How does the champion of an ethical battle?
Julian Assange, Wikileaks's mind, was arrested in London after being formed.
The offense has nothing to do with state secrets revealed (Assange is not an American citizen), but concerns a presumed double rape. From what you have read the newspapers, it seems to be ridiculous accusations, with peaks of grotesque rape in a case, would consist in the fact that during a consensual relationship between a girl and Assange, Sweden, is broken the condom, the girl says it is a non-accidental breakage. This, even if proven true (and I wonder how), as it constitutes sexual assault, and give life to a request for international arrest by the Swedish justice, at least put a question on legislation in force in the civilized (you always say so) the Scandinavian countries. But let's leave and go to the point. (more. ..)
That is not, of course, if Assange acquitted or convicted of rape (although, in other circumstances, it is not a small matter), but what will the avenging angel of Wikileaks.
Will the United States to have it and prosecute him for "their" crimes?
Most importantly, the beatification of Assange you are setting in motion these days, how far will it arrive?
Already we hear some voices calling for Assange the aura of a martyr of freedom of thought.
And I speak of some leading figure as the director Ken Loach, but just look at the jungle of the Internet to understand how the people of the web has already found its hero, and be moved. Sites, comments, blogs, threw themselves headlong into battle, the Aussie would be a sort of champion of the oppressed against the secret plots of the states.
Some speak of great journalism, others the beginning of a new era.
Thankfully, the Nobel Prize for Peace has already been assigned, because I suspect that we would otherwise run the risk of seeing their winning Julian Assange.
We're calm, and look at the facts. What
tell us that Assange made no great investigative journalism, did not spend nights in the open to feel informed, let alone to compare versions, examine, inquire, verify, reflect and write.
None of this. If anyone would like to take this story from a movie, could save the script: it would suffice to represent a soldier who hid in their base a few million copies of files on a disk and handed over to Assange, which shall disclose them. The end.
With what results?
An embarrassment of American diplomacy, which is suffering from the effects of image of the revelation of a myriad of annoying open secrets, that is reserved for comments - Often savory - that officials send diplomats abroad to the U.S. secretary of state. And these comments apply to information or ideas learned not with sophisticated intelligence, but simply by reading local newspapers and some chat.
But, if the damage is minimal, the offense is a maximum.
I do not want the bloggers around the world, perhaps to prove Assange admiration that is the result of excessive and unrealistic un'agognata identification, but what has made the Australian reporter is, trivially, a crime not just . E 'come into possession, not for its merits, the secret files of a democratic state, this stolen through theft.
If you think a champion of freedom, the day was on trial for knowingly violating the laws that I think would be normal to ask the consistency of the plot trying not to cry in some way out painlessly.
Because the first duty of those who makes a moral battle, which Assange has always claimed, is to courageously accept the consequences of their actions.
If I remember correctly, Socrates has not been rescued escaping from Athens, which condemned him unjustly.
Everything else is a bluff, although very well paid.
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