Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Salomon Earpad Removeable

Scilipoti DOCET

Derive policy based on giusitizialismo

Sometimes reality exceeds not only expectations but also the imagination.
When some years ago, in 1998, Antonio Di Pietro founded his party, Italy of Values, drive action and political rhetoric in the fight against all forms of corruption - even at the expense of the most basic principle of ensuring - few would have imagined that today, the agenda of public debate, and the front pages of major newspapers, it marked the bitter dispute erupted within Italy of Values \u200b\u200bon the moral issue of the party dipietresco.
The Hound of Montenero di Bisaccia, the bard of law, the national bogeyman, a champion of justice, the arch enemy of corruption, is mired in the quicksand of a domestic dispute charges that the attitudes and choices as less 'opaque' .
Robespierre has found his worthy Lambert. (more. ..)

E 'the infamous, brutal struggle for survival by purity: pure always finds its way a more pure, that the purges. We
, which we have seen so many old conservatives, we are surprised not that much.
We just smile at this small and pathetic paramaoista riot, in which the wild instincts and constantly tickling the leaders turned against him, driven by human calculations and shop at the service of a cannibalistic feud over succession. In the front row is Luigi De Magistris, its standard-bearer of the renewal pro domo.
What surprised me so far, however, is that the press have put us so long to understand the true meaning of 'affaire Scilipoti. That is the deputy of the past Italy of Values \u200b\u200b(and not only) in the Berlusconi camp.
of this grotesque affair, the progressive media have mostly just underlined the almost caricatured figure of the character in question, charging that paradoxically Scilipoti moral burden to the government that has come to vote ("You see how government support Berlusconi!") .
But what was the 'finger', to put it with the Chinese proverb.
The 'moon' was indicated that the party of Antonio Di Pietro counted (and probably still counts) characters of this kind among its ranks, and that Peter himself has candidly admitted quisque de populo a candidate who had the sole merit of have made him out among the crowd of adoring a provincial rally, wearing a T-shirt printed with the effigy of the star Toni.
If this is a worthy selection of the national political staff that must lead us out of the swamps of the Cayman, it is not difficult to understand why the hated plutocrat continue to stay on the crest of the wave for many years.
Waiting to know what will happen in the Ok Corral DiPietro (with the fun of the media parentheses executioner par excellence, Micromega, which - in the throes of an anxiety cleaning and t (n) ica-supports and fosters the all'Idv internal tensions), we enjoy the wonderful skirmishes in a chair of this party of manettari, ready to do anything to avenge his wounded honor.
then learn from the same DiPietro remained loyal to the head, that the head of 'IDV would have discovered that two members of parliament were investigated by the courts only after they have spent with Berlusconi - watch combination.
The icing on the cake, however, is the declaration of filodipietrista Bruno Tinti (yes, even a former judge), that turning against the 'conspiracy' allegations of immorality, he points out that the only well known exception to the policies of ' IDV - requiring the exclusion of the accused suspects - has so far been represented that its the main antagonist of Di Pietro, Luigi De Magistris, indicted in Salerno for the official acts of omission. I almost forgot: even speak to him, ça va sans dire , a former magistrate.

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Televisiun THE G 'has perhaps BESTEMMIUN

Easy prediction on the outcome of blasphemy on television

You will not believe, but I knew how it would end.
I read yesterday a titoletto on various websites (obviously the news they deemed important).
A participant in Big Brother had blasphemed during the program and were at risk of elimination.
fact, to date all participants so-called reality show caught snuffed were regularly hunted. (more. ..)

But in our society, rivers beneath the bridges of morals and customs run very fast. And, without wishing to disturb Heraclitus, I imagined that the blasphemer in question would not have bathed in the same waters in which they were caught out last year and deported to other equally blasphemous made.
I read today about the usual short I propina Virgil soon as you open the server, the guy who was pardoned by the television production.
No expulsion.
I would abstain from any religious comment, because unfortunately the blasphemy thrive on the lips of many believers, or those self-styled.
It seems to me rather conclusively opine that the terms are blasphemous, even by an atheist point of view, the ultimate vulgarity.
not you agree? Then we set a try.
Do you have a child of seven years. Comes home and complains about his school day. Imagine your disappointment if the infant infarcisse his comments with words and heavy bloom.
Now, however, do them a mouth sounding blasphemy. What do you do? I would say worse. Much worse.
fact, while the bad word - in certain contexts, adults, even educated - is justified by improved flavor, for a force of figurative representation of states of mind than normal terms of the current language 'for good', blasphemy is the logical point of view, not to make a vacuum.
For the believer, the insult to God can only be the ultimate evil of the word, as an atheist for the mockery of an institution invented is a sheer nonsense.
Add to this a curse that hurt the sensibilities of believers have to listen. Especially in a country with a Catholic majority.
Blasphemy live video, then offends millions of people at once. It is an example. His punishment is mere pedagogy, even without wanting to bring up the Two Chief World Systems.
There is good reason to exclude from the powerful half those who have blasphemed.
It's not a right, go on television.
Not the prison, damn, come away.
Or maybe yes.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

8 Month Old Loose Chesty Cough

The best and worst of the week, with gloss catoniana.

Every Saturday you will find one or more articles in the national press during the week, in my opinion deserve - for better and for worse-to be made available to readers catoniani, with a brief comment.
This week:

Corriere della Sera - Letter to Sergio Romano

To read the article click below

Reading your article on the vote of confidence granted to the government, I was frankly appalled. I refer in particular to the first part in which she considers useless "to quibble with acrimony" on how Berlusconi got the votes of some members. First of all, the word acrimony is absolutely out of place, ahead of heavy suspicions of vote-buying is the duty of every honest citizen to express their outrage and their suspicions. Secondly, faced with a situation of moral and political disintegration, should be just the voice of the people or historians like you to rise higher. I do not think that the fathers of the fatherland or the many children who have perished in the resistance efforts throughout what they had for an Italy in which a man like that, because of its economic power, can juggle at will the political life of a nation. This is not a matter of right, left or center but who has your back straight and the values \u200b\u200bof honesty and those who do not own them.

