The best and worst of the week, with gloss catoniana.
Every Saturday you will find one or more articles in the national press during the week, in my opinion deserve - for better and for worse-to be made available to readers catoniani, with a brief comment.
This week:
Every Saturday you will find one or more articles in the national press during the week, in my opinion deserve - for better and for worse-to be made available to readers catoniani, with a brief comment.
This week:
Corriere della Sera - Interview with Massimo Cacciari - Alessandro Trocino
The Facts - I think as Saviano, Maroni lawsuit also me-di Gianfranco Mascia
The Facts - About Felt and D'Avanzo - Gianni Barbacetto
The Republic - The case Saviano - Ezio Mauro
To read the articles and comments, click below
Daily Telegraph - Interview to Massimo Cacciari
Alexander Trocino
Massimo Cacciari in a hurry:
"Entrepreneurs such as Luca Cordero di Montezemolo should take the field. Why Fini, Casini and Williams are not enough. Need a constituent process: not for the third pole, but for the Pole. "
Civil society, then. But politics is not enough?
"As intellectually honest and capable, Casini, Fini and Williams are not enough. We need a strong participation on the basis of a very broad agreement for the creation of a new face to the reforms. "
The usual centrist party? The center. There must be a constituent phase of a center that makes reforms
" Not at all. A force in the sense of the centrality of the center, not the moderates and other scrap iron. "
Montezemolo What do you like?
"program. I read things done by Futura Italy and 90 per cent share. Anticorporativo a program with a proper analysis of the failure of Italian bipolarity of Berlusconi and the demonstrated inability of the Olive Tree coalition as a rule. And then there's welfare reform, industrial relations, schools, the real cutting red tape, the closing of provinces and municipalities. I repeat for twenty years is a constituent phase.
To read the articles and comments, click below
Daily Telegraph - Interview to Massimo Cacciari
Alexander Trocino
Massimo Cacciari in a hurry:
"Entrepreneurs such as Luca Cordero di Montezemolo should take the field. Why Fini, Casini and Williams are not enough. Need a constituent process: not for the third pole, but for the Pole. "
Civil society, then. But politics is not enough?
"As intellectually honest and capable, Casini, Fini and Williams are not enough. We need a strong participation on the basis of a very broad agreement for the creation of a new face to the reforms. "
The usual centrist party? The center. There must be a constituent phase of a center that makes reforms
" Not at all. A force in the sense of the centrality of the center, not the moderates and other scrap iron. "
Montezemolo What do you like?
"program. I read things done by Futura Italy and 90 per cent share. Anticorporativo a program with a proper analysis of the failure of Italian bipolarity of Berlusconi and the demonstrated inability of the Olive Tree coalition as a rule. And then there's welfare reform, industrial relations, schools, the real cutting red tape, the closing of provinces and municipalities. I repeat for twenty years is a constituent phase.
Pd II has been directed so crazy now with both Veltroni Bersani With PDL and PD?
" With pieces of PD and PDL. Look, even in the PDL were seriously reformist intentions. And even in the League there is good: there are genuine federalists as Maroni, not only Bossi and "Trout". But all have been conditioned by forces executioner, extremist and maximalist. I hope that PD and PDL does not collapse, it would be a tragedy worse than Tangentopoli. "
" With pieces of PD and PDL. Look, even in the PDL were seriously reformist intentions. And even in the League there is good: there are genuine federalists as Maroni, not only Bossi and "Trout". But all have been conditioned by forces executioner, extremist and maximalist. I hope that PD and PDL does not collapse, it would be a tragedy worse than Tangentopoli. "
This new Polo by your side?
"Left and Right no longer make sense. Of course, you will be forced to a game of coalition. Provided you do not like Veltroni, who made the chapel deadly ally with Di Pietro contradicting himself. "
is talk of a caretaker government.
"I do not think . It would be possible only with a text of electoral reform shared details of iron. Rather it would be dangerous to give Berlusconi, even if only for a few months, the card to play the coup. "
and administrations?
" If the three above dribble the test would mean that are not up to 1'8o percent and lose credibility. Undertake at least in Milan, where there is a challenge of a European character, Having regard to the Expo 2015, and Naples. "
Pd II did not like it anymore?
