Friday, February 25, 2011

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The best and worst of the week

Stubborn Liberal - Piero Ostellino

Piero Ostellino thank you for sending me the text of his speech

Article 314 ("Of complaint ") of the Constitution of the Neapolitan Republic of 1799 stated:" If someone just shall live democratically, that is voluptuous and dissolute, bad manners to give his family, how proud and lazy and will use against equality, will be deprived of the right Censors active or passive citizenship, according to his guilt. In any case can not the penalty exceed three years, but for new faults may be noticed and punished again. " To get a further confirmation of the goodness of his ideas, the Neapolitan Jacobins had given in reading the text of the Constitution to lead them to liberal Vincenzo Cuoco trial. While Cook was reading, silence had fallen thick on the assembly. No one breathed. Finally, Cook had raised his eyes from his manuscript, looked anxiously awaiting those noble faces and said. 'Things' and crazy. " Crazy things is also an article by Roberta de Monticelli at La Repubblica on Friday: "To Mr. encourage liberal I would ask if her daughter or her granddaughter to be involved in some end-user of that beautiful grace on which she sits. I imagine that her daughter and her niece, just like him, would also be found to have other values. "
Madam de Monticelli, I have not incited anyone, much less urge my daughter and my granddaughter to share "the good grace" on which she sits. I only claimed the freedom of women to do so if they believe in, and accountable only to themselves, or to her confessor, not you, Madam, or to a Committee of Censors as that of the Neapolitan Republic. And to those who, like her, she responds as shocked Cook: "Things' and crazy." The woman's body - like it or not, but it is a fact - that, in itself, a power also social and some women in history, they even used that power for political ends very noble. According to the parameters of Madame de Monticelli, the Countess of Castiglione - who shared a bed with Napoleon III to facilitate the work of Cavour renaissance - it was a bitch, as they would the young women who marry a rich man and older. Well, Madam, to me they are not.
When asked what was the Kremlin's policy toward homosexuals, a Soviet minister had replied: "We are opposed to homosexuality." It was a bizarre attempt to exorcise homosexuality justify the persecution, as Madame de Monticelli and neo-Puritans of the last hour trying to exorcise some women actually covering it with a veil of hypocrisy that they call collective ethic. I was limited to describing a certain reality "as is", they responded by prescribing a reality, "as they would like it to be." It 'not just a logical leap - from being to Dover to be - but the syndrome of a latent moral and political totalitarianism is unacceptable for a liberal.
Tomorrow, there will be a demonstration in defense of the dignity of women. In fact, it says "women" but we think a model - like automobile to be mass-produce - a virtuous woman, that women, all equally virtuous and exemplary, as are women in every form of totalitarianism. I confess that the prospect of a woman who goes by the head office not to indulge in a career - as some do, sometimes, not always, and not all - but to ask for a pay rise because she is not allowed, I think frankly surreal . I assume the vast majority are those who are not allowed, and to make a career on, but not the change in flag waving in a square not to become ridiculous. I consider it a normal thing. By Max Weber, I think there is "the" woman in the singular, but there are many women in the plural, so there is no "society", but there are many individuals, men and women in the plural, each of which has their own idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and the right to prosecute them as it sees fit only on condition of not doing harm to others. These are my principles. It seems that the same opinion was also Immanuel Kant.
As the mother of idiots is always pregnant, that I'm not talking about the precise freedom rider Silvio Berlusconi to spend his evenings in the company of minors may be willing to share with him the "good grace" on which they sat as stated in the charge the judiciary. I believe even without saying that if - after a free trial between prosecution and defense - that you were guilty, would be the obvious respect for the rule of law, and equality of citizens before the law, he was sentenced. Add, finally, that even if they come out in terms of justice, but it appears that, as head of government, gave improper behavior in his office, should be, first, his own voters to judge him severely morally and political. These are still my principles. It seems that Benedetto Croce, with his "theory distinguished" between Ethics, Politics, Law, thought so.
Why, then, the logical leap from being to be Dover is the syndrome of totalitarianism ? First, because it is a scam sociological image of a country where they are constantly fighting a minority carrier of civic virtue and a mass of cheaters, parking on the second row (the voters of the center). Barbara Spinelli, Adriano Prosperi, and other neo-shareholders do not say "how things are, but they want to redeem the unauthorized parking lot (which are also among the voters of the center), and give value judgments that claim to be statements of fact. I, who denounced the deep aversion to liberalism do not do to be invited to dinner at Arcore, I just record their way of thinking about democracy. It is not mandatory to be liberal, but if you have not, there is at least professed to these, then, to think, write, behave openly opposed to the liberal thought and practice.
I agree that every community is based on a set of shared moral principles, regardless of the color of the government, then the rule. But ethicised of politics is dividing the world into good and bad, with good all on one side and all the other bad. And this is not the reality, which is always characterized by a gray area, but is an artificial representation of reality for the use of a sense of its mission - the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of the next - which is more like that of Savonarola that common sense (empirical) of a contemporary, secular intellectual. It is for the political process, in the "open society", to compare different interests and values, and even opposed, and decreeing a winner by the only legitimate procedure in a liberal democracy: the counting of heads. If the interests and values \u200b\u200bare "virtuous in itself," the most noble and good of others, what would still count heads, to vote? Shareholder for thought "participation" is the highest expression of the dignity of the citizen. It was the idea of \u200b\u200b"freedom of the ancients" which resulted in the public role of the citizen in Polis. The "freedom of the moderns" recognizes, however, citizens also have the right not to participate, to take refuge in their own particular without, thereby, be accused of not cooperating with the 'Spirit of progress. " Also get your facts and do not vote is an expression of freedom.
So, if you say that "all means are permitted to hunt Berlusconi, for me, is no longer a question of the fate of the government, democracy is at stake, the system in which governments do not hunt" by any means " but through constitutional procedures. I'm not Berlusconi, and even anti; I did not vote center-right, like other factions did not vote simply because they do not vote for thirty years. I'm not here to defend this government, or to propose others. If the center-right government to fall - in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Constitution - I was going to judge what was on the same basis as before: as increases or decreases as, our individual rights, our freedoms and our prosperity that is the government doing?
And here I come to the point and conclude. My compass are the rights and freedoms of individuals, each of us. E 'so that I judged a violation of his individual rights of the seizure of the jewels of the girls went to dinner with Berlusconi, whom he had been the behavior. I guess many of you do not go to dinner Rider, let alone those of the bunga bunga, but it could happen to you to be the "side effects" of an investigation of the judiciary who have not pertain to you indirectly. How do you take? Behold, I have come to ask how I take it.