Dear Camerin, if you had the impression that the word "bitterness" expresses a certain discomfort to the parliamentary debate on the "bought and sold," she has got it right. I'll try to explain why. In all parliaments there are two contradictory requirements. The parties would like to see people elected on their lists in their name or remain aligned and faithful to the end the legislature. But we would like all the deputies and senators were free, responsible to their conscience and the ability to interpret the programs of their party in the light of political and economic developments in the country. Among the settlers of 1948, there were certainly political leaders who were counting on the obedience of their followers. But when he must choose between obedience and autonomy, they chose the latter and wrote into the Constitution that "every member of Parliament represents the nation and carries out his duties without a binding mandate." This article has allowed Gianfranco Fini to assume critical positions within the party with which he was elected and thirty friends to follow after the establishment of a new political force. Because, in principle, the same article should not allow some of these people to make subsequent, in other circumstances, the opposite choice? The vote of no confidence is much more than any show of dissent. It means the opening of a crisis, with no effects at the time of the vote, is able to predict. I guess his answer. You could argue that the passage of the field, in this case, it would have been hired and properly rewarded. Maybe. But I do not know democracy, beginning with the United States, in which the Member is not seeking to use its vote in the decisive moments, for what seems useful and appropriate. You might reply that in this case there would have been even cash rewards, ie the lowest level in the scale of political bargaining. Responds that there are at least wait for the certainty of a sentence, but hasten to add that I see behind these criminal investigations reinforce the belief that policy issues can be resolved in court. There is now a form of 'pan-law' that gives prosecutors and courts the task of "censorship of democracy." This is why I believe that the parliamentary debate on purchased should not even like the opposition parties.

Sergio Romano is my personal passion. How could it be otherwise with an intellectual who wrote a book called "Memoirs of a conservative"?
His style is precise, cold, surgery.
rarely let escape.
In my ideal government, former foreign minister would ambascitore Romano.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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We wrote the Speaker of the House: some surprises

Dear Poerio,
defeat is the coat of arms of noble souls, "said Cervantes. I would do my utmost
this if I did not fear the risk of being mistaken for a hidalgo insane who fought in vain with the windmills, venendone thrown.
My battle is not over; admit the debacle, but my horse is just lame, and I am and I intend to stay in the saddle.
I address this letter to Cato Maior and his readers for two reasons.
First, it is a place not at least neutral if not partisan, cultural and political sense oriented towards a conservative line, in part, I agree.
Second, in the recent past, even the prime minister took advantage of the hospitality of the Cato Maior to express and defend their ideas, using a trick (on the other hand, was not the first nor the last): got in his letter ascribed to the category of apocrypha.
I am, by nature, far away from tricks like that, and I have recently been shown to not be afraid to expose myself to all my ideas. However, it's my institutional role as Speaker of the House (on which I will return later) to request and to some extent to impose a degree of discretion.
will ask therefore, in spite of myself, to use against me the same courtesy given to the Premier. (more. ..)

