overcame the convention. And no other deceptions. All
admired my cold and my polemic. By Fascists, mindful of the charisma of Il Duce and Giorgio Almirante, believed that a good speaker was in itself a hallmark.
And wrong. I brought the social movement from small parties to large irrelevant post of the Second Republic.
course Tangentopoli gave me a hand to those who might steal my, who could be corrupted if we all were, by definition, the unpresentable, the untouchables, the plague of the First Republic? To commit crimes, we would even had the chance.
so we came out to head up the investigations and the mud, where even before the League of Bossi. That was the springboard.
Then there was 'he', of course.
Berlusconi has convinced me of duty. And, for the election of the mayor of Rome, it is true.
Due to its explanation of vote came a breath away from victory against democraticissimo Rutelli (Ironically, now my ally: he imposes no arguments).
But I had already embarked on a journey that Berlusconi sped up. I understood that in a world that was collapsing under the ruins of the palaces of the metaphorical power, only those who had hitherto been excluded could have some chance to work to rebuild. Even without
Berlusconi, it is certain Poerio dear, I made my appearances to the transmission of Funari, who became the real starting point for media coverage of the Second Republic.
Moreover, since it was not fascist, for me it was all very easy.
Journalists described my political career as a crossing in the desert, but it was personally a walk. I do not deny anything, because I never believed any fetish littorio.
Of course, the management team who followed me for years was handled with care, but was coveted by all (I say this without malice) can finally play the part of actors in a political arena in which, until then, we were only pariahs.
Who was fascist, it was, but he stopped dreaming about the Empire fatal hills, to the Minister and to review the military. Does it take?
At this point, however, I have to make another admission.
A profound change in me, sincere, then it really happened.
not about fascism, but some of my positions over the years, under the eyes of all, have undergone what not hesitate to call a positive development.
I speak of my conception of rights, of my respect for women and for the weak, for many, the last.
I mention all the new universe of feelings that brought me the gift of love.
Everybody knows, and I do not want to omit that by my side is, for some years, a wonderful woman.
I met her later, and I regret it, but fate has placed in my way this blonde volcano that has contributed so much to my change. A gentle yet strong woman, confident of its own means and opposing any discrimination here is the engine that has driven my career in recent years.
You want a woman who could choose for me those ties a bit 'too much and above all to convince me to wear them despite the general jokes that I expose, would not have been able to make me understand the mistakes of an old male like myself?
that I would open my eyes - giving me two children at an age when I never thought that I was going to happen anything like that - the importance of managing their lives freely, beyond the strict rules that biology, society and the church seek to impose on us? I have, so to speak, secularized, and - given that law called right - even a little democratized. I'm proud.
Of course, Elizabeth takes the family and, since I love her, too.
His brother has caused me great embarrassment, but thankfully my antiberlusconismo gave me a sort of immunity which, at other times, I would not even remotely dreamed of.
But the battle on my new staff led Berlusconi was uncivilized.
Because he, now, hate me. Not me.
And my hate with the intensity of the man who once loved me. I have not tried but never affection toward her. Only a few points of annoyance, contempt mutatasi now.
Look with your eyes on the Youtube video in which, many years ago and firmly association, the Kapo gave Berlusconi a Belgian MP during a session dell'Europarlamento.
I was there, beside him. Look at my face: I did not do anything, then, to hide cameras to my disappointment. I never
estimated Berlusconi, that forced his hilarious and playfulness, that amateurism populist instincts of the masses tickling promising bread and circuses. But most of all I never appreciated his business, that it was not any cultural or political reasons.
I never laughed at his jokes, at most, I have reserved a grimace slightly accommodative. When
, driven by circumstances and by my own colonels, accepted the merger, I committed an error, because this way I lost my only chance to still be considered by him a free person. After that act, his eyes became one of the many employees of his company policy.
He was wrong.
Until then, we had a profitable relationship for both: Berlusconi had just served me, and I was served to him. We used, as is normal in politics. Only that while he feels good, do not admit it, even to himself (Montanelli was right when he wrote that the first victim of the lies of gullible Berlusconi, Berlusconi was the same). So
prefer to think of us as a link too emotional, and mine as a betrayal. The
makes it easier, however, it is with this pathetic affections motion recited urbi et orbi that will blow me away.
But it will not.
It 's true, I lost my battle on trust.
Here I can say it: I was wrong spectacularly.
