The best and worst of the week
Stubborn Liberal - Piero Ostellino
Piero Ostellino thank you for sending me the text of his speech
Article 314 ("Of complaint ") of the Constitution of the Neapolitan Republic of 1799 stated:" If someone just shall live democratically, that is voluptuous and dissolute, bad manners to give his family, how proud and lazy and will use against equality, will be deprived of the right Censors active or passive citizenship, according to his guilt. In any case can not the penalty exceed three years, but for new faults may be noticed and punished again. " To get a further confirmation of the goodness of his ideas, the Neapolitan Jacobins had given in reading the text of the Constitution to lead them to liberal Vincenzo Cuoco trial. While Cook was reading, silence had fallen thick on the assembly. No one breathed. Finally, Cook had raised his eyes from his manuscript, looked anxiously awaiting those noble faces and said. 'Things' and crazy. " Crazy things is also an article by Roberta de Monticelli at La Repubblica on Friday: "To Mr. encourage liberal I would ask if her daughter or her granddaughter to be involved in some end-user of that beautiful grace on which she sits. I imagine that her daughter and her niece, just like him, would also be found to have other values. "
Madam de Monticelli, I have not incited anyone, much less urge my daughter and my granddaughter to share "the good grace" on which she sits. I only claimed the freedom of women to do so if they believe in, and accountable only to themselves, or to her confessor, not you, Madam, or to a Committee of Censors as that of the Neapolitan Republic. And to those who, like her, she responds as shocked Cook: "Things' and crazy." The woman's body - like it or not, but it is a fact - that, in itself, a power also social and some women in history, they even used that power for political ends very noble. According to the parameters of Madame de Monticelli, the Countess of Castiglione - who shared a bed with Napoleon III to facilitate the work of Cavour renaissance - it was a bitch, as they would the young women who marry a rich man and older. Well, Madam, to me they are not.
When asked what was the Kremlin's policy toward homosexuals, a Soviet minister had replied: "We are opposed to homosexuality." It was a bizarre attempt to exorcise homosexuality justify the persecution, as Madame de Monticelli and neo-Puritans of the last hour trying to exorcise some women actually covering it with a veil of hypocrisy that they call collective ethic. I was limited to describing a certain reality "as is", they responded by prescribing a reality, "as they would like it to be." It 'not just a logical leap - from being to Dover to be - but the syndrome of a latent moral and political totalitarianism is unacceptable for a liberal.
Tomorrow, there will be a demonstration in defense of the dignity of women. In fact, it says "women" but we think a model - like automobile to be mass-produce - a virtuous woman, that women, all equally virtuous and exemplary, as are women in every form of totalitarianism. I confess that the prospect of a woman who goes by the head office not to indulge in a career - as some do, sometimes, not always, and not all - but to ask for a pay rise because she is not allowed, I think frankly surreal . I assume the vast majority are those who are not allowed, and to make a career on, but not the change in flag waving in a square not to become ridiculous. I consider it a normal thing. By Max Weber, I think there is "the" woman in the singular, but there are many women in the plural, so there is no "society", but there are many individuals, men and women in the plural, each of which has their own idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and the right to prosecute them as it sees fit only on condition of not doing harm to others. These are my principles. It seems that the same opinion was also Immanuel Kant.
As the mother of idiots is always pregnant, that I'm not talking about the precise freedom rider Silvio Berlusconi to spend his evenings in the company of minors may be willing to share with him the "good grace" on which they sat as stated in the charge the judiciary. I believe even without saying that if - after a free trial between prosecution and defense - that you were guilty, would be the obvious respect for the rule of law, and equality of citizens before the law, he was sentenced. Add, finally, that even if they come out in terms of justice, but it appears that, as head of government, gave improper behavior in his office, should be, first, his own voters to judge him severely morally and political. These are still my principles. It seems that Benedetto Croce, with his "theory distinguished" between Ethics, Politics, Law, thought so.
Why, then, the logical leap from being to be Dover is the syndrome of totalitarianism ? First, because it is a scam sociological image of a country where they are constantly fighting a minority carrier of civic virtue and a mass of cheaters, parking on the second row (the voters of the center). Barbara Spinelli, Adriano Prosperi, and other neo-shareholders do not say "how things are, but they want to redeem the unauthorized parking lot (which are also among the voters of the center), and give value judgments that claim to be statements of fact. I, who denounced the deep aversion to liberalism do not do to be invited to dinner at Arcore, I just record their way of thinking about democracy. It is not mandatory to be liberal, but if you have not, there is at least professed to these, then, to think, write, behave openly opposed to the liberal thought and practice.