" has been directed so mad. Veltroni has all the wrong moves, Franceschini did what he could, Bersani gave the Social Democratic Party image of yesteryear. "
" What do we talk to Vendola? The comparisons to Obama's chickens are funny. It is also a member of a noble tradition, as ARCI, Legambiente, Verdi. But an ideology is a minority that will never be the culture of government. "
Massimo Cacciari is one of the most lucid minds of the left. I hope one day we will have a type of Typically, on the right.
Professor of Philosophy of the profession, but also a politician, former Deputy Mayor of Venice, it never is queued to the tenets of the prevailing liberal political correctness debate.
often disagree with him, given our different views, but is always original Cacciari, hates clichés and does not fear unpopularity. Making it, largely on the left, a phenomenon quite unique. Estimated also by the intellectuals in the opposite direction, it would be a great center-left leaders, perhaps the only politically and culturally able to counteract the current president of the Council. So Berlusconi can sleep in peace. Today it is fashionable to Vendola.
* * *
the fact - I think as Saviano, MARONI COMPLAINT EVEN ME
Gianfranco Mascia
Not because Saviano is transformed again in spite of himself a martyr. He does not need, do not occur in a normal country.
If we were talking about a normal country, we should not have the star of more than 150 years in this part of organized crime.
But Italy is not normal for a journalist to tell what you see, write a book explaining the society around him, explaining calmly in a television phenomenon that has marked the history of our republic since its birth.
on TV and scream and fight better in the theaters policy, insult and defame those who think like you or kick and chirp with the guests without making him uncomfortable questions.
I do not accept that a journalist with the courage to state uncomfortable truths to be censored and threatened by the holder of the Interior Ministry, which should just thank him, and going to prosecute those criminals who Saviano complaint. Why anyone would make its proximity to Roberto Saviano can adhere to the page of solidarity launched by Antonio Di Pietro on Facebook and liaise with all of us that we are not and who think like Saviano. So we Maroni lawsuit.
Ich bin ein Savianer qualunquistico progressive sauce here is a fine example of argumentative rationality and rigor of the non-existent. What
Maroni has censured and threatened Saviano is the fantasy of the article that apparently wants the head of the Interior Ministry and blow horns, and the full reach of the reservoir savianofilo hoped the disruption of the constitutional practice of a normal country: according to Mascia, crime is fighting like this: a writer gives the names, the minister stops them. Pace Montesquieu and several centuries of political thought.
* * * *
Gianni Barbacetto
consider the quarrels between journalists and a generally less favorable of little interest to readers, but to be dragged "nell'Italietta of a quiet life," which "serves Felt and his 'machine mud'" makes me some kind of reply. I know Victor Felts for a lifetime, since that is, both young editors of Corriere della Sera, we were lined up on opposite sides at the time of the direction of Alberto Cavallari. Together with colleagues such as Ferruccio de Bortoli, Antonio Ferrari, Marzio Breda, Maurizio Chierici, Roberto Martinelli, Alfonso Madeo, to name a few, we were to defend the leadership of a great journalist and a great gentleman who had lifted from the mud-Courier of P2 at the express request of the Head State Sandro Pertini, but being against the then powerful Craxi. While the hunt Cavallari, Felt and handpieces craxiani not hesitate to unleash a civil war in the rooms via Solferino, until, in 84, after three years of agony Cavallari was forced to leave replaced by Piero Ostellino in a blaze of carnations. It was a dramatic and crucial page for the Italian newspaper that foreshadowed the submission of information to the rulers of every stripe and color, now under the eyes of all. But in those days, perhaps, D'Avanzo, unaware, took his first steps in police stations. Since then, all divided by Felt and I could not be otherwise since he decided to get to serves the interests of Silvio Berlusconi sacrificed on the altar of all master talentaccio also that it is hard not to recognize.
repugnant to me, however, that for any reason in the world to someone should not be allowed to express their ideas even unhealthy. I said this when I was approached on the suspension imposed by the Order of the Director of the Newspaper journalists for slandering Dino Boffo based on an information passed off as genuine and later revealed as false. As written on pages qesto Pino Corrias, "which can be remotely good that crap with the imposition of silence can occur only in a court of inquisition bland." I find that if we write the mischief discredited by the readers and the rigors of the law, not at all kind to the slanderers would suffice and advance. I could coax the Order of Journalists in front of which will be conducted next Monday on charges of having "damaged" nothing less, "the reputation and dignity" of Augusto Minzolini about the investigation initiated against the director of Tg1 by the prosecution Trani. Appalling crimes (having written that it was under investigation for bribery while he was a revelation of secret information quickly remedied) from which I will defend to fulfill an obligation that I disagree. For
D'Avanzo for so little that I was insulted by placing them in a "polychrome Assembly of Truffles (the tuber, but not people who hide feelings immoral under an appearance of honesty), a couple of comments. The first
. Felt is shown for what it is. He writes often horrible things but at least not constantly pontificates and is not the depositary of the Word. He does not attack the editor of another newspaper just because it takes away that paper copies to the one that pays his salary. This elegant little in the style of a house, which only has a hint of irony is the master Carlo De Benedetti (whose book-length interview with Paolo Guzzanti some irreverence for the Solons of the Republic is not by chance that we deserved on that day a review of six rows of six). Finally, the bad Felt not propina readers articolesse large surface area is often indistinguishable from each other (which would require custom, yes, a strong effort of the Order).