to reward them for this courtesy, will submit to you and your readers some conclusions which I have never understood, until now, no body to share information.
from the beginning.
My most ardent detractors accuse me of having betrayed the most benevolent of you have completely changed my ideas.
The first is a false accusation. The second, we must clarify some issues.
are still convinced that he never betrayed the values \u200b\u200bof a modern right, for which they have been voted two years ago. I left the coalition with which I was elected, this is true. But I ask myself who can argue with what he would do if, after having planned and organized a trip with a co-pilot, found out that this is going in a completely wrong direction. I tried to change his route: he has thrown off the moving car. I had to give up the trip? Would not it be, that the true betrayal of those who believed and still believe in me?
I found another way, smaller, but I continued to the destination. I do not know who else called it consistently.
What I want to prevent my former traveling companion to get to the end, it is clear, since the means that guide also contains a few tens of millions of Italians.
The accusation that he had changed his mind, I will not shuffle the cards: it is true, but only in part.
First, I think it's time to say a great truth, I have so far been silent.
I've never been a fascist.
is not a statement of comfortable, Veltroni: anything, since this statement I will present the only accusation of betrayal that perhaps merit, that people coming from MSI which for so many years I led and represented.
even then I was not fascist, decades ago, when I claimed to be.
I had tried many years ago, let it leak out this shocking truth, when I said publicly that my subscription to the Social Movement was an instinctive reaction to the fact that a boy, some boys left mob prevented me from entering a cinema to see Beanies Verdi, war film starring John Wayne.
In those sad years, even those who buy the paper to Indro Montanelli (Montanelli and himself) were labeled as fascist.
I took advantage of: Fascism was wanting to see the film an American actor, who played the conservative values \u200b\u200bof the United States?
time I was a fascist. So I kept saying, after having, in a fit of rage, the MSI card.
And so I continued to tell me, while I was inside the MSI career.
was the left, ie intellectuals el'establishment of those years, my little deception to justify, indeed to not even make it such.
I was an opportunist? Perhaps, and surely. But I do not remember any great leader who has not been so.
Rauti yes, he was a true fascist, in the etymological sense of the word: fascism that belonged to some 'socialistoide that has always been the true spirit of Mussolini and his regime (which in fact established without problems 'absolute evil').
But I overcame the convention. And no other deceptions. All
admired my cold and my polemic. By Fascists, mindful of the charisma of Il Duce and Giorgio Almirante, believed that a good speaker was in itself a hallmark.
And wrong. I brought the social movement from small parties to large irrelevant post of the Second Republic.
course Tangentopoli gave me a hand to those who might steal my, who could be corrupted if we all were, by definition, the unpresentable, the untouchables, the plague of the First Republic? To commit crimes, we would even had the chance.
so we came out to head up the investigations and the mud, where even before the League of Bossi. That was the springboard.
Then there was 'he', of course.
Berlusconi has convinced me of duty. And, for the election of the mayor of Rome, it is true.
Due to its explanation of vote came a breath away from victory against democraticissimo Rutelli (Ironically, now my ally: he imposes no arguments).
But I had already embarked on a journey that Berlusconi sped up. I understood that in a world that was collapsing under the ruins of the palaces of the metaphorical power, only those who had hitherto been excluded could have some chance to work to rebuild. Even without
Berlusconi, it is certain Poerio dear, I made my appearances to the transmission of Funari, who became the real starting point for media coverage of the Second Republic.
Moreover, since it was not fascist, for me it was all very easy.
Journalists described my political career as a crossing in the desert, but it was personally a walk. I do not deny anything, because I never believed any fetish littorio.
Of course, the management team who followed me for years was handled with care, but was coveted by all (I say this without malice) can finally play the part of actors in a political arena in which, until then, we were only pariahs.
Who was fascist, it was, but he stopped dreaming about the Empire fatal hills, to the Minister and to review the military. Does it take?
At this point, however, I have to make another admission.
A profound change in me, sincere, then it really happened.
not about fascism, but some of my positions over the years, under the eyes of all, have undergone what not hesitate to call a positive development.
I speak of my conception of rights, of my respect for women and for the weak, for many, the last.
I mention all the new universe of feelings that brought me the gift of love.
Everybody knows, and I do not want to omit that by my side is, for some years, a wonderful woman.
I met her later, and I regret it, but fate has placed in my way this blonde volcano that has contributed so much to my change. A gentle yet strong woman, confident of its own means and opposing any discrimination here is the engine that has driven my career in recent years.
You want a woman who could choose for me those ties a bit 'too much and above all to convince me to wear them despite the general jokes that I expose, would not have been able to make me understand the mistakes of an old male like myself?
that I would open my eyes - giving me two children at an age when I never thought that I was going to happen anything like that - the importance of managing their lives freely, beyond the strict rules that biology, society and the church seek to impose on us? I have, so to speak, secularized, and - given that law called right - even a little democratized. I'm proud.
Of course, Elizabeth takes the family and, since I love her, too.
His brother has caused me great embarrassment, but thankfully my antiberlusconismo gave me a sort of immunity which, at other times, I would not even remotely dreamed of.
But the battle on my new staff led Berlusconi was uncivilized.
Because he, now, hate me. Not me.
And my hate with the intensity of the man who once loved me. I have not tried but never affection toward her. Only a few points of annoyance, contempt mutatasi now.
Look with your eyes on the Youtube video in which, many years ago and firmly association, the Kapo gave Berlusconi a Belgian MP during a session dell'Europarlamento.
I was there, beside him. Look at my face: I did not do anything, then, to hide cameras to my disappointment. I never
estimated Berlusconi, that forced his hilarious and playfulness, that amateurism populist instincts of the masses tickling promising bread and circuses. But most of all I never appreciated his business, that it was not any cultural or political reasons.
I never laughed at his jokes, at most, I have reserved a grimace slightly accommodative. When
, driven by circumstances and by my own colonels, accepted the merger, I committed an error, because this way I lost my only chance to still be considered by him a free person. After that act, his eyes became one of the many employees of his company policy.
He was wrong.
Until then, we had a profitable relationship for both: Berlusconi had just served me, and I was served to him. We used, as is normal in politics. Only that while he feels good, do not admit it, even to himself (Montanelli was right when he wrote that the first victim of the lies of gullible Berlusconi, Berlusconi was the same). So
prefer to think of us as a link too emotional, and mine as a betrayal. The
makes it easier, however, it is with this pathetic affections motion recited urbi et orbi that will blow me away.
But it will not.
It 's true, I lost my battle on trust.
Here I can say it: I was wrong spectacularly.
I let myself be led by Berlusconi in his field, as dictated by the belly of improvisation. At first I
resisted. He attacked me dissennatamente, and I replied coldly noting my firm position in the center right. The worn, the ambushes and traps.
I was the balance.
Then something happened inside me. I can not explain, if not antiberlusconiane putting together the suggestions that I came from many sides: by the common people, and even more from newspapers and intellectuals of the establishment: the same intelligentsia that I had considered until recently plagued the first time, I now pointed out as the savior of his country, the hero who would bring down the tyrant. Who continued his grueling campaign rounds of insults directed at me and my family. I succumbed. I took the sling and I pulled a Goliath. But I was wrong target.
Perhaps, once again I have trusted too much in my new colonels, as in the time of the merger with Italy Force did with the old. Those, they wanted a single party, greater visibility and a new presentability, such a new party, and a power that until then would not have dreamed. Bocchino, Grenada, Briguglio: Do \u200b\u200bnot you ever seen them at the head of a department within a coalition in which they only lieutenant. But
Fli could do a click of a degree. For this fervently blowing the flames of hatred, they loaded the people and they were loaded, and prevented me from carrying out my strategy with cold calculation.
And here we are today.
Berlusconi won. Viva Berlusconi? Of course not.
wants to destroy me, my party will literally crumble, as she began to do during the vote on censure.
Between ourselves, I had to wait for me, because, paradoxically, the most faithful to the line I said from the beginning were just doves. I had criticized the coalition drawing attention to its membership. On this basis, I had followed. They were the hawks who wanted the break because a rapprochement would lose their power.
's why I fear that the Prime Minister has very good arrows to his bow, and I made time for the formation of a Polo Casini national and Williams: I need more numbers, which make it less obvious any other defections.
What will happen now?
Frankly, I must confess that I have no idea. We will continue our battle, it is certain, preparing, seriously this time, a painful journey through the desert.
They ask me to resign as President of the Chamber. But it would be suicide. Because it is only from this position of institutional prestige that I can keep alive the flame of my visibility, and therefore my own battle.
Otherwise, from a simple MP, the regime televisions have an easy time to relegate to a semi-anonymity.
is not correct, from an institutional point of view? Not I know, I know that no one has so far been able to challenge the impartial way in which, here I have done my duty to address the work, and so all I need.
Who do you recommend resignation to a sort of political expediency, I say, invoking the equal opportunity policy to not give her.
Time is honest. I am convinced that the Italians will understand my reasons, and forgetting my wrongs, if any were.
for a while 'time I will live for the day, perhaps, but I live: it is a certainty.
I still have in my mind, a lot of confidence in Italy and in Italian, and I am convinced that the hope in their hearts that beat will be increasingly directed towards a country that looks forward, to the Future, without fear and in the name of true freedom.

Sincerely, Gianfranco Fini

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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And the Ship Sails

The Government stands - A word from the poet

Waiting for the Barbarians

of Constantinos Cavafy

What are we waiting so gathered in the square?
the barbarians are coming today.
Why such chaos in the Senate?
Why do the Senators sit without legislating?
is that the barbarians are coming today. What laws would vote
When the barbarians will make the law.
Why did our emperor, got up so early,
sits on a dais outside the city, and the solemn
is that the barbarians are coming today.
The Emperor is preparing to receive their leader.
He even had prepared a scroll that allows
Appeals and honorary titles.
Why have our two consuls and magistrates our flaunt their red robes embroidered?
Why are adorned with amethyst bracelets and rings sparkling with diamonds?
Why bring their sticks and finely chiseled valuable?
is that the barbarians are coming today and these objects dazzle the barbarians.
Because our rhetorical skills not plead with their usual eloquence?
is that the barbarians are coming today. They do not appreciate the beautiful sentences or long speeches.
And why, suddenly, this uneasiness, and this upheaval? How
have become serious faces!
Why the streets and squares emptying so fast
and all return home with a look so sad?
is that the night has fallen and the barbarians do not come.
And the people came from the border saying that there are not barbarians ...
And now what will become of us without barbarians?
They had a solution.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Back Pain Numb Pinky Ring Finger


The best and worst of the week, with gloss catoniana.