I agree that every community is based on a set of shared moral principles, regardless of the color of the government, then the rule. But ethicised of politics is dividing the world into good and bad, with good all on one side and all the other bad. And this is not the reality, which is always characterized by a gray area, but is an artificial representation of reality for the use of a sense of its mission - the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of the next - which is more like that of Savonarola that common sense (empirical) of a contemporary, secular intellectual. It is for the political process, in the "open society", to compare different interests and values, and even opposed, and decreeing a winner by the only legitimate procedure in a liberal democracy: the counting of heads. If the interests and values \u200b\u200bare "virtuous in itself," the most noble and good of others, what would still count heads, to vote? Shareholder for thought "participation" is the highest expression of the dignity of the citizen. It was the idea of \u200b\u200b"freedom of the ancients" which resulted in the public role of the citizen in Polis. The "freedom of the moderns" recognizes, however, citizens also have the right not to participate, to take refuge in their own particular without, thereby, be accused of not cooperating with the 'Spirit of progress. " Also get your facts and do not vote is an expression of freedom.
So, if you say that "all means are permitted to hunt Berlusconi, for me, is no longer a question of the fate of the government, democracy is at stake, the system in which governments do not hunt" by any means " but through constitutional procedures. I'm not Berlusconi, and even anti; I did not vote center-right, like other factions did not vote simply because they do not vote for thirty years. I'm not here to defend this government, or to propose others. If the center-right government to fall - in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Constitution - I was going to judge what was on the same basis as before: as increases or decreases as, our individual rights, our freedoms and our prosperity that is the government doing?
And here I come to the point and conclude. My compass are the rights and freedoms of individuals, each of us. E 'so that I judged a violation of his individual rights of the seizure of the jewels of the girls went to dinner with Berlusconi, whom he had been the behavior. I guess many of you do not go to dinner Rider, let alone those of the bunga bunga, but it could happen to you to be the "side effects" of an investigation of the judiciary who have not pertain to you indirectly. How do you take? Behold, I have come to ask how I take it.
Stubborn Liberal - Piero Ostellino
Piero Ostellino thank you for sending me the text of his speech
Article 314 ("Of complaint ") of the Constitution of the Neapolitan Republic of 1799 stated:" If someone just shall live democratically, that is voluptuous and dissolute, bad manners to give his family, how proud and lazy and will use against equality, will be deprived of the right Censors active or passive citizenship, according to his guilt. In any case can not the penalty exceed three years, but for new faults may be noticed and punished again. " To get a further confirmation of the goodness of his ideas, the Neapolitan Jacobins had given in reading the text of the Constitution to lead them to liberal Vincenzo Cuoco trial. While Cook was reading, silence had fallen thick on the assembly. No one breathed. Finally, Cook had raised his eyes from his manuscript, looked anxiously awaiting those noble faces and said. 'Things' and crazy. " Crazy things is also an article by Roberta de Monticelli at La Repubblica on Friday: "To Mr. encourage liberal I would ask if her daughter or her granddaughter to be involved in some end-user of that beautiful grace on which she sits. I imagine that her daughter and her niece, just like him, would also be found to have other values. "
Madam de Monticelli, I have not incited anyone, much less urge my daughter and my granddaughter to share "the good grace" on which she sits. I only claimed the freedom of women to do so if they believe in, and accountable only to themselves, or to her confessor, not you, Madam, or to a Committee of Censors as that of the Neapolitan Republic. And to those who, like her, she responds as shocked Cook: "Things' and crazy." The woman's body - like it or not, but it is a fact - that, in itself, a power also social and some women in history, they even used that power for political ends very noble. According to the parameters of Madame de Monticelli, the Countess of Castiglione - who shared a bed with Napoleon III to facilitate the work of Cavour renaissance - it was a bitch, as they would the young women who marry a rich man and older. Well, Madam, to me they are not.
When asked what was the Kremlin's policy toward homosexuals, a Soviet minister had replied: "We are opposed to homosexuality." It was a bizarre attempt to exorcise homosexuality justify the persecution, as Madame de Monticelli and neo-Puritans of the last hour trying to exorcise some women actually covering it with a veil of hypocrisy that they call collective ethic. I was limited to describing a certain reality "as is", they responded by prescribing a reality, "as they would like it to be." It 'not just a logical leap - from being to Dover to be - but the syndrome of a latent moral and political totalitarianism is unacceptable for a liberal.