Second consideration. D'Avanzo thunders and does well against the "machine of mud activated by Felt and his followers but also muddy miss a circumstance relating to it. When in May 2008 Marco Travaglio dared to mention on TV's weather that makes Renato Schifani, newly elected chairman of the Senate, with the benevolent abstention of the Democratic Party "had friendships and relationships with gentlemen who were later convicted of Mafia", D ' Surplus attacked him with three articles on Republic accusing him of sowing the 'anti-politics "and doing" bad journalism "that" weakens the institutions. " Then she threw there - citing a lawyer - that Travaglio, on holiday in Sicily, was made to pay the hotel from the manufacturer Aiello, meanwhile sentenced for crimes of mafia. Labor then showed that he had never known and Aiello, receipts in hand, that he always paid holiday to the last euro. But D'Avanzo did not ask him never apologized for those very serious allegations. Nor apologized to its readers when the Turin Court ruled that Travaglio, sued for damages Schifani, had told the truth about his relationship with men of the mafia.
So Who's the truffle? Who is manufacturing the mud?
This article demonstrates the wisdom of the maxim: "There's always someone purest of the pure, that the purges " true to the times of the French Revolution, which claimed the guillotined head of the first several hours, and true today moralism of the times the mass, during which you lose your head are the moralizing moralization. If you wear the jacket antiberlusconiana, and there fields, you can not afford the luxury of never lower our guard. Why does someone always jumps out, purer than you, you move the charge these days most shameful, to reason, to defend the principles. Never let it be. But that sadness, this world and paranoid morbosetto evoked dall'intellighentsia manettara radical, in which everyone must write down everything, put aside any receipt, receipts, and maybe not shake hands with a stranger until you have investigated his criminal record. Small cars grow
mud. Every man for himself.
* * * *
Ezio Mauro
For this article, quite long, Cato Maior to break the comments section.
But Roberto Saviano has actually said on television that the North is mafia? Of course not. The author of "Gomorra" knows too well the phenomenon of organizations criminals, their diversification and their branches to give in to such simplification. Build this nonsense, and charges, is a clear ideological operation, which is based on false and therefore belongs to the usual trade mark of mud, created and kept for years in the slums Berlusconi empire.
No, in fact, Saviano did not say literally that the north is mafia. But the crime for some time, is expanding and has established itself firmly in the north, so established as to persuade one of his boss's room in Lombardy and southern split from the parent do it alone. And Milan is the European city with the highest rate of investment Flights from criminal organizations, and that the Mafia even speaks with the Northern League. No one argues that Saviano think the North as a work of macro Casale footprint, but its claims are very strong, and lapidary, and deserve to be discussed, even polemical. During the program, then, the writer has extrapolated a quote by Gianfranco Miglio (cutting, however, takes a definition of the Mafia). Which, for those not familiar, it came out more of Don Vito Ciancimino colluded " must institutionalize the mafia in the south " This, in summary savianesco, his thought.
"Left and Right no longer make sense. Of course, you will be forced to a game of coalition. Provided you do not like Veltroni, who made the chapel deadly ally with Di Pietro contradicting himself. "
is talk of a caretaker government.
"I do not think . It would be possible only with a text of electoral reform shared details of iron. Rather it would be dangerous to give Berlusconi, even if only for a few months, the card to play the coup. "
and administrations?
" If the three above dribble the test would mean that are not up to 1'8o percent and lose credibility. Undertake at least in Milan, where there is a challenge of a European character, Having regard to the Expo 2015, and Naples. "
Pd II did not like it anymore?