I let myself be led by Berlusconi in his field, as dictated by the belly of improvisation. At first I
resisted. He attacked me dissennatamente, and I replied coldly noting my firm position in the center right. The worn, the ambushes and traps.
I was the balance.
Then something happened inside me. I can not explain, if not antiberlusconiane putting together the suggestions that I came from many sides: by the common people, and even more from newspapers and intellectuals of the establishment: the same intelligentsia that I had considered until recently plagued the first time, I now pointed out as the savior of his country, the hero who would bring down the tyrant. Who continued his grueling campaign rounds of insults directed at me and my family. I succumbed. I took the sling and I pulled a Goliath. But I was wrong target.
Perhaps, once again I have trusted too much in my new colonels, as in the time of the merger with Italy Force did with the old. Those, they wanted a single party, greater visibility and a new presentability, such a new party, and a power that until then would not have dreamed. Bocchino, Grenada, Briguglio: Do \u200b\u200bnot you ever seen them at the head of a department within a coalition in which they only lieutenant. But
Fli could do a click of a degree. For this fervently blowing the flames of hatred, they loaded the people and they were loaded, and prevented me from carrying out my strategy with cold calculation.
And here we are today.
Berlusconi won. Viva Berlusconi? Of course not.
wants to destroy me, my party will literally crumble, as she began to do during the vote on censure.
Between ourselves, I had to wait for me, because, paradoxically, the most faithful to the line I said from the beginning were just doves. I had criticized the coalition drawing attention to its membership. On this basis, I had followed. They were the hawks who wanted the break because a rapprochement would lose their power.
's why I fear that the Prime Minister has very good arrows to his bow, and I made time for the formation of a Polo Casini national and Williams: I need more numbers, which make it less obvious any other defections.
What will happen now?
Frankly, I must confess that I have no idea. We will continue our battle, it is certain, preparing, seriously this time, a painful journey through the desert.
They ask me to resign as President of the Chamber. But it would be suicide. Because it is only from this position of institutional prestige that I can keep alive the flame of my visibility, and therefore my own battle.
Otherwise, from a simple MP, the regime televisions have an easy time to relegate to a semi-anonymity.
is not correct, from an institutional point of view? Not I know, I know that no one has so far been able to challenge the impartial way in which, here I have done my duty to address the work, and so all I need.
Who do you recommend resignation to a sort of political expediency, I say, invoking the equal opportunity policy to not give her.
Time is honest. I am convinced that the Italians will understand my reasons, and forgetting my wrongs, if any were.
for a while 'time I will live for the day, perhaps, but I live: it is a certainty.
I still have in my mind, a lot of confidence in Italy and in Italian, and I am convinced that the hope in their hearts that beat will be increasingly directed towards a country that looks forward, to the Future, without fear and in the name of true freedom.
Sincerely, Gianfranco Fini
My battle is not over; admit the debacle, but my horse is just lame, and I am and I intend to stay in the saddle.
I address this letter to Cato Maior and his readers for two reasons.
First, it is a place not at least neutral if not partisan, cultural and political sense oriented towards a conservative line, in part, I agree.
Second, in the recent past, even the prime minister took advantage of the hospitality of the Cato Maior to express and defend their ideas, using a trick (on the other hand, was not the first nor the last): got in his letter ascribed to the category of apocrypha.
I am, by nature, far away from tricks like that, and I have recently been shown to not be afraid to expose myself to all my ideas. However, it's my institutional role as Speaker of the House (on which I will return later) to request and to some extent to impose a degree of discretion.
will ask therefore, in spite of myself, to use against me the same courtesy given to the Premier. (more. ..)
to reward them for this courtesy, will submit to you and your readers some conclusions which I have never understood, until now, no body to share information.
from the beginning.
My most ardent detractors accuse me of having betrayed the most benevolent of you have completely changed my ideas.
The first is a false accusation. The second, we must clarify some issues.
are still convinced that he never betrayed the values \u200b\u200bof a modern right, for which they have been voted two years ago. I left the coalition with which I was elected, this is true. But I ask myself who can argue with what he would do if, after having planned and organized a trip with a co-pilot, found out that this is going in a completely wrong direction. I tried to change his route: he has thrown off the moving car. I had to give up the trip? Would not it be, that the true betrayal of those who believed and still believe in me?
I found another way, smaller, but I continued to the destination. I do not know who else called it consistently.
