The best and worst of the week, with gloss catoniana.
Every Saturday you will find one or more articles in the national press during the week, in my opinion deserve - for better and for worse-to be made available to readers catoniani, with a brief comment.
This week:
Corriere della Sera - Interview with Beppe Grillo Saviano - Fabrizio Roncone
The Fact Daily - Two Maroni - of Marco Travaglio
The Newspaper - The Order Felt punished and not a faker like me - Ezio Mauro
To read the articles and comments, click below
Fabrizio Roncone
Then, the background is this.
The other night, during his fourth and final show at the Gran Teatro di Roma, Beppe Grillo at some point it comes out that way. "Roberto Saviano, for heaven's sake, he is very good. But "Come away with me" is a program Endemol. And who is to Endemol? Silvio Berlusconi. So when does Saviano audience, earning it the Knight. Adding to that Saviano accusations left and right, but did not do half as ever, it is easy to see why Silvio enjoy like a hedgehog "(in room, 3,500 people - sold out - which still surprises, mute, not a hint of applause for the comedian).
They spend a few hours and get the reply. Nichi Vendola - the leader of the Left ecology and freedom, the former Communist who writes rhymes as a hobby and was among the first to declare himself gay, "not gay, it is clear," the sensitive and educated man who read Neruda, Pirandello and Pasolini, and that some consensus would be gnawing and votes in the Democratic Party - is the guest of Maria Latella on Sky Tg24. It goes down hard. "That's Grillo a drift of fundamentalism. It is, in my opinion, a rather worrying, because if everyone feels that they have the yardstick for judging, you end up in a sort of Doomsday permanent. In short - Vendola ends - I think that politics is the domain of truth with the "v" tiny, but if anyone thinks he has the truth with "v" capital, it is clear that ends up feeling Savonarola. " Grillo, now, sighs, and then, with the voice that you know, "No, I say she has a clue what they do in order Savonarola?.
Wikipedia: "Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo Savonarola (Ferrara, September 21, 1452 - Florence, May 23, 1498) was an Italian religious and political. Belonging to the order of Dominican friars in 1497 he was excommunicated by Pope Alexander VI, the year after he was hanged and burned at the stake as a heretic, schismatic, and for preaching new things. " Still
Grillo: "Now, apart from that if he had lived in this era, would organize a Savonarola suffered an episode of" Porta a Porta "and so perhaps it would be even able to avoid the fire ... the point is that I, in common with Savonarola, I have only one thing: the word. The difference is that I use the Net, I can travel with the Internet. Where there are masters. And where the consensus is uncontrollable. If you say the right things, honest, tell you that you are right and that you are respectable. If you're smart, you find out after half a second. One way to proceed, I realize that Vendola, unfortunately, can not understand. "
is not severe, Cricket. "Listen: you know how many years ago that Vendola politics? Thirty. Vendola was born doing politics. " So what? Even if it were? It's not a crime in politics for a living. "You see, the fact is that in politics Vendola old. There is promising and based parties, but is no longer time to leave, there is no history of PCI, taking, or tradition, or left and right. This is the time for young people and their strength on the Net. " Even Vendola, in the election campaign of the last regional elections, he used the Internet much. "You see? She also is interviewing me is old. She has the head of an old ...». Grillo, please ... "What do you do, eh? He wants to prove that I've got with Vendola? But look beyond that I am, capitooo?. It will not be sorry, she instead is aimed at an electorate very close to that, perhaps the most politicized of Vendola? "Ah ah ah! But he says? But what about voters? We are a people who are there on the Net All together without a leader. Vendola is aspiring to be a leader, not me, not one of us aspires to this role. " Cricket is a little 'difficult to believe. "But should! And if it did not help someone write that stand in the forthcoming municipal symbol with our five-star hotel just send me an email and demonstrate that it is not a member of any party and have a clean criminal record ... The Vendola also explain what it means to have a clean criminal record, he who hath been found in Puglia with half came on trial ...». Vendola, bitterly: "I regret that Cricket uses a language so violent. It pains me to destroy the drift of his commitment. No, I can not understand the policy when it becomes, as in this case, hatred and contumely. "
Paradoxically, at nine o'clock in the evening, on the personal website of Vendola (www.nichivendola.it) there is still a page that begins like this (but that has now overtaken by events): "We publish a post that explains the Beppe Grillo support for the battle of Nichi President of the Puglia Region in defense of water as a common good and against nuclear ...».