" has been directed so mad. Veltroni has all the wrong moves, Franceschini did what he could, Bersani gave the Social Democratic Party image of yesteryear. "
" What do we talk to Vendola? The comparisons to Obama's chickens are funny. It is also a member of a noble tradition, as ARCI, Legambiente, Verdi. But an ideology is a minority that will never be the culture of government. "
Massimo Cacciari is one of the most lucid minds of the left. I hope one day we will have a type of Typically, on the right.
Professor of Philosophy of the profession, but also a politician, former Deputy Mayor of Venice, it never is queued to the tenets of the prevailing liberal political correctness debate.
often disagree with him, given our different views, but is always original Cacciari, hates clichés and does not fear unpopularity. Making it, largely on the left, a phenomenon quite unique. Estimated also by the intellectuals in the opposite direction, it would be a great center-left leaders, perhaps the only politically and culturally able to counteract the current president of the Council. So Berlusconi can sleep in peace. Today it is fashionable to Vendola.
* * *
the fact - I think as Saviano, MARONI COMPLAINT EVEN ME
Gianfranco Mascia
Not because Saviano is transformed again in spite of himself a martyr. He does not need, do not occur in a normal country.
If we were talking about a normal country, we should not have the star of more than 150 years in this part of organized crime.
But Italy is not normal for a journalist to tell what you see, write a book explaining the society around him, explaining calmly in a television phenomenon that has marked the history of our republic since its birth.
on TV and scream and fight better in the theaters policy, insult and defame those who think like you or kick and chirp with the guests without making him uncomfortable questions.
I do not accept that a journalist with the courage to state uncomfortable truths to be censored and threatened by the holder of the Interior Ministry, which should just thank him, and going to prosecute those criminals who Saviano complaint. Why anyone would make its proximity to Roberto Saviano can adhere to the page of solidarity launched by Antonio Di Pietro on Facebook and liaise with all of us that we are not and who think like Saviano. So we Maroni lawsuit.
Ich bin ein Savianer qualunquistico progressive sauce here is a fine example of argumentative rationality and rigor of the non-existent. What
Maroni has censured and threatened Saviano is the fantasy of the article that apparently wants the head of the Interior Ministry and blow horns, and the full reach of the reservoir savianofilo hoped the disruption of the constitutional practice of a normal country: according to Mascia, crime is fighting like this: a writer gives the names, the minister stops them. Pace Montesquieu and several centuries of political thought.
* * * *
Gianni Barbacetto
consider the quarrels between journalists and a generally less favorable of little interest to readers, but to be dragged "nell'Italietta of a quiet life," which "serves Felt and his 'machine mud'" makes me some kind of reply. I know Victor Felts for a lifetime, since that is, both young editors of Corriere della Sera, we were lined up on opposite sides at the time of the direction of Alberto Cavallari. Together with colleagues such as Ferruccio de Bortoli, Antonio Ferrari, Marzio Breda, Maurizio Chierici, Roberto Martinelli, Alfonso Madeo, to name a few, we were to defend the leadership of a great journalist and a great gentleman who had lifted from the mud-Courier of P2 at the express request of the Head State Sandro Pertini, but being against the then powerful Craxi. While the hunt Cavallari, Felt and handpieces craxiani not hesitate to unleash a civil war in the rooms via Solferino, until, in 84, after three years of agony Cavallari was forced to leave replaced by Piero Ostellino in a blaze of carnations. It was a dramatic and crucial page for the Italian newspaper that foreshadowed the submission of information to the rulers of every stripe and color, now under the eyes of all. But in those days, perhaps, D'Avanzo, unaware, took his first steps in police stations. Since then, all divided by Felt and I could not be otherwise since he decided to get to serves the interests of Silvio Berlusconi sacrificed on the altar of all master talentaccio also that it is hard not to recognize.