Every Saturday you will find one or more articles in the national press during the week, in my opinion deserve - for better and for worse-to be made available to readers catoniani, with a brief comment.
This week:

Il Sole 24 Ore - Umberto Eco and the Italy of 150 years - by Gianni Riotta
Corriere della Sera - Renzi, Vendola against -generation of Giovanni Sartori
La Repubblica - Henry Musso and Berlusconi: The nose and the consistency of Senator - Don Paolo Farinella
To read articles and commentaries catoniane, click below

Gianni Riotta

"The Italian identity of the next 150 years?". Umberto Eco smiles in her living room, in the shadow of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan, in front of the impossible demand. You recently returned from Paris, at the editorial meeting of the leftist daily "Liberation" Han asked as usual de "les Italiens," and tried to respond, "eye movements rather than the cultural and political, look at the university."

And a few days of the 150th birthday of the country, trying to look at what ideas will unite - and divide as omens in his novel The cemetery of Prague - the next generation, the pioneer of semiotics ventures "Judge by television and the Internet. The TV was good and bad for the poor to the rich. Internet bad for the poor to the rich and well. "

Paradoxically straight from the Times' Apocalyptic and integrated, "Eco's essay that gave dignity to the mass culture of" culture ", he upset by stoats and wigs in 1964, enlivening 7580 sites on the web today:" Television gave language to the poor, the national language Italian. It may be that they spoke with Mike tic Bongiorno but the learned. The educated class, the rich irony to say, but maybe you left the reading of Marcel Proust and "La Search of Lost Time, to quiz and variety. The exact opposite with the web. The poor, those without the means of culture of new knowledge, is likely to get lost in the ocean of information of the network, ending the sites of the conspiracy, the populists. Do not learn new information but it is poison of lies. The rich, the educated, can write a thesis exegesis bliblica clicking on a keyboard. "

It's called "digital divide", the cultural barrier produced by the websites and this could be the bridge levator of the new Castle of power in the next century and a half national. A birthday Eco celebrates that with moderate enthusiasm, "The country seems to have lost moral energy, force. It is as if he were drugged. I am tired of seeing our identity mistreated abroad by analysts.
Two or three years ago, we pitied "poor you are less evil", now almost mad "because they do not react?" as if the identity, the national consensus patterns were easy to reverse. "And before you get to his. worried, having on Italy 2010 - 2011, Eco returns to the years of the foundation, the myth of the Risorgimento
"The United States had a civil war, and tragic, but even with the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell, and three years later with the Filmon, Gone with the Wind produced by Selznick, tried to give a unified, national, where the Confederates and Yankees could give another account of the reasons. Exercise impossible for us Italians. Not only that we are divided between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, but also between whites and blacks, in a constant kaleidoscope of factions and groups. That did not give us peace policy. "

For Eco is the culture to have the country together, rather than political institutions and they tried with mixed success: "We have a tradition of local feuds. If the tear is today embodied by the Northern League, do not forget that the South have always been driven active autonomist, separatist, Sicily, Sardinia. The myth of the Risorgimento, challenged or not, is as opposed to a myth of the Bourbon kingdom, that I never shared. To put it bluntly, if today is rubbish in the street in Naples is the worst legacy of that tradition.

And coldly history, we must admit that the Piedmont "- and here speaks for Eco Piedmont doc, like Senator Chevalley The Leopard -" did a lot of stupid things, where they were repressed reform, but I think that at the end, Italy is a united country, and a community better than what we inherited from the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Bourbons. North and South would be well to accept this moral. "

To understand the depth of the Italians, however, the DNA in 150 years, Eco calls for a global effort early. Consider our country, "the first nation in general", even when computers were used in place of printed books. "Our identity is cosmopolitan. In politics so that every castle called the stranger to join forces against the neighboring castle. And in culture because the ability to "global" of our classic Italian made them lose. The French tend to

annetterseli, as French and Modigliani Leonardo, the English appreciate how an Italian cousin, the British and the Germans look to the humanist values, as if Dante was a compatriot of Machiavelli and Shakespeare and Goethe, Hegel. If Italian is, and remains, the outside world, foreigners tend to hire him as an international cosmopolitan. I am arrived in America more often invited by the French Cultural Institute and from those of Italian ...».

How we managed, however, for centuries, and today in spite of everything to be the second industry of Europe and one of the first in the world, but with a country poor in resources and political unity? "Because we manage, we are used to hold on, to create, invent, invention is the Renaissance, the economic boom of the 60 invention. Do you know where it comes from the word kitsch by some etymologies? From sketches, the sketches to the good that the street artists sell to tourists English gentleman of the past. Even then laundered the glories, a marketing to the good. "

And today? Fabio Fazio asked to Eco, the star of the avant-garde Gruppo '63, working with "Espresso" and "Manifesto", if the word "desperate" used by the Sun to review his latest novel and had guessed the answer, on TV, as here, is the same: "Getting older and we do pessimists. Prodi had left the paper and burned it twice, just for those ancestral feuding faction. And the right has a leader who represents many Italians want their tics and gives the illusion of being in modernity, but then did not overturn the country. There should be a Committee of Public Safety, a government unit that would work on problems, but I do not see politicians or public opinion, capable to generate it. "

despair or pessimism Umberto Eco away from work: "Young people read them, Amman, Nine, the Avallone, are good. Just go to the movies instead, only the classics. When the magazine is reborn "Alphabet" I asked that the committees were made up of young graduates in Bologna, Turin, Rome, to give opportunities to many young full of wit and critical sense. But the fact is passed by the newest political TV, Come away with me by Fabio Fazio and Roberto Saviano. In addition to the ideologies of the twentieth century, m'è seemed a way to look beyond politics, beyond party, looking for the culture that unites us. " It was, for Eco, a birthday present Italy, on the birthday number 150