What I want to prevent my former traveling companion to get to the end, it is clear, since the means that guide also contains a few tens of millions of Italians.
The accusation that he had changed his mind, I will not shuffle the cards: it is true, but only in part.
First, I think it's time to say a great truth, I have so far been silent.
I've never been a fascist.
is not a statement of comfortable, Veltroni: anything, since this statement I will present the only accusation of betrayal that perhaps merit, that people coming from MSI which for so many years I led and represented.
even then I was not fascist, decades ago, when I claimed to be.
I had tried many years ago, let it leak out this shocking truth, when I said publicly that my subscription to the Social Movement was an instinctive reaction to the fact that a boy, some boys left mob prevented me from entering a cinema to see Beanies Verdi, war film starring John Wayne.
In those sad years, even those who buy the paper to Indro Montanelli (Montanelli and himself) were labeled as fascist.
I took advantage of: Fascism was wanting to see the film an American actor, who played the conservative values \u200b\u200bof the United States?
time I was a fascist. So I kept saying, after having, in a fit of rage, the MSI card.
And so I continued to tell me, while I was inside the MSI career.
was the left, ie intellectuals el'establishment of those years, my little deception to justify, indeed to not even make it such.
I was an opportunist? Perhaps, and surely. But I do not remember any great leader who has not been so.
Rauti yes, he was a true fascist, in the etymological sense of the word: fascism that belonged to some 'socialistoide that has always been the true spirit of Mussolini and his regime (which in fact established without problems 'absolute evil').
But I overcame the convention. And no other deceptions. All
admired my cold and my polemic. By Fascists, mindful of the charisma of Il Duce and Giorgio Almirante, believed that a good speaker was in itself a hallmark.
And wrong. I brought the social movement from small parties to large irrelevant post of the Second Republic.
course Tangentopoli gave me a hand to those who might steal my, who could be corrupted if we all were, by definition, the unpresentable, the untouchables, the plague of the First Republic? To commit crimes, we would even had the chance.
so we came out to head up the investigations and the mud, where even before the League of Bossi. That was the springboard.
Then there was 'he', of course.
Berlusconi has convinced me of duty. And, for the election of the mayor of Rome, it is true.
Due to its explanation of vote came a breath away from victory against democraticissimo Rutelli (Ironically, now my ally: he imposes no arguments).
But I had already embarked on a journey that Berlusconi sped up. I understood that in a world that was collapsing under the ruins of the palaces of the metaphorical power, only those who had hitherto been excluded could have some chance to work to rebuild. Even without
Berlusconi, it is certain Poerio dear, I made my appearances to the transmission of Funari, who became the real starting point for media coverage of the Second Republic.
Moreover, since it was not fascist, for me it was all very easy.
Journalists described my political career as a crossing in the desert, but it was personally a walk. I do not deny anything, because I never believed any fetish littorio.
Of course, the management team who followed me for years was handled with care, but was coveted by all (I say this without malice) can finally play the part of actors in a political arena in which, until then, we were only pariahs.
Who was fascist, it was, but he stopped dreaming about the Empire fatal hills, to the Minister and to review the military. Does it take?
At this point, however, I have to make another admission.
A profound change in me, sincere, then it really happened.
not about fascism, but some of my positions over the years, under the eyes of all, have undergone what not hesitate to call a positive development.
I speak of my conception of rights, of my respect for women and for the weak, for many, the last.
I mention all the new universe of feelings that brought me the gift of love.
Everybody knows, and I do not want to omit that by my side is, for some years, a wonderful woman.
I met her later, and I regret it, but fate has placed in my way this blonde volcano that has contributed so much to my change. A gentle yet strong woman, confident of its own means and opposing any discrimination here is the engine that has driven my career in recent years.
You want a woman who could choose for me those ties a bit 'too much and above all to convince me to wear them despite the general jokes that I expose, would not have been able to make me understand the mistakes of an old male like myself?
that I would open my eyes - giving me two children at an age when I never thought that I was going to happen anything like that - the importance of managing their lives freely, beyond the strict rules that biology, society and the church seek to impose on us? I have, so to speak, secularized, and - given that law called right - even a little democratized. I'm proud.
Of course, Elizabeth takes the family and, since I love her, too.
His brother has caused me great embarrassment, but thankfully my antiberlusconismo gave me a sort of immunity which, at other times, I would not even remotely dreamed of.