repugnant to me, however, that for any reason in the world to someone should not be allowed to express their ideas even unhealthy. I said this when I was approached on the suspension imposed by the Order of the Director of the Newspaper journalists for slandering Dino Boffo based on an information passed off as genuine and later revealed as false. As written on pages qesto Pino Corrias, "which can be remotely good that crap with the imposition of silence can occur only in a court of inquisition bland." I find that if we write the mischief discredited by the readers and the rigors of the law, not at all kind to the slanderers would suffice and advance. I could coax the Order of Journalists in front of which will be conducted next Monday on charges of having "damaged" nothing less, "the reputation and dignity" of Augusto Minzolini about the investigation initiated against the director of Tg1 by the prosecution Trani. Appalling crimes (having written that it was under investigation for bribery while he was a revelation of secret information quickly remedied) from which I will defend to fulfill an obligation that I disagree. For
D'Avanzo for so little that I was insulted by placing them in a "polychrome Assembly of Truffles (the tuber, but not people who hide feelings immoral under an appearance of honesty), a couple of comments. The first
. Felt is shown for what it is. He writes often horrible things but at least not constantly pontificates and is not the depositary of the Word. He does not attack the editor of another newspaper just because it takes away that paper copies to the one that pays his salary. This elegant little in the style of a house, which only has a hint of irony is the master Carlo De Benedetti (whose book-length interview with Paolo Guzzanti some irreverence for the Solons of the Republic is not by chance that we deserved on that day a review of six rows of six). Finally, the bad Felt not propina readers articolesse large surface area is often indistinguishable from each other (which would require custom, yes, a strong effort of the Order).
Second consideration. D'Avanzo thunders and does well against the "machine of mud activated by Felt and his followers but also muddy miss a circumstance relating to it. When in May 2008 Marco Travaglio dared to mention on TV's weather that makes Renato Schifani, newly elected chairman of the Senate, with the benevolent abstention of the Democratic Party "had friendships and relationships with gentlemen who were later convicted of Mafia", D ' Surplus attacked him with three articles on Republic accusing him of sowing the 'anti-politics "and doing" bad journalism "that" weakens the institutions. " Then she threw there - citing a lawyer - that Travaglio, on holiday in Sicily, was made to pay the hotel from the manufacturer Aiello, meanwhile sentenced for crimes of mafia. Labor then showed that he had never known and Aiello, receipts in hand, that he always paid holiday to the last euro. But D'Avanzo did not ask him never apologized for those very serious allegations. Nor apologized to its readers when the Turin Court ruled that Travaglio, sued for damages Schifani, had told the truth about his relationship with men of the mafia.
So Who's the truffle? Who is manufacturing the mud?
This article demonstrates the wisdom of the maxim: "There's always someone purest of the pure, that the purges " true to the times of the French Revolution, which claimed the guillotined head of the first several hours, and true today moralism of the times the mass, during which you lose your head are the moralizing moralization. If you wear the jacket antiberlusconiana, and there fields, you can not afford the luxury of never lower our guard. Why does someone always jumps out, purer than you, you move the charge these days most shameful, to reason, to defend the principles. Never let it be. But that sadness, this world and paranoid morbosetto evoked dall'intellighentsia manettara radical, in which everyone must write down everything, put aside any receipt, receipts, and maybe not shake hands with a stranger until you have investigated his criminal record. Small cars grow
mud. Every man for himself.
* * * *
Ezio Mauro
For this article, quite long, Cato Maior to break the comments section.
But Roberto Saviano has actually said on television that the North is mafia? Of course not. The author of "Gomorra" knows too well the phenomenon of organizations criminals, their diversification and their branches to give in to such simplification. Build this nonsense, and charges, is a clear ideological operation, which is based on false and therefore belongs to the usual trade mark of mud, created and kept for years in the slums Berlusconi empire.
No, in fact, Saviano did not say literally that the north is mafia. But the crime for some time, is expanding and has established itself firmly in the north, so established as to persuade one of his boss's room in Lombardy and southern split from the parent do it alone. And Milan is the European city with the highest rate of investment Flights from criminal organizations, and that the Mafia even speaks with the Northern League. No one argues that Saviano think the North as a work of macro Casale footprint, but its claims are very strong, and lapidary, and deserve to be discussed, even polemical. During the program, then, the writer has extrapolated a quote by Gianfranco Miglio (cutting, however, takes a definition of the Mafia). Which, for those not familiar, it came out more of Don Vito Ciancimino colluded " must institutionalize the mafia in the south " This, in summary savianesco, his thought.
Mile can not defend itself, since it is dead for several years, and I do not know what I'm about to write what he would like. But we must tell it like it is: Millet has always boasted of having no southern grandfather: "My grandmother had chickens German ," he said proudly, and was an intellectual deeply Central Europe, the Habsburg Empire. He dreamed of secession, or at least autonomy in the north. He wanted the south to do and give if cavasse alone. He was pessimistic, perhaps even Lombroso Communion, the southern and south of the possibility of real redemption: this is often caused by things like the one shown. But present it as I was racing against the mafia is not wrong, sempicemente is ridiculous, what support Superman's kryptonite that takes drugs. Saviano also said nonsense: it can happen, why exclude it?