Umberto Eco I've got to write, bitterly disputing against sull'Urfascismo his essay that, although of poor quality (or perhaps because of it), is considered one of the must- left the drawing-room conversation pret a penser (the article in question is located in the glosses): http://cato-maior.blogspot.com/2010/07/quandoque-bonus-dormitat-ecus.html
But, as has I wrote in that same article, Eco is one of our greatest intellectuals.
In this interview with Gianni Riotta we can see both sides of the illustrious Alexandrian semiologist: on one hand the brilliant professor who, in a few phrases, explains better than a treatise on sociology social dynamics unleashed the first since the invention of television - with the sharp reflection of the beautiful and dell'abbruttimento of beautification of the brutes - and then the Internet (standing ovation from his description of the brain ignorant left a prey to conspiracy sites).
other hand, the intellectual irredeemability progressive, that does not give up their very thick single vision lenses to watch the Italian reality. If the benevolent puzzling definition of professional and bureaucratic governments Prodi, considered a 'burnt paper', in short, a wasted chance for the left, surprising that an intelligent person Eco touches on the ridiculous as saying without irony that 'Come with me' (transmission that is all in all I liked it, mind you) can be considered "a way to check the culture that unites us." In the face of some unfathomable mysteries that lurk in the depths of the psyche of even the most exalted minds of our national progressivism, I raise the white flag.
* * * *

Giovanni Sartori

If Berlusconi does not laugh (at least until December 15) the next Bersani and surroundings can only cry. When the Democratic Party was the PC-from Togliatti to Berlinguer - the cursus honorum, career, was strictly regulated: first experience in local government, then, for the best, the national parliament. Everything was decided by the secretariat of the party and, ultimately, by his secretary. Then no one dared to say and even think that the Pajetta Terracini and at that time had to be "scrapped" to retire because they are elderly. And if Togliatti had not died early, nobody would have challenged even 90 years. Yet that Pc, on the whole "anzianotto 'came to achieve a third of the votes of Italians and almost overtake the Democrats.
Compared to its golden age left our post-communist leader exhibits relatively young, by D'Alema and Fassino Veltroni Bersani. No old man. Yet the mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi (35 years) and the governor of Puglia Vendola (52 years) called them "old stuff", material from retirement. Their word is on the young people, namely yourself. In the story, always and everywhere, the youthfulness is rare. The youthful restlessness begin with the Sturm und Drang (storm and assault) of the early Romantics, and in Italy, with futurism and fascism. But they were wisps. Revolutions are often promoted by young people, young people, however, cling to power until death. When the USSR broke up the most outstanding gerontocracy (Government of the old) in the world.
I said that the youth can not last. It is so by force, because young people become old. But it is also a good thing. Young people bring an item - energy - that older people have more, but older people make the element that young people still do not have, and that experience and knowledge. In short, youth is energy without knowing, without knowing seniority is power. The civilization fell to senescence and when it becomes gerontocracy. However, no civilization has ever emerged a paidocrazia, from the power of youth. At this time the school is in turmoil and young people are fighting against reform of the university. It is a reform without money, and this is his most serious limitation. But, money aside, the Gelmini reform is not a bad reform. And it is a necessary reform that addresses the legislative nonsense and abuse 'barons' in decades.
I do not know if the build is in turmoil, Barbara Spinelli writes in La Repubblica, a "generation burned." But it is certainly a generation brought up by the promise of nonsense "rising expectations." Yes, today's youth will have a hard life. But it was hard even the lives of young people found themselves, after the last war, a devastated country and a future that seemed to be without. We, the youth of that time, we managed. But young people today who are fighting against the university reform Gelmini fighting for its own damage and for their evil.

If a fierce Florentine (perhaps tautological expression) as Professor Sartori, fiercely hostile to Berlusconi, is able to say - of course, in passing - that the university reform Gelmini is not bad, should we begin to wonder if the Minister 's Education has not done a good job.
But the item that interests me point out in this article is the defense of old age, or at least maturity, made from old Sartori. Bravo. With a note.
Constitutionalist money order, the professor did not show much of a scholar of social phenomena.
crab takes a glaring fact, when he writes: " I said that the youth can not last. It is so by force, because young people become old (...) no civilization has ever emerged from a paidocrazia, by the power of youth. "
Sartori is confusion among the youth, chronological phenomenon that does not last, and to youth, that is the glorification of youth as a value in itself, weltanschauung reigning for nearly four decades.
Our society is increasingly erecting on the foundations of paidocrazia, despite what he says Sartori. The paidocrazia wins because those who are not young now, does everything to show it.
And most of today's social and psychological dynamics are the result of this vision.
But plenty of what I wrote elsewhere, I refer you to the item 'Zeitgeist' of the Breviary Minimum, and the editorial "De juventute.

Don Paolo Farinella

's former candidate for mayor now says he will not vote confidence. But can you believe it? Of course, accept the 'invitation to dinner has been shown to have the stomach. The senator tried the white truffle that was pretty to look at and delicious to the taste and after eating, ate and drank well, offered to the confidence vote, perhaps in exchange for the mayor's chair. Today, the senator says he will not vote the confidence to believe him or not? Ah, know! 30/11/2010 The Senator Enrico Musso, a former candidate and former mayor of Genoa PDL receives a dinner invitation from his former boss, Maurizio Gasparri and his former deputy Gaetano Quagliariello, two that no doctor would recommend either before or after meals , otherwise the 'expulsion from' register. We see that Senator has good stomach and digestion of 'steel. The white truffle was intended to convince the senator Musso, ahead of the December 14 vote of confidence in the Berlusconi government that a few days before he was discouraged in their personal capacity, transmigrating in the mixed group of the Senate, shocked to notice only after sixteen years that Berlusconi is not liberal. The senator is always polite, but nobody can understand how it can sit at the table along with two that anthropological structure "before, during and post" because they confuse the truth with lies. The senator denied any vote trading and now is publicly committed to vote for censure. What happened? The senator at the beginning of his career was struck on his way policy from the liberal program of the Berlusconi government and married him without even a day of engagement: love at first sight. It is a mystery: one that is credited with coining the liberal, is at ease with the "libbbberale" Arcore, except that everything is liberal. Apart from all those pinzillacchere market tampered with from loans of the mafias, the trifles of dangerous friendships, conflict of interest, corruption as an economic system, etc.. Musso's liberalism does not allow for hesitation. On this road liberal, heralds a bright future, the senator, the Senate reached the bench, almost all the votes illiberal laws that favor the interests of the person and the head master, but a couple, so for stand out a bit 'or perhaps to silence the conscience that perhaps inadvertently biting. Then the miracle: the senator regained his sight and discovers that Berlusconi is not liberal, that the program is illiberal and even the party that designated him is illiberal, it is assumed that his election has been illiberal, because no one could "click" with the electoral law passed illiberal illiberal and desired by four parties, especially his. It's nice to be liberal democracy in name, in a monopoly market (for the interests of the owner) in a government that has eliminated the timid liberalization of Communist Bersani that he wanted at all costs try to be liberal. They are the liberal as Senator, which decriminalized false accounting, eliminate the judges to eliminate the jobs (if not, threaten the civil war), fuel economy drugged, provide a program that does not exist and distort the state budget (it seems that the debt still rises and require additional heavy maneuver: bet, Senator!). Liberals do not hesitate to say for years that all is well and that the crisis there 'is, only to give a face and put the blame on the communists who are always ready and comfortable as needed. The senator, then, after leaving the party and the entry into the joint group of the Senate, was preparing to vote confidence in Berlusconi December 14, 2010, but must make a public statement to ensure instead he will vote no confidence. I do not know who or what has caused this sudden change again, but I'm beginning to believe that its ranks began the race to "every man for himself." If Musso become mayor, will be consistent as a Senator, up in agony. Congratulations, Senator! Ad meliora! Good night, Genova!

