The shareholders of Freedom and Justice:
if this is the best Italy, we ended
My God forgive me for I have sinned: for I am sinning.
Forgive me because they know not what they do and say, but not for me to judge them.
Epper not do it. It horrified.
I saw the best minds of several generations destroyed by madness antiberlusconiana.
Maybe they were not the best, I agree, but the most famous probably yes.
I am writing today "to defend my dignity," as he had the nerve to say Umberto Eco, in a speech marked by the absence of any shame.
Being far from Berlusconi, as my readers know, I will not be confused with those who brought their brains in storage and Jacobean dell'antiberlusconismo Palasharp the voyeur. (more. ..)
I witnessed a pitiful sight, my God, I saw that the madness has led to a couple of parents to send their old son on stage anti-government to hold a prayer, a pathetic speech in its smallness - as it should be obvious and the harangue of a child - with this little pounding his fist on the lectern as a former trade unionist, refreshed dall'applauso child pornography to an audience clearly lost his mind.
I remembered my God, who blinded you want to lose. And maybe you have darkened the brains of those writers, philosophers, jurists, who are given the change to the stage to get some consensus pret a porter, without being the account of damnation, if not the soul, sure of their intelligence.
my Lord, what they said.
Umberto Eco has touched the bottom of a bright career. He complained that foreign
ignore the critical position of our intellectuals against Berlusconi, and this makes him just a little provincial. But then he annotated that " apparently makes more noise than a bra that falls on an editorial ", and this makes him a very obtuse in bad faith, because the noise that our prudishness newspapers devoted to the erotic implications nell''affaire B 'is exclusively due to the intellectuals and journalists from around the Eco, which they took up the powerful weapon of rubbish Standing by gossip, by interception, by publication of phone records, wallowing happily in the dark and bawdy prime minister's private, to try to scuttle.
These priests of the institutional decor Berlusconi disgraced, then risputtanano, and then say: " But how do you get a prime minister so disgraced?".
Umberto Eco makes no even aware of falling into the caricaturist, when with the same shamelessness of a pompous know-all schoolboy, who boast of the superiority of their leisure, said: "I too late in the evening, but because I read Kant! . Except then be sbertucciato within twenty-four hours from Giuliano Ferrara, who reminds him of how little this Barnum and Kantian ethics of Vestal.
But Eco is not alone.
Forgive me because they know not what they do and say, but not for me to judge them.
Epper not do it. It horrified.
I saw the best minds of several generations destroyed by madness antiberlusconiana.
Maybe they were not the best, I agree, but the most famous probably yes.
I am writing today "to defend my dignity," as he had the nerve to say Umberto Eco, in a speech marked by the absence of any shame.
Being far from Berlusconi, as my readers know, I will not be confused with those who brought their brains in storage and Jacobean dell'antiberlusconismo Palasharp the voyeur. (more. ..)
I witnessed a pitiful sight, my God, I saw that the madness has led to a couple of parents to send their old son on stage anti-government to hold a prayer, a pathetic speech in its smallness - as it should be obvious and the harangue of a child - with this little pounding his fist on the lectern as a former trade unionist, refreshed dall'applauso child pornography to an audience clearly lost his mind.
I remembered my God, who blinded you want to lose. And maybe you have darkened the brains of those writers, philosophers, jurists, who are given the change to the stage to get some consensus pret a porter, without being the account of damnation, if not the soul, sure of their intelligence.
my Lord, what they said.
Umberto Eco has touched the bottom of a bright career. He complained that foreign
ignore the critical position of our intellectuals against Berlusconi, and this makes him just a little provincial. But then he annotated that " apparently makes more noise than a bra that falls on an editorial ", and this makes him a very obtuse in bad faith, because the noise that our prudishness newspapers devoted to the erotic implications nell''affaire B 'is exclusively due to the intellectuals and journalists from around the Eco, which they took up the powerful weapon of rubbish Standing by gossip, by interception, by publication of phone records, wallowing happily in the dark and bawdy prime minister's private, to try to scuttle.
These priests of the institutional decor Berlusconi disgraced, then risputtanano, and then say: " But how do you get a prime minister so disgraced?".
Umberto Eco makes no even aware of falling into the caricaturist, when with the same shamelessness of a pompous know-all schoolboy, who boast of the superiority of their leisure, said: "I too late in the evening, but because I read Kant! . Except then be sbertucciato within twenty-four hours from Giuliano Ferrara, who reminds him of how little this Barnum and Kantian ethics of Vestal.
But Eco is not alone.
Roberto Saviano takes the stage lay between the hosannas, speaks at length, and apparently thinks his recent transmission has not been seen and thoughtful enough, and repeats verbatim a monologue that had already appeared on Raitre, and then dare the inazzardabile, saying without shame that in our system, " privacy continues to be a pillar . Lord, do not know how much I wanted to bury him that a giant laugh. And
Monia Ovadia, this good theatrical and author, this wandering jew capable of our theater, as a Christian I can refrain from speaking ill after seeing him go on stage, especially after hearing him open his mouth? He does not
has never recovered from the shock that must have been in the eighties, with the arrival of private television stations, that is, the Devil, if he claims now that the real problem is' the devastation of the country (derived) from the Mammi law, which has allowed one man to impose a subcultural language to the country '.
Poor Moni has stagnated as the nightmare of commercial television corrupting absolute of souls no longer go forward. Perhaps in thirty years if the will with the Internet.