There is little to add to the magnificent monologue Ostellino Piero. You just read it and then read it again. Finally, leggerselo yet.
The ideal would be able to reduce it in capsules and insert them into a reservoir so labeled
" Liberalina - Tablets Liberals - Take three times a day - Useful in treatment of symptomatic stems moralistic - Shown in all diets based on free thought - Excellent as soothing antacid in case of excessive intake of contents for Fact - There are no recorded contraindications, except for a slight sense of disorientation in patients with ethical absolutism "

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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raids catoniana Blog Fact
Today I will tell my little adventure into the world of the web.
Cato Maior site is a tiny, but its players and fans are growing every day. I am glad, as well as amazed.
Di Recently, the old Cato has decided to 'expand', making any foray into other virtual lands and leaving comments and commentaries here and there on websites and forums, to see the effect of hidden ago, as he sang Jannacci.
The first thing that catches the eye, who like myself is a stateless person, intellectual, is the high degree of incivility that exists in that very political party that embodies instead - of course your eyes - the ideal of civic duty, fairness honesty and vilified by berluscones.
example is the blog of the trip catoniana Done. Incidentally, the fact is that perhaps the most interesting in the online edition of the landscape national newspapers.
E 'modeled on the same site of the Huffington Post, but no matter: after all, if the structure is a copincolla, content is native. ( follows ... )
The fact is the worthy heir to that pirate journalism and deliberately invented by simpleton Felt independence (which I consider Felt Labor and the two sides of the same coin, my readers know from the time of my article 'The Feltraglio' ).
Great photos, headlines effect, a tough Manichaeism driven to tickle and antigovernment satiate the appetites of its readers, call the spirit of membership (loyalty, a Berlusconi would say): this is the winning recipe of Padellaro boys. Felt is no coincidence, in an interview to the same incident, recently made a tribute to this newspaper, admitting it as a possible source of inspiration editorial. The rare event that pays tribute to master the student who has passed.
But back to the point. I said that I was amazed that a site where comments from readers rain in bursts, with an eighty per cent of these are based on a basic concept can be summed up in "... We who are honest, the vast majority of the interventions turned out to anonymous .
are two cases: either it is people who do not have the courage to take responsibility for their thoughts - and here I would have something to say about the value of a review that we feel ashamed - or of employees, rather than do their jobs, they spend their time surfing on the Internet looking for good opportunities to blame the 'dishonest' - and here perhaps may be objected to Freud with his theory of negation. But let's move on.
Cato Maior left two comments on the online Done.
The first Blog Massimo Fini, criticism in his article, has been commented sine ira ac studio from another reader, who invited him to write again. It will be that the public Purposes, against the intellectual and never boring, even when the law on the fact, it is polite to a certain freedom of opinion.
The trouble started when CM are dared to enter the arena's private Marco Travaglio: hic sunt leones.
To give my readers the anger which cloud the minds of Travaglione, Pavlovian prepared to salivate and especially to bite (mostly behind anonymity, it is clear) anyone who criticizes their idol, I reproduce below my speech, I defiantly entitled 'Phenomenology of Marco Travaglio,' with some of the best commentaries.