* * * *

I had no idea who this Don Paolo Farinella. The 'don' catch me unprepared. Three possibilities: a noble, a Mafioso, a priest. Despite his words - ugly, partisan, deeply insincere - not testify in favor of the third hypothesis, I found that it is a priest of Holy Mother Church. Offhand, I thought I understood why people go to church less and less, with priests like this: instead of caring for the souls of their people write about the Republic (and warn the reply: no, I do not think the two things can really go hand in hand, seeing what he writes).
But, practicing Catholic, I immediately regretted this evil.
Then I repented of repentance, when browsing the web looking for news about this Don Paul, I discovered a letter from him. He had addressed to his bishop, Cardinal Bagnasco, and intimidating (by hypothesis number two) had ordered to answer, otherwise after a week would make public the message. How did it. A letter from the typical tone of a priest engaged in 'social policy' (for some reason, I have the vague impression that it is the priests who wander around in jeans and a sweater, rather than habit, habit or clergyman), with a violent - and however justified - charges against certain personal behavior of politicians, but politicians of the right-handed deployment means.
But what struck me about this letter, which is explicitly intended to lead the Cardinal to declare that only the left is the repository of Catholic values, is a passage in which, welcoming the fact that Benedict XVI has declared the end of capitalism, Farinella, forced to admit that The Pope obviously considered also failed Marxism, glossed with a very significant sentence: " Benedict XVI (...) maybe he meant the Marxist ideological and historical, as done in Sovietism . In short, one of many Marxists that the real Marxism has not been applied, long live the true Marxism.
This is the author of the article.
In the text of which takes issue with one of the few parliamentarians to examine our national political landscape, Enrico Musso. Reo, indeed convicted by the Tribunal of the respective personal Inquisition Don Paolo Farinella, of being elected by the Devil, that lists the PDL dell'impresentabile Berlusconi. How can the priest says, to declare a Liberal (former) member of the People of Freedom? I will not long, but I swear I can, as it could do so even those who belonged to a moderate party of the left. Liberalism is a theoretical system, a culture, not a dogmatic church, clerics of red or blacks.
Musso is a liberal, if you let the stress dear Farinella. It is an honor, or appreciation, but the finding of fact.
How is a fact that Don Paolo Musso on maramaldeggi lazy, with a deletion large enough to become a true lie. In fact, reading his article one gets the impression that Musso sit in Parliament with Berlusconi since time immemorial, and that his alleged repentance is only the result of fear of mice, which leaves the ship in distress to get on the run.
It 's true the opposite.
I'm not a blind fan of Musso (I wrote him a letter in the past to quiet critics, for other events, which has not ever taken the trouble to respond), but his political history is obvious to anyone who has given penalty to follow, especially from Genoa.
Musso is a liberal intellectual who sits in parliament for only two years (I repeat for Farinella and his readers: two years), during which time has spared no criticism of his party, well before the ship sank I do not say (which may not sink) but he started pitching.
His independence of thought is that - again in very difficult times - his candidacy for mayor of Genoa, which frightens the progressive Don Paul, was sunk by the Journal and the hard-core Berlusconi, who objected to Professor Musso precisely its lack of orthodoxy against the party. So I had not
Musso, but the truth.
Why, certainly knows how to don Farinella, " The truth shall make you free" (John 8-32).

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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wickedness Multiculti

When a patient in hospital subjected to inappropriate medical treatment, it is called malpractice. Today I am speaking of
malaeducazione or malascuola. O malomulticulturalismo.
Do you, as the three terms are equally horrible, and horrible is the fact that the story, reported by Corriere della Sera website.
happens that a student from a high school Reggello in that of Florence, at the age of compulsory education, followed by hours of music education with the headphones as not to hear the lesson. It is not, mind you, a cunning that nods to the teacher, while secretly listening to the Thake That, and that is discovered and punished by the teacher.
No. The scene takes place in the agreement. The girl is in fact a Muslim family Muslim, and his father forced the school to allow her to follow (so to speak) the lessons of listening to music in his i-pod only Muslim sacred music. (more. ..)

Otherwise, do not leave school.
In fact, the previous year - before finding this trick - each time the school day provided music education, a subject in itself blasphemous in the opinion of the parent, the daughter was forced to stay at home. For this fact the father is currently on trial.
But the professors and the headmistress thought - very democratically - to meet its demands, and that's the gimmick: the girl can go in class, provided it is allowed to be the facts (music) her.
Satisfaction father, teachers, Imam of the city.
do not know if Allah is great, certainly is expanding. With us, however, here is the comment of yielding Dean Vilma Natali: "She was found a common solution that satisfies both teachers and parents. The story is not emphasized. " Instead, emphasis is placed on how.
Thankfully, Francesco Rutelli has presented the case un'infuocata parliamentary question (I wonder what happened to so-called Catholics have made the parliamentary majority and would-lay).
I do not know, really, with those who take more.
Then, not knowing how to read or write, multiple launch a tirade.
For teachers, the principal, to the entire democratic, multicultural school Reggello, I wish a thousand of these Muslim parents, who slowly forcing the school to abolish blasphemy that matter, music education, and of course physical education (all those sweaty bodies and promiscuous), and then the lessons of Italian literature, so dripping with Catholic chauvinism, for heaven's sake, and impose the lady principal and teachers to report all democratic and multicultural school with a burka, you never know, not to offend sensibilities of some, until the end of the school is closed and transformed in a madrassa.
Imam, I wish to convert to Catholicism. To become a priest. To feel the flame of a vocation in Christ and become a fervent missionary, trying to advocate publicly his new faith in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran. Then I will say.
Finally, Mr. Omar R. (The father in question), but hope that everything continues in the direction that he has obtained. He persevered, he firmly believed in his doctrine, has resisted the temptation to surrender before the law: good. I wish him then that his daughter could easily finish the school introduced a music lesson with his headphones and ignore everything that those blasphemers of his companions listen: Bach, Verdi, Mozart, and obscenities of the sort.
The hope that her daughter does not hear a single word, one note of those obscenities. Because it will be too busy to listen to the deafening music of his blessed headphones, music that I hope will wisely replaced, just left the house, with a compilation of Lady Gaga, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osbourne.
Make 'this' West, Mr. Omar: he deserves it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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BOTH THE CAT ASSANGE, which leaves us a hand

