Mara Carfagna meat grinder in the media: who doubts is lost
Giancarlo Perna writes for the Journal for many years.
in recent years has grown from interviews with vitriol to the powerful, to more mundane items ode to Berlusconi (or hate all'antiberlusconismo).
When passed through the Robespierre of repartee, his caustic seemed to have no respect for anyone. A brave.
In fact, his verve was not expressed in abrasive applications à la Fallaci stinging and provocative, but in sharp outline of comments embellished with which, once put on paper the guide of his conversation. The same Perna remembers when Mara Carfagna tells of a political novice, afraid of a first interview with him. Italo Bocchino, who was there to reassure her that she could stay quiet remarked ironically: Perna was very kind of person, the evil was outside when he was translating the interview on a sheet of paper. (more. ..)
Applications courteous or neutral, without face to face, once recorded on paper were enriched considerations are ironic and at times were changing in savory jokes and courageous to the respondent, that the eyes of player ended up doing almost always part of the audacity gonzo interviewed. That determination, that journalist, a Clark Kent that turned into Superman when the enemy was too far away to notice. In this
, Perna was ingenious and patented a method, a kind of courage at no cost, then that has taken hold.
Recently, as I said, is devoted to articles instead of analysis on the political situation.
The last is not really one of the most glorious pages of independent journalism.
Speak, needless to say, its Minister Carfagna: which has not had time to clarify - perhaps even to herself - their doubts about his stay in the government and the PDL, which is already finished in the viewfinder ruthless the Journal.
read the opening words:
"It things in a different tread, Mara Carfagna. It was the first to make public angry Veronica Lario for gallantry that reserved the Cavalier Silvio Berlusconi. It is the only showgirl who has become minister of a government of the Republic. And now, according to rumors, will be the only minister in living memory, being in office, resigns to move to another party. It is not the first woman, to be married in the spring-set with the property developer Mark Mezzaroma-grown at the same time a friendship with a colleague. No one doubts the fact that behind Mara fibrillation there is a hand charm of Italo Bocchino, the Pasdaran finiano (...) The close friendship or perhaps even flirt with the Italo-has never been found, were much talked about. "
The shame is all in there with that cast suspicion casual lightness her to be married, would not be the first to cultivate a friendship at the same time with a colleague.
expression that leaves no way out: it is clear that a friendship with a colleague is not rough on the agenda (what does your marriage imminent?) And would not be even mentioned. So now the reader understands that the indulgence of hairy Perna goes to something far more stringent.
Anyone who still doubts, the journalist continues to speak of "fibrillation" due to a "fascinating Italo Bocchino. And then sinks "(...) The close friend or maybe even flirt with the Italian - was never found - has been much talked .
This is probably a step inquerelabile: mica has expressed certainty, Perna: use in a clever words like 'perhaps', 'talked', 'not found'. But the company into disrepute and shame to a woman about to marry (Incidentally, a minister who seems to want to leave the government) is brought out very well.
What will be expected at this rate? Mara Carfagna
If passed in Fli, probably the Newspaper demonstrate their fierce independence by withdrawing Berlusconi out of the rumor by Sabina Guzzanti, not very welcome to him, who becomes minister of Carfagna under a bond certainly not friendly with the President of the Council. Maybe
, so the Journal would argue not even look at anybody. Could force the Premier on the defensive and cause him to declare: "Better Carfagna that bind."
Cato Maior spends not a little of its virtual wind warning from the rhetoric of savian well mannered, she sees the mud machines placed everywhere, right, and ready to squirt.
few days ago I defended the right to write what he wants Felt the Journal, without an Order of Journalists to silence him obsolete.
defend now the same principle for Perna, and I wish to continue to write pieces like that for another 100 years.
However, I retain the right for myself, reading them, to feel a vague sense of nausea.
Giancarlo Perna writes for the Journal for many years.
in recent years has grown from interviews with vitriol to the powerful, to more mundane items ode to Berlusconi (or hate all'antiberlusconismo).
When passed through the Robespierre of repartee, his caustic seemed to have no respect for anyone. A brave.
In fact, his verve was not expressed in abrasive applications à la Fallaci stinging and provocative, but in sharp outline of comments embellished with which, once put on paper the guide of his conversation. The same Perna remembers when Mara Carfagna tells of a political novice, afraid of a first interview with him. Italo Bocchino, who was there to reassure her that she could stay quiet remarked ironically: Perna was very kind of person, the evil was outside when he was translating the interview on a sheet of paper. (more. ..)
Applications courteous or neutral, without face to face, once recorded on paper were enriched considerations are ironic and at times were changing in savory jokes and courageous to the respondent, that the eyes of player ended up doing almost always part of the audacity gonzo interviewed. That determination, that journalist, a Clark Kent that turned into Superman when the enemy was too far away to notice. In this
, Perna was ingenious and patented a method, a kind of courage at no cost, then that has taken hold.
Recently, as I said, is devoted to articles instead of analysis on the political situation.
The last is not really one of the most glorious pages of independent journalism.
Speak, needless to say, its Minister Carfagna: which has not had time to clarify - perhaps even to herself - their doubts about his stay in the government and the PDL, which is already finished in the viewfinder ruthless the Journal.
read the opening words:
"It things in a different tread, Mara Carfagna. It was the first to make public angry Veronica Lario for gallantry that reserved the Cavalier Silvio Berlusconi. It is the only showgirl who has become minister of a government of the Republic. And now, according to rumors, will be the only minister in living memory, being in office, resigns to move to another party. It is not the first woman, to be married in the spring-set with the property developer Mark Mezzaroma-grown at the same time a friendship with a colleague. No one doubts the fact that behind Mara fibrillation there is a hand charm of Italo Bocchino, the Pasdaran finiano (...) The close friendship or perhaps even flirt with the Italo-has never been found, were much talked about. "
The shame is all in there with that cast suspicion casual lightness her to be married, would not be the first to cultivate a friendship at the same time with a colleague.
expression that leaves no way out: it is clear that a friendship with a colleague is not rough on the agenda (what does your marriage imminent?) And would not be even mentioned. So now the reader understands that the indulgence of hairy Perna goes to something far more stringent.
Anyone who still doubts, the journalist continues to speak of "fibrillation" due to a "fascinating Italo Bocchino. And then sinks "(...) The close friend or maybe even flirt with the Italian - was never found - has been much talked .
This is probably a step inquerelabile: mica has expressed certainty, Perna: use in a clever words like 'perhaps', 'talked', 'not found'. But the company into disrepute and shame to a woman about to marry (Incidentally, a minister who seems to want to leave the government) is brought out very well.
What will be expected at this rate? Mara Carfagna
If passed in Fli, probably the Newspaper demonstrate their fierce independence by withdrawing Berlusconi out of the rumor by Sabina Guzzanti, not very welcome to him, who becomes minister of Carfagna under a bond certainly not friendly with the President of the Council. Maybe
, so the Journal would argue not even look at anybody. Could force the Premier on the defensive and cause him to declare: "Better Carfagna that bind."
Cato Maior spends not a little of its virtual wind warning from the rhetoric of savian well mannered, she sees the mud machines placed everywhere, right, and ready to squirt.
few days ago I defended the right to write what he wants Felt the Journal, without an Order of Journalists to silence him obsolete.
defend now the same principle for Perna, and I wish to continue to write pieces like that for another 100 years.
However, I retain the right for myself, reading them, to feel a vague sense of nausea.
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