We could stop here. But in reality nell'affanno of this complaint, there are three more general aspects, on which it is worth considering, especially now that we can congratulate the Minister of Interior for the capture of a number of Casale, Antonio Iovine.
The first is institutional. Denying that the mafia has infiltrated not only now, but settled in northern Italy is hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is when the government becomes a dangerous underestimation of the reality which does not help the country to be aware of the phenomenon.
Mafias attack North for years, as they attack Rome and many other areas of Italy away from areas where they were born and where they traditionally lived. Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy in particular must now deal with a "strong presence of the clan," says the Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate, and clans "interact" with the policy and the business community, receive a "peace agreement" from sectors of society , enter "production activities", the link to "branches of government that can promote economic designs, with involvement in specific cases of" public administrators and technicians "to facilitate procurement and fix other" stories oblique. "
Just this analysis, together with the results of judicial investigations, to understand that the complaint of Saviano should be taken seriously, and exorcisms are not required. Above all, the interior minister, personally engaged for years with good results in fighting organized crime, should take the ball on the bounce of a public revelation of such great impact, such as that done in a prime time television with huge plays. On this basis, a large and credible information, the government can raise attention and awareness of public opinion, which helps the action of police and judiciary.
The reaction of the human part is coming before the man's responsibility of government: it is clear that the League is also came from the rejection of the Mafia, but now deny that crime circles where policy is in power, any sign is, it ignores a common danger, also widespread in the country. Worse yet if this is to believe and to believe that there are areas of Italy where you should not speak of Mafia infiltration, one must be silent presence of the thighs with white collar, while other parts of Italy to pay for themselves, rather than ideologically racist, to carry all the weight of a crime which is widespread, but ideology is attributable only to a certain Italy, as a perpetual damnation: that is a renunciation of the policy, hopes to convey, especially his duties.
's strange that Maureen fights to not be distorted the thinking of Saviano, and then distorts to Maroni. That did not deny the problem of the mafia in the north. He only said that the message was sent Saviano, among other things, to indicate the league as one of the new partners of ill repute in the north. Anyone who has seen the transmission knows it's true: the writer, really a language at all crisp, vaguely allusive, also raised its pollution of the League. Maroni if \u200b\u200bthey have adontato. It simply said: "I the minister who has fought all over the mob: it is possible that I am the leader of a party that suffers the infiltration ?. You can of course say that it is possible that reality is complex, you have to think about. But Mauro prefers to throw her racket in rhetoric. Physician, heal yourself ipsum.
The second aspect of this story is cultural. The Saviano fury and rage against one man. Saviano not behind a structured world, a party, an apparatus, a powerful economic, business: rather, the publishing company that publishes excommunicated him through the words of its shareholder, and Rai is only a passing guest, poorly tolerated, even if successful. Sure, hundreds of thousands of readers, bookstores, and "Republic", but it's a free man in her life minimum reduced and monitored. And above all alone. Attack from the seats of power, and its basement, is an excessive, a proportion typical of today's dominant power.
No, Saviano is not alone. Of course, good people, or intellectual, can not annul the death sentence on him of the Camorra. The Ministry of the Interior may protect it, and protects him. But what can be done to Saviano, Italy does. He bought his books, read his articles, it says, sometimes even the idolatrous. His thinking is trendy, its transmission sensational plays. E 'possible to isolate less than that? No institution attacking him. Someone is very annoyed by his way to argue, from its absolute, from a personal story that Saviano has legitimately turned into a battle of ideas collective (not without economic self-interest, and there is nothing wrong with that): attitude understandable because when the risks to die for your ideas , you're led to CONSIDERING absolutely right, with a capital G. And if you want to kill for your words, you only have to identify your life with them, and you shield your vulnerability. Saviano can not have doubts, perhaps. But others remain more than legitimate criticism, dear Maureen. No one can be right in principle, for reasons other than correspondence to the facts of what he says. And on this match not only can, but we must discuss, in all ways. Argue with him too harshly, it means just do the exact opposite of what Maureen says: it means not to play the game of the mafia, whose death sentences derive their greatest strength from the silence.
This interface is symmetric in the cynicism of some tossed left and weakened, become unable to hold a simple conversation with good intentions democratic, because it is "too much": too right, too true, too naive, too useless, too stubborn uncomfortable on those issues, too out of tune with today's dominant politically incorrect. Here, the cynicism is a painless way falsely and artificially innocent to sit tired, holding a glass and the quote right, on the chairs white cultural hegemony of others, coming from the left.