yet another confirmation of an internal struggle in the world of good and righteous, with strokes of allegations of disantiberlusconismo. What is it? Not enough of a critical attitude towards the hardline President of the Council. Why risk dangerous when you start to think (too much), is to stop slowly to continue the controversy blows of pre slogan. The accusations ridiculous Cricket, now imprisoned in its fortress of the future, which launches arrows guncotton on anyone suspected of being "old" or "at the service of the bosses," are balanced by the replicas bromide, which stops a Vendola sorry for the occasion, the role of revolutionary, and uses tones from chamomile to respond to the comic, in the hope of not losing too many crumbs quell'appetitoso grillino electoral heritage full of hatred and contumely.
* * * *
the daily - two MARONI
Marco Travaglio
We have entered into possession of the complete list of things to do to fight the Mafia, viewed Monday by an undisputed authority in the field the Minister Maroni to Bobo Come away with me, unfortunately cut due to time direct.
Mafias are fighting the mafia seizing the fruit of their illicit trade. Great results under the new rules of the security package (that is, in the Budget last year, we expected the auction of confiscated property, so the straw boss if you can buy back).
The 'Ndrangheta is present in the North for at least three decades, is not new (the Mafia instead of four decades Silvio told me that in '74 he took home a boss dressed as a groom and found himself very well, better than with the police and carabinieri).
Mafias are fought by making local institutions impervious to the lure of easy enrichment. In this regard it was alleged that the 'Ndrangheta in Northern converses with the League. This statement is unfair and offensive to many like me who always oppose every form of lawlessness (best to counter any form of illegality and to witness the closeness to the police, in 1996 malmenai some policemen came to search the premises of the League azzannai and the calf of one of them during the fall, earning a final conviction for contempt and resisting a public official to do this now the Minister of the Interior: to culinary expertise when it comes to police). You denied this claim particularly
from recent operations in Lombardy against the 'Ndrangheta, "Cerberus", "South Park," "Crime" "Infinity" that led to the arrest and even the involvement of politicians from other parties, but not in the league. I wonder why only the League and its state (perhaps because the last operation, the "crime", have photographed the League's regional director Angelo Ciocca Roseanne Pino Blacks with the boss?). The gangs are fighting
hunting down super-fugitive. In these two years the judiciary and police, to whom I extend my appreciation and my thanks, have acted tirelessly and with unquestionable success. Brisson, Strange, Brown, Racco, Iovine ... (they tried to capture the undersecretary Cosentino, but we in the League, by way of praise and thanksgiving, we voted against, so Cosentino can continue hiding in the comfort of Deputies).
These are just some of the 28 superboss taken and put to hard labor. As there are only 2: Zagaria and Messina Denaro (we always say so. In 2010, after the arrest in Puglia's boss Franco Li Bergolis, I stated: "Another dangerous fugitive has been brought to justice. Now there are only three call of the 30 most dangerous. "Then he was arrested and Messina Gerlandino Berlusconi declared," Messina was among the 30 most dangerous fugitives, 28 of which are thus brought to justice. "Then he was arrested Antonio Iovine, for where the fugitives in handcuffs would have to climb to 29 to 30. Instead, do not ask me why we are again declined to 28, so I just said that they are missing 2, Zagaria and Messina Denaro. And I forgot Vito Badalamenti, who is high on the list of fugitives history since 2006, when Provenzano was taken. And I have also forgotten other 8: Domenico Condello, Attilio Cubeddu, Marco Di Lauro, Giuseppe Giorgi, Giovanni Motisi, Sebastiano Skin, and Pasquale Scotti Michele Antonio Varano. That is, it still has 9, but you know, are a bit 'weak in mathematics and then I say here that shit I want, so you can not control and no one can contradict me).