Tomorrow, there will be a demonstration in defense of the dignity of women. In fact, it says "women" but we think a model - like automobile to be mass-produce - a virtuous woman, that women, all equally virtuous and exemplary, as are women in every form of totalitarianism. I confess that the prospect of a woman who goes by the head office not to indulge in a career - as some do, sometimes, not always, and not all - but to ask for a pay rise because she is not allowed, I think frankly surreal . I assume the vast majority are those who are not allowed, and to make a career on, but not the change in flag waving in a square not to become ridiculous. I consider it a normal thing. By Max Weber, I think there is "the" woman in the singular, but there are many women in the plural, so there is no "society", but there are many individuals, men and women in the plural, each of which has their own idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and the right to prosecute them as it sees fit only on condition of not doing harm to others. These are my principles. It seems that the same opinion was also Immanuel Kant.
As the mother of idiots is always pregnant, that I'm not talking about the precise freedom rider Silvio Berlusconi to spend his evenings in the company of minors may be willing to share with him the "good grace" on which they sat as stated in the charge the judiciary. I believe even without saying that if - after a free trial between prosecution and defense - that you were guilty, would be the obvious respect for the rule of law, and equality of citizens before the law, he was sentenced. Add, finally, that even if they come out in terms of justice, but it appears that, as head of government, gave improper behavior in his office, should be, first, his own voters to judge him severely morally and political. These are still my principles. It seems that Benedetto Croce, with his "theory distinguished" between Ethics, Politics, Law, thought so.
Why, then, the logical leap from being to be Dover is the syndrome of totalitarianism ? First, because it is a scam sociological image of a country where they are constantly fighting a minority carrier of civic virtue and a mass of cheaters, parking on the second row (the voters of the center). Barbara Spinelli, Adriano Prosperi, and other neo-shareholders do not say "how things are, but they want to redeem the unauthorized parking lot (which are also among the voters of the center), and give value judgments that claim to be statements of fact. I, who denounced the deep aversion to liberalism do not do to be invited to dinner at Arcore, I just record their way of thinking about democracy. It is not mandatory to be liberal, but if you have not, there is at least professed to these, then, to think, write, behave openly opposed to the liberal thought and practice.
I agree that every community is based on a set of shared moral principles, regardless of the color of the government, then the rule. But ethicised of politics is dividing the world into good and bad, with good all on one side and all the other bad. And this is not the reality, which is always characterized by a gray area, but is an artificial representation of reality for the use of a sense of its mission - the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of the next - which is more like that of Savonarola that common sense (empirical) of a contemporary, secular intellectual. It is for the political process, in the "open society", to compare different interests and values, and even opposed, and decreeing a winner by the only legitimate procedure in a liberal democracy: the counting of heads. If the interests and values \u200b\u200bare "virtuous in itself," the most noble and good of others, what would still count heads, to vote? Shareholder for thought "participation" is the highest expression of the dignity of the citizen. It was the idea of \u200b\u200b"freedom of the ancients" which resulted in the public role of the citizen in Polis. The "freedom of the moderns" recognizes, however, citizens also have the right not to participate, to take refuge in their own particular without, thereby, be accused of not cooperating with the 'Spirit of progress. " Also get your facts and do not vote is an expression of freedom.
So, if you say that "all means are permitted to hunt Berlusconi, for me, is no longer a question of the fate of the government, democracy is at stake, the system in which governments do not hunt" by any means " but through constitutional procedures. I'm not Berlusconi, and even anti; I did not vote center-right, like other factions did not vote simply because they do not vote for thirty years. I'm not here to defend this government, or to propose others. If the center-right government to fall - in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Constitution - I was going to judge what was on the same basis as before: as increases or decreases as, our individual rights, our freedoms and our prosperity that is the government doing?
And here I come to the point and conclude. My compass are the rights and freedoms of individuals, each of us. E 'so that I judged a violation of his individual rights of the seizure of the jewels of the girls went to dinner with Berlusconi, whom he had been the behavior. I guess many of you do not go to dinner Rider, let alone those of the bunga bunga, but it could happen to you to be the "side effects" of an investigation of the judiciary who have not pertain to you indirectly. How do you take? Behold, I have come to ask how I take it.
There is little to add to the magnificent monologue Ostellino Piero. You just read it and then read it again. Finally, leggerselo yet.
The ideal would be able to reduce it in capsules and insert them into a reservoir so labeled
" Liberalina - Tablets Liberals - Take three times a day - Useful in treatment of symptomatic stems moralistic - Shown in all diets based on free thought - Excellent as soothing antacid in case of excessive intake of contents for Fact - There are no recorded contraindications, except for a slight sense of disorientation in patients with ethical absolutism "
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