Who knows where you see the cynicism, Mauro. If something you can blame the left, is the intellectual who has suffered from the short end of communism to the present, by virtue of which now can no longer occur as a complex analysis of reality, is still like some politically correct dogma, beyond which wrong. 'Come with me', incidentally, is the most obvious manifestation: a world of good friends who love pears and fight evil. Only they, alone in their own way.
The final element (for now) of this history: that is political, finally. Saviano for attacking his monologue on the mafia, power, and his bodyguards trying to hit anything else you feel scared but do not see, as if they move in the dark. We give a name to this thing. It is the political weight, all of the political discourse of Saviano. That is because this is not political and does not want to do it. Why is a sophisticated discourse on crime in his experience, and at the same naive in the original sense of the word, a speech that pays no attention to the consequences and appropriate, not calculating. So a speech disarmed by side interests, because he stubbornly interest only to the words he utters. That is why they are perceived as genuine by millions of people. And that is vaguely afraid the dominant power, aphasic in his proclamations, increasingly forced to work under the table, just because his words no longer work, play or false.
am afraid that those nine million viewers Saviano does not explain why only television, but with the language just needs a new, different meanings to different codes. A program needs to change not only on TV, but in the country.
Sublime rhetoric, which is close to ridiculous, but stripped of his flourishes. Saviano's strength, to Mauro, his would be involuntary political nature: the real values \u200b\u200bthat evokes, but without meaning to. And who happens to be exactly which is pursuing the same transmission in which, apparently by accident, is to speak. Namely the values \u200b\u200bof the left, written by authors from left, announced by a presenter on the left, with commentaries by guests on the left (or antiberlusconiani), reviewed enthusiastically by critics on the left, accepted as gospel by the people of the left. All this, using language, a narrative that is anything but "new."
This does not mean that we can not speak of a nice television. But, in fact, this is all about. Confused with the embarrassing the Congress of Gotha.
I wonder if there is anyone left, who becomes aware of the tragic void that permeates arguments like those of Ezio Mauro.
Berlusconism one hand, the maurismo other. Viva Italy.
We could stop here. But in reality nell'affanno of this complaint, there are three more general aspects, on which it is worth considering, especially now that we can congratulate the Minister of Interior for the capture of a number of Casale, Antonio Iovine.
The first is institutional. Denying that the mafia has infiltrated not only now, but settled in northern Italy is hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is when the government becomes a dangerous underestimation of the reality which does not help the country to be aware of the phenomenon.
Mafias attack North for years, as they attack Rome and many other areas of Italy away from areas where they were born and where they traditionally lived. Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy in particular must now deal with a "strong presence of the clan," says the Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate, and clans "interact" with the policy and the business community, receive a "peace agreement" from sectors of society , enter "production activities", the link to "branches of government that can promote economic designs, with involvement in specific cases of" public administrators and technicians "to facilitate procurement and fix other" stories oblique. "
Just this analysis, together with the results of judicial investigations, to understand that the complaint of Saviano should be taken seriously, and exorcisms are not required. Above all, the interior minister, personally engaged for years with good results in fighting organized crime, should take the ball on the bounce of a public revelation of such great impact, such as that done in a prime time television with huge plays. On this basis, a large and credible information, the government can raise attention and awareness of public opinion, which helps the action of police and judiciary.
The reaction of the human part is coming before the man's responsibility of government: it is clear that the League is also came from the rejection of the Mafia, but now deny that crime circles where policy is in power, any sign is, it ignores a common danger, also widespread in the country. Worse yet if this is to believe and to believe that there are areas of Italy where you should not speak of Mafia infiltration, one must be silent presence of the thighs with white collar, while other parts of Italy to pay for themselves, rather than ideologically racist, to carry all the weight of a crime which is widespread, but ideology is attributable only to a certain Italy, as a perpetual damnation: that is a renunciation of the policy, hopes to convey, especially his duties.
's strange that Maureen fights to not be distorted the thinking of Saviano, and then distorts to Maroni. That did not deny the problem of the mafia in the north. He only said that the message was sent Saviano, among other things, to indicate the league as one of the new partners of ill repute in the north. Anyone who has seen the transmission knows it's true: the writer, really a language at all crisp, vaguely allusive, also raised its pollution of the League. Maroni if \u200b\u200bthey have adontato. It simply said: "I the minister who has fought all over the mob: it is possible that I am the leader of a party that suffers the infiltration ?. You can of course say that it is possible that reality is complex, you have to think about. But Mauro prefers to throw her racket in rhetoric. Physician, heal yourself ipsum.