How does the champion of an ethical battle?

Julian Assange, Wikileaks's mind, was arrested in London after being formed.
The offense has nothing to do with state secrets revealed (Assange is not an American citizen), but concerns a presumed double rape. From what you have read the newspapers, it seems to be ridiculous accusations, with peaks of grotesque rape in a case, would consist in the fact that during a consensual relationship between a girl and Assange, Sweden, is broken the condom, the girl says it is a non-accidental breakage. This, even if proven true (and I wonder how), as it constitutes sexual assault, and give life to a request for international arrest by the Swedish justice, at least put a question on legislation in force in the civilized (you always say so) the Scandinavian countries. But let's leave and go to the point. (more. ..)

That is not, of course, if Assange acquitted or convicted of rape (although, in other circumstances, it is not a small matter), but what will the avenging angel of Wikileaks.
Will the United States to have it and prosecute him for "their" crimes?
Most importantly, the beatification of Assange you are setting in motion these days, how far will it arrive?
Already we hear some voices calling for Assange the aura of a martyr of freedom of thought.
And I speak of some leading figure as the director Ken Loach, but just look at the jungle of the Internet to understand how the people of the web has already found its hero, and be moved. Sites, comments, blogs, threw themselves headlong into battle, the Aussie would be a sort of champion of the oppressed against the secret plots of the states.
Some speak of great journalism, others the beginning of a new era.
Thankfully, the Nobel Prize for Peace has already been assigned, because I suspect that we would otherwise run the risk of seeing their winning Julian Assange.
We're calm, and look at the facts. What
tell us that Assange made no great investigative journalism, did not spend nights in the open to feel informed, let alone to compare versions, examine, inquire, verify, reflect and write.
None of this. If anyone would like to take this story from a movie, could save the script: it would suffice to represent a soldier who hid in their base a few million copies of files on a disk and handed over to Assange, which shall disclose them. The end.
With what results?
An embarrassment of American diplomacy, which is suffering from the effects of image of the revelation of a myriad of annoying open secrets, that is reserved for comments - Often savory - that officials send diplomats abroad to the U.S. secretary of state. And these comments apply to information or ideas learned not with sophisticated intelligence, but simply by reading local newspapers and some chat.
But, if the damage is minimal, the offense is a maximum.
I do not want the bloggers around the world, perhaps to prove Assange admiration that is the result of excessive and unrealistic un'agognata identification, but what has made the Australian reporter is, trivially, a crime not just . E 'come into possession, not for its merits, the secret files of a democratic state, this stolen through theft.
If you think a champion of freedom, the day was on trial for knowingly violating the laws that I think would be normal to ask the consistency of the plot trying not to cry in some way out painlessly.
Because the first duty of those who makes a moral battle, which Assange has always claimed, is to courageously accept the consequences of their actions.
If I remember correctly, Socrates has not been rescued escaping from Athens, which condemned him unjustly.
Everything else is a bluff, although very well paid.

Friday, December 3, 2010

1988 Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe For Sale

The best and worst the week, with gloss catoniana.

Every Saturday you will find one or more articles in the national press during the week, in my opinion deserve - for better and for worse-to be made available to readers catoniani, with a brief comment.
This week:

Corriere della Sera - University, realism must - Francesco Giavazzi
The Republic Blog - Students on a Hot Tin Roof - Piergiorgio Odifreddi

To read the articles and comments , click below

Francesco Giavazzi

"Of the value of graduates only judge is the customer, they are free to go, so if he likes it, the surveyor rather than the engineer, and free to do less of both if their services did not think themselves as valuable equal to the rates written in the decrees that only create monopolies and privileges. " (Luigi Einaudi, Freedom School, 1953).
Minister Gelmini has not the courage to Luigi Einaudi, did not propose to abolish the legal value of degrees. Neither his law drops the constraint that prevents universities to freely determine their own fees, even if the additional revenue would go entirely to fund scholarships, that is to "bring starting points "(Einaudi, lessons of social policy, 1944). Neither had the courage to separate medicine from other faculties to create institutions that are similar to the polytechnics for the faculty of engineering. Why this separation is strongly opposed by doctors who now dominate the number of universities and other faculties are able to pass on their costs.
But who, in the majority or the opposition, with the exception of the Radical Party, would support these three proposals today? The reality is that the law Gelmini is the best that can be achieved today given the culture of our political class.
The result, after all, is no small thing. The law abolishes the competitions, the first source of corruption of our universities. Create a new set of young teachers' trial for six years, "and confirmed only if teachers in those years to achieve positive results in teaching and research. Those who shout the scandal saying that this means reinforcing the "insecurity" of the university shows they did not know how they work in universities around the world. Worse put a tombstone on the future of many young people, whose place could be occupied for forty years by a person who has proved unsuitable for research.
"Do not make the wedding with dried figs, the criticism is more widespread. In 2007-08 the state funding to universities was 7 billion a year. Economy Minister had reduced, for 2011, one billion. Then, before the mobilization of students, researchers, public opinion and protest of the minister Gelmini Tremonti had to take a step back: the funds are 7.2 billion in 2010, 6.9 in 2011, the same as three years ago . "The law betrays the young people who are currently employed in the university, not giving them any prospects." Unfortunately, it gives too much. For every ten new jobs that will open, only two are reserved to young researchers in the university have not yet had the good fortune to come: the rest are destined for promotion of those already there.
The law renews the governance of universities: self-limiting professors providing for the presence of non-academic on the boards (though the minister has had the strength to accentuate the "neutrality" by preventing the rector of the board presiding at the same time, the university and its board of directors ). For the first time, provides that public funds to universities to be adjusted according to the results.
Evaluation is the only way to avoid wasting resources, so we can go back to the world and give students a better education. For this reason ANVUR, the Agency for the evaluation of the universities, is the real pivot of reform. Unfortunately, the minister Mussi, who in the previous government created it, wrote a regulation inconsistent with the law. It was rejected by the State Council and had to be rewritten from scratch with the result that the ANVUR only part time.
The law, however, need not be approved at any cost. The articles still to be discussed are opposed (by the opposition, but also by the League) amendments that the distortion. A bizarre, UDC, repealing the Board of Trustees for the research, introduced at the request of the Group in 2003, the thirty Italian researchers whose work has received the highest number of citations in the world. Last week Fli proposed that the 18 million that the budget law for the increase in salary for those already in the university is not reserved for young people, but extended to all. So those 18 million would have been translated into twenty Euros per month more for everyone, instead of forty per month for young people. Fortunately, that amendment is not passed. But others are lurking, including some that introduce various types of operation of law. If passed, better to withdraw the law.
The PD has announced that it would vote against. Bersani really think that if he wins the elections to be able to pass a better law? Better perhaps to the university who had the good fortune of being able to enter. I doubt even for those who are often out in the search results has been the most significant of those inside. Francesco Giavazzi