But you are not limited to, maybe. Taking advantage of one of the largest public demonstrations Obtuse that history has ever made, Ovadia peremptorily declare that Berlusconi is not any dialogue, because they do not speak the language of democracy, and then says facetiously, "I'm not Fidel Castro, although I would be! ". But instead of being taken away for insulting the weight of public decorum intellectual is greeted with a salvo of applause.
Monia Ovadia, this good theatrical and author, this wandering jew capable of our theater, as a Christian I can refrain from speaking ill after seeing him go on stage, especially after hearing him open his mouth? He does not
has never recovered from the shock that must have been in the eighties, with the arrival of private television stations, that is, the Devil, if he claims now that the real problem is' the devastation of the country (derived) from the Mammi law, which has allowed one man to impose a subcultural language to the country '.
Poor Moni has stagnated as the nightmare of commercial television corrupting absolute of souls no longer go forward. Perhaps in thirty years if the will with the Internet.
But you are not limited to, maybe. Taking advantage of one of the largest public demonstrations Obtuse that history has ever made, Ovadia peremptorily declare that Berlusconi is not any dialogue, because they do not speak the language of democracy, and then says facetiously, "I'm not Fidel Castro, although I would be! ". But instead of being taken away for insulting the weight of public decorum intellectual is greeted with a salvo of applause.
And, on the other hand, that Ovadia has the same rate in the blood of the democratic Cuban dictator is most succinctly demonstrated by the auspices of the successive " There is only one way to restore democracy, which he Berlusconi go! From this point we come back, any mediation would be criminal. "
And what, my God, Gustavo Zagrebelsky, sees that every law student must be included in their manuals of the most authoritative national lawyers?
Zagrebelsky, with flat and monotonous speech, read out a speech that could have been written by any student Law of the first year of employment at the university, talking about a country disgusted by those who govern, and only now realizing that the policy makes use of 'donation of seats in exchange for loyalty', as if long before Berlusconi , and for decades, the system of so-called consociativismo did not use government spending to subsidize its electoral support. In those years, our supreme jurist made a brilliant career. But certainly never saw anything.
my Lord, I hope for the soul of Gustavo Zagrebelsky - who has spent many fine words in favor of citizens who have no where to turn to the saint, and neither supports or sponsors are not satisfied with any favoritism - I hope for the soul her that he, constitutionalist univiersitario became President of the Constitutional Court has made its way without paying duty, like all others, the need to belong to turn right to get started in the academic world (let alone make a career).
for him I hope you have performed the miracle of an incredible cursus honorum no moral stain, without compromise. I say, well, for the salvation of his soul, or more secular, of his face. But so do
should not have, after all, our Zagrebelsky because even says that if one of Berlusconi " was just the sexual question, we do not judge, lest you be judged "Standing up rather quickly after a pitiless censor of a human figure dashed pathetic, sort of a strolling player who has given" proof of ridiculous and fragile solitude. "
Zagrebelsky, with flat and monotonous speech, read out a speech that could have been written by any student Law of the first year of employment at the university, talking about a country disgusted by those who govern, and only now realizing that the policy makes use of 'donation of seats in exchange for loyalty', as if long before Berlusconi , and for decades, the system of so-called consociativismo did not use government spending to subsidize its electoral support. In those years, our supreme jurist made a brilliant career. But certainly never saw anything.
my Lord, I hope for the soul of Gustavo Zagrebelsky - who has spent many fine words in favor of citizens who have no where to turn to the saint, and neither supports or sponsors are not satisfied with any favoritism - I hope for the soul her that he, constitutionalist univiersitario became President of the Constitutional Court has made its way without paying duty, like all others, the need to belong to turn right to get started in the academic world (let alone make a career).
for him I hope you have performed the miracle of an incredible cursus honorum no moral stain, without compromise. I say, well, for the salvation of his soul, or more secular, of his face. But so do
should not have, after all, our Zagrebelsky because even says that if one of Berlusconi " was just the sexual question, we do not judge, lest you be judged "Standing up rather quickly after a pitiless censor of a human figure dashed pathetic, sort of a strolling player who has given" proof of ridiculous and fragile solitude. "
Zagrebelsky And imagine if he wanted to express moral judgments, what he said.
How sad in my heart, my God, after seeing these and other people talking to Palasharp.
Forgive me for what I feel towards them.
Please do not let me ever meeting then no lay or 'Catholic adult' who, having for years condemned all papal interference in the affairs Italy, after having argued that religiosity is part of a exclusively private sphere, having teased and ridiculed priests and popes, cardinals baciapile, have the courage to ask whether, 'as a Catholic' I have nothing to object to the dissolute behavior of the premier private: if I do not feel short embarrassed as a believer.
Forgive me for what I feel towards them.
Please do not let me ever meeting then no lay or 'Catholic adult' who, having for years condemned all papal interference in the affairs Italy, after having argued that religiosity is part of a exclusively private sphere, having teased and ridiculed priests and popes, cardinals baciapile, have the courage to ask whether, 'as a Catholic' I have nothing to object to the dissolute behavior of the premier private: if I do not feel short embarrassed as a believer.
not meet me know about them, please, because I do not know how to react. Going to the Devil - and forgive me again.
Finally, in the forthcoming elections, the temptation away from me that is eating up my heart to vote for the first time in my life Silvio Berlusconi, to sink all this garbage in the garbage it deserves.
Finally, in the forthcoming elections, the temptation away from me that is eating up my heart to vote for the first time in my life Silvio Berlusconi, to sink all this garbage in the garbage it deserves.
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