The second aspect of this story is cultural. The Saviano fury and rage against one man. Saviano not behind a structured world, a party, an apparatus, a powerful economic, business: rather, the publishing company that publishes excommunicated him through the words of its shareholder, and Rai is only a passing guest, poorly tolerated, even if successful. Sure, hundreds of thousands of readers, bookstores, and "Republic", but it's a free man in her life minimum reduced and monitored. And above all alone. Attack from the seats of power, and its basement, is an excessive, a proportion typical of today's dominant power.
No, Saviano is not alone. Of course, good people, or intellectual, can not annul the death sentence on him of the Camorra. The Ministry of the Interior may protect it, and protects him. But what can be done to Saviano, Italy does. He bought his books, read his articles, it says, sometimes even the idolatrous. His thinking is trendy, its transmission sensational plays. E 'possible to isolate less than that? No institution attacking him. Someone is very annoyed by his way to argue, from its absolute, from a personal story that Saviano has legitimately turned into a battle of ideas collective (not without economic self-interest, and there is nothing wrong with that): attitude understandable because when the risks to die for your ideas , you're led to CONSIDERING absolutely right, with a capital G. And if you want to kill for your words, you only have to identify your life with them, and you shield your vulnerability. Saviano can not have doubts, perhaps. But others remain more than legitimate criticism, dear Maureen. No one can be right in principle, for reasons other than correspondence to the facts of what he says. And on this match not only can, but we must discuss, in all ways. Argue with him too harshly, it means just do the exact opposite of what Maureen says: it means not to play the game of the mafia, whose death sentences derive their greatest strength from the silence.
This interface is symmetric in the cynicism of some tossed left and weakened, become unable to hold a simple conversation with good intentions democratic, because it is "too much": too right, too true, too naive, too useless, too stubborn uncomfortable on those issues, too out of tune with today's dominant politically incorrect. Here, the cynicism is a painless way falsely and artificially innocent to sit tired, holding a glass and the quote right, on the chairs white cultural hegemony of others, coming from the left.
Who knows where you see the cynicism, Mauro. If something you can blame the left, is the intellectual who has suffered from the short end of communism to the present, by virtue of which now can no longer occur as a complex analysis of reality, is still like some politically correct dogma, beyond which wrong. 'Come with me', incidentally, is the most obvious manifestation: a world of good friends who love pears and fight evil. Only they, alone in their own way.
The final element (for now) of this history: that is political, finally. Saviano for attacking his monologue on the mafia, power, and his bodyguards trying to hit anything else you feel scared but do not see, as if they move in the dark. We give a name to this thing. It is the political weight, all of the political discourse of Saviano. That is because this is not political and does not want to do it. Why is a sophisticated discourse on crime in his experience, and at the same naive in the original sense of the word, a speech that pays no attention to the consequences and appropriate, not calculating. So a speech disarmed by side interests, because he stubbornly interest only to the words he utters. That is why they are perceived as genuine by millions of people. And that is vaguely afraid the dominant power, aphasic in his proclamations, increasingly forced to work under the table, just because his words no longer work, play or false.
am afraid that those nine million viewers Saviano does not explain why only television, but with the language just needs a new, different meanings to different codes. A program needs to change not only on TV, but in the country.
Sublime rhetoric, which is close to ridiculous, but stripped of his flourishes. Saviano's strength, to Mauro, his would be involuntary political nature: the real values \u200b\u200bthat evokes, but without meaning to. And who happens to be exactly which is pursuing the same transmission in which, apparently by accident, is to speak. Namely the values \u200b\u200bof the left, written by authors from left, announced by a presenter on the left, with commentaries by guests on the left (or antiberlusconiani), reviewed enthusiastically by critics on the left, accepted as gospel by the people of the left. All this, using language, a narrative that is anything but "new."
This does not mean that we can not speak of a nice television. But, in fact, this is all about. Confused with the embarrassing the Congress of Gotha.
I wonder if there is anyone left, who becomes aware of the tragic void that permeates arguments like those of Ezio Mauro.
Berlusconism one hand, the maurismo other. Viva Italy.
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