There are many ways of dealing with a topic. One is Francesco Giavazzi, an economics professor and columnist for the Courier. Convinced liberal, not a fan of the Berlusconi government, but here he exhibits his considerations in favor of reform. Another way is as follows, Piergiorgio Odifreddi.

* * * *

THE REPUBLIC BLOG - Students on a Hot Tin Roof
Piergiorgio Odifreddi

The student protest ignites Italy, and brings us back to the glory years with the memory of '68. Ben are assemblies, processions, banners, occupations, protests against a reform that, by the mere fact that it was proposed by a minister as the Gelmini, can hardly be taken seriously.
In fact, I am surprised that the Gelmini has been seriously accepted as a minister, and that students and professors do not have immediately refused to recognize the role that his curriculum vitae (with and without the prefix) had won. One need not be Sherlock Holmes to figure out a rookie than thirty-five years old, graduated in law at Brescia and empowered to Reggio Calabria, discouraged by a unanimous vote and as chairman of the bipartisan council of Desenzano del Garda 'obvious failure' with a ' parliamentary experience of only two years, could be reached only to the minister for reasons unmentionable.
It 's a sign of the times and places, that is Italy today, which the Head of State not only has accepted the appointment of the Gelmini, as well as his colleague Carfagna, but after having dealt with these two horses with Caligula than "institutional", sometimes even praising the work, and thereby legitimizing the illegitimate. Students and teachers had no formal obligations, however, and if they had promptly refused to recognize the Gelmini could avoid having to belatedly express his anti-reform.
As I have gained a "you sucks" on live TV by the Minister La Russa had said these things to Oct. 1 2009 in Eastenders, I can not be suspected of conniving with the "lady-horse," if today manifest some unease at a protest in assisting shared by students and professors, and I suspect that the first did not understand that the state prevailing in the Italian university depends in large part by the latter.
seems to me that students should ask loudly for a reform that cutting off the heads of the barons. Cattedrattici forcing a retirement age compared to that of other workers. Solve some of the financial problems of the university to reallocate their positions to young researchers. Forcing professors to remain subject to periodic reviews and draconian efficiency and productivity. And rivedesse retroactively criteria with which the professors have come to be, possibly beaming the many who have been promoted to pure 'demerit': that is, for nepotism or favoritism.
imagine that any reform of the university can succeed without changing radically the balance of power, is analogous to a claim for redress of a basket of apples without wanting to remove the brands. Or hope to be able to heal a body with cancer without wanting to remove it, with a scalpel or with shock therapy.
Revolutions are not made in a painless and ecumenical events that unite the oppressed and the oppressors are suspect Manipulation of the first part of the latter. Instead of welcoming barons and politicians on the roofs and monuments from which arise, students should Start pouring to tear it down, along with the Gelmini. In a metaphorical way, of course, but no less real and effective

Piergiorgio Odifreddi is one of our less intellectual authority. Often his arguments seem result of the controversy imagination of a teenager who delights of his inventions with naive compensated by the ardor of youth (by the way, has sixty Odifreddi).
It took me a while 'to understand what he meant by the phrase, referring to the Gelmini "(...) the role that his curriculum vitae (with and without the prefix) had won .
Then I tried to immerse myself in the humor of a grinning little boy giving a classmate at the elbow, and I got there: culum! "What her ass had won."
short, Gelmini Odifreddi refers to as one that has found its way exclusively through its rear. What a fine, Oscar Wilde will stand writhing with envy. Chapeau.
fact, immediately after Odifreddi, who perhaps think they are being too allusive and imprecise, prices rise: the Gelmini can only be a minister by virtue of "unmentionable reasons " . Ie sex.
This is the level of arguments Piergiorgio Odifreddi. What
, made a dutiful homage to the '68 (I had no doubts), it is a wonder that the President of the Republic has not refused to appoint Minister Mariastella Gelmini (had to sing instead, Napolitano, to meet Odifreddi? Had to say maybe: " No, not the appointed minister because I heard some rumors about him ... "). Not to mention the Carfagna.
And outrage on outrage, President of the Republic, after being appointed minister, has even treated as if they were really ministers, with institutional respect! So maybe instead of apostrophes: "I have named, and steps, but you are and stay two sciacquette."
After this brief display of higher learning institutions, Odifreddi is forced to write something about it. Take the second part of his article.
would mean fever and horns of this reform, given birth by a minister so infamous (well, so defamed). But he can not. It 's true, it was just hard on her, because it was good and right because Odifreddi still remains a gentleman, but on its reform can not say nothin' left '.
fact, can not help but notice that something does not come back, if against a reform of university students protest together professors.
can not get to talk without prejudice on the merits of the reform, as does Giavazzi (see article above). No, not that.
But now he has escaped the senses something sensible, but left open a question that leads us to reflect on the meaning of many protests suspicious.
It 's too late to rimangiarselo, and Professor Odifreddi that goes addiritttura en passant to criticize politicians who climbed on the roofs, you just have to shoot the last round on the usual Gelmini, hoping that, with them, students smash the minister from the rooftops. If not for reform, perhaps because - as he would say - unmentionable.