The circle tightens around even Zagaria and Messina Money (for safety, we have relied on Dell'Utri).
journalist Marco Travaglio is a very good satire. I say this not to diminish it. The satire is an art noble. He himself, in court, he tried to defend himself against an accusation of slander by Fedele Confalonieri, describing their offending written as satire.
The best satire, like that of Labor, however, should not be taken too seriously. Used to have a laugh, maybe even bitter because the public often Annozero subject to his hilarious monologues the same consensus that dedicates to Vauro.
But satire works roughly like this: you start with a fact, it makes aseptic totally disconnected with reality that is deeply steeped (reasons, justifications, causes, circumstances related in various ways), it is laid bare, short, and it deceives.
In this sense, Labor and starts talking about real facts, as alleged by his adoring fans, and in this sense does not often say things generally "true."
For example, the League has also prevented, by their vote, that the lawmaker (the PDL) Cosentino was processed. True. But it is realistic to ask Cosentino on the same floor of the main bosses of the underworld?
For example, it makes sense (journalistically speaking) to criticize a minister who claim to be the ministerial action of law mafia, recalling an incident in which he found himself involved, he saw the police to raid the headquarters of the League for requisition of documents not in character of the Camorra, but on the elusive guard Po?
For example, the Minister Maroni complains that only the League has been cited by Saviano in his speech on the collusion between crime and politics, when, according to him, the party is more alien to the Mafia. It makes sense to respond by citing the only case (in decades of criminal infiltration in the north) that involves a Northern League, by the way a case is still far from finding a definitive truth of the case?
And these were three of the examples that did not concern travagliesche purely humorous arguments (such as the expectation of the mafia in Dell'Utri): three examples, in short, journalism of that based on 'facts', as he likes to say Travaglio. Who feels the heir of Montanelli, but is closer to Forattini.
* * * *
a forger of Maria Teresa Conti
Her crime, ten years of mock interviews with the big Culture, published by several newspapers unaware that they were false, certainly deserves some punishment. But Tommaso Debenedetti, journalist, self-confessed forger, the Order of Journalists, the same who crucified the managing editor of the Journal imposed a Victor Felts suspension of three months, has not done anything. Not even a good-natured scolding. As evidence of the fact that the law, even in the field of justice reporting, not the same for everyone. Debenedetti
is the same, with an email of solidarity to be sent to our editorial director Felt, self-complaint, telling a story, his own, which is emblematic of how the justice journalism does not work. "The wonderful, flawless Association of Journalists condemning the editor of a silence of three months - said in the message Debenedetti Felt - not involved even when it is not to punish awkward items. A forger is declared without any punishment as a great professional information such as Victor Felts is reduced to an albeit temporary but very heavy silence. " And
forger said it was indeed, in this matter. For ten long years, without any of the newspapers in which he offered his services were the least suspicion (Il Mattino, the national daily, Libero), Debenedetti has published interviews with the greatest Italian and foreign writers, by Philip Roth and John Grisham JK Rowling, Harry Potter's mother, who last year without knowing Italian readers also did a Christmas card. "I started out of necessity - Reminds Debenedetti - building without ever having made an interview that I had failed to achieve. Went well, then I began to enjoy myself and I have not stopped. Did not do it for money, I paid little. It was really fun. "
decade. Ten years of scoop without arousing suspicion. The toy was broken in March 2010, when Philip Roth, interviewed seriously by the Republic, to a question about an attack on Obama contained in an interview with Libero, has fallen from the clouds. From there, the discovery of the deception the step was short. Debenedetti he said. And in his journey through the Italian papers have dealt with, but especially foreign ones, El Pais, which interviewed him, in the front row. And the Order of Journalists, which joined Debenedetti, publicists in the book of the same name, since May of 1997? "Absolutely nothing, when it exploded the story no one has neither written nor contacted. There was no file opened on me. " The Association of Journalists of the Lazio confirms Debenedetti on the case there is no disciplinary proceedings. "Apparently - says the reporter - as a forger is not uncomfortable at the political level."
There is little to add. We had an editorial on the topic (Freedom I'm looking for) and comments that followed. This article only confirms the belief catoniana: Ordo Giornalistorum delendum east.
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