But the battle on my new staff led Berlusconi was uncivilized.
Because he, now, hate me. Not me.
And my hate with the intensity of the man who once loved me. I have not tried but never affection toward her. Only a few points of annoyance, contempt mutatasi now.
Look with your eyes on the Youtube video in which, many years ago and firmly association, the Kapo gave Berlusconi a Belgian MP during a session dell'Europarlamento.
I was there, beside him. Look at my face: I did not do anything, then, to hide cameras to my disappointment. I never
estimated Berlusconi, that forced his hilarious and playfulness, that amateurism populist instincts of the masses tickling promising bread and circuses. But most of all I never appreciated his business, that it was not any cultural or political reasons.
I never laughed at his jokes, at most, I have reserved a grimace slightly accommodative. When
, driven by circumstances and by my own colonels, accepted the merger, I committed an error, because this way I lost my only chance to still be considered by him a free person. After that act, his eyes became one of the many employees of his company policy.
He was wrong.
Until then, we had a profitable relationship for both: Berlusconi had just served me, and I was served to him. We used, as is normal in politics. Only that while he feels good, do not admit it, even to himself (Montanelli was right when he wrote that the first victim of the lies of gullible Berlusconi, Berlusconi was the same). So
prefer to think of us as a link too emotional, and mine as a betrayal. The
makes it easier, however, it is with this pathetic affections motion recited urbi et orbi that will blow me away.
But it will not.
It 's true, I lost my battle on trust.
Here I can say it: I was wrong spectacularly.
I let myself be led by Berlusconi in his field, as dictated by the belly of improvisation. At first I
resisted. He attacked me dissennatamente, and I replied coldly noting my firm position in the center right. The worn, the ambushes and traps.
I was the balance.
Then something happened inside me. I can not explain, if not antiberlusconiane putting together the suggestions that I came from many sides: by the common people, and even more from newspapers and intellectuals of the establishment: the same intelligentsia that I had considered until recently plagued the first time, I now pointed out as the savior of his country, the hero who would bring down the tyrant. Who continued his grueling campaign rounds of insults directed at me and my family. I succumbed. I took the sling and I pulled a Goliath. But I was wrong target.
Perhaps, once again I have trusted too much in my new colonels, as in the time of the merger with Italy Force did with the old. Those, they wanted a single party, greater visibility and a new presentability, such a new party, and a power that until then would not have dreamed. Bocchino, Grenada, Briguglio: Do \u200b\u200bnot you ever seen them at the head of a department within a coalition in which they only lieutenant. But
Fli could do a click of a degree. For this fervently blowing the flames of hatred, they loaded the people and they were loaded, and prevented me from carrying out my strategy with cold calculation.
And here we are today.
Berlusconi won. Viva Berlusconi? Of course not.
wants to destroy me, my party will literally crumble, as she began to do during the vote on censure.
Between ourselves, I had to wait for me, because, paradoxically, the most faithful to the line I said from the beginning were just doves. I had criticized the coalition drawing attention to its membership. On this basis, I had followed. They were the hawks who wanted the break because a rapprochement would lose their power.
's why I fear that the Prime Minister has very good arrows to his bow, and I made time for the formation of a Polo Casini national and Williams: I need more numbers, which make it less obvious any other defections.
What will happen now?
Frankly, I must confess that I have no idea. We will continue our battle, it is certain, preparing, seriously this time, a painful journey through the desert.
They ask me to resign as President of the Chamber. But it would be suicide. Because it is only from this position of institutional prestige that I can keep alive the flame of my visibility, and therefore my own battle.
Otherwise, from a simple MP, the regime televisions have an easy time to relegate to a semi-anonymity.
is not correct, from an institutional point of view? Not I know, I know that no one has so far been able to challenge the impartial way in which, here I have done my duty to address the work, and so all I need.
Who do you recommend resignation to a sort of political expediency, I say, invoking the equal opportunity policy to not give her.
Time is honest. I am convinced that the Italians will understand my reasons, and forgetting my wrongs, if any were.
for a while 'time I will live for the day, perhaps, but I live: it is a certainty.
I still have in my mind, a lot of confidence in Italy and in Italian, and I am convinced that the hope in their hearts that beat will be increasingly directed towards a country that looks forward, to the Future, without fear and in the name of true freedom.
Sincerely, Gianfranco Fini
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