With this latest article confirms Travaglio - any were needed - to be a great journalist. Satirist. His jokes, his nicknames (Dry Frattini, Pierluigi CerchiObattista, the Cain and many others) are candidates for law school and become a songwriter for the next edition of Zelig.
not hard to imagine him there, Our, study in which transmits its interminable monologues video (so soporific insightful as are his writings), racking their brains on a new piece.
His technique is simple and should be put on paper for a manual of satire: Labor takes a fact any ("The facts, gentlemen, here it is merely stated the truth!"), Stripping it of all the causal links of circumstances that generated it and that support the dense network of relationships with other events and causes, it uncovers the nuances of the ineffable and too complex to explain in four savory characters, in short, makes a tiny particle (usually, "Tom is under investigation") without additional meanings to those who will give him, Travaglio, filling and mocking fancy stores, to turn it into a grotesque farce.
Et voila, the reader is served: Labor Law, laughs, then ponders frowning, and before you think "What good, he tells you it like it is!", Then realizes that things are going badly, that we sail into a sea of sewage, but of course no fault of 'our', because the producers sewage are 'that guy', those names so wittily mangled ("Ah ah that strong Labor"), and then indignant, the repurchase actually concerned Santoro, Travaglio reads, he is indignant and ridiverte again and everything starts all over again as a hallucinogenic drug which can no longer do without, because it allows him to dream a new world now, where the best - that is' win-at the end noi'

hell broke loose. Blog
in turmoil for treason.
Start a guy:

"Damn that genius you are, you look like in Ferrara! Do you dwell on word on the comma, in text transformations ... Hey! Genius but 'the fact that B. Gaddafi does not want to disturb, Frattini and by the 'reason for this we do not find anything to say. Hypocrites who strain out a gnat and Ingo THE CAMEL. We laugh all the way to the indecent pictures of our ministers, and you worry about how he exhibits his thesis Travaglio. England consider our prime minister but a pimp 'Travaglio ... Eh! Eh! - I have no words!
Now the Europeans criticize harshly to our emigrants about the fact that we still support a thug like B. Thanks to people like market-maior (He turned in his grave Cato you die 'to defend the Republic, this rather die for the pimps).

As you can see, this cute Volume does not conceive that anyone who dares to criticize labor can not be a supporter of Berlusconi (also referred to in my article does not mention): the hermeneutics of a Travaglione doc is based on the same principle Friend or Foe that animates a Berlusconi: criticize my leaders? Then you're a communist (or Berlusconi). Another raised

"Travaglio least does not use euphemisms.
If a guy is under investigation, is not calling Unlike Clean.
If a Minister has made a ******* t, does not say that was partial and in good faith.
If there `disgust, not burying toast to the future everything under the rug.
I dare not imagine what you can read.
're so devoid of content in the speech (poor among other things) that a shadow faded memories of a speech by a politician of the Third Order. Worthy of the country where you live. Enjoy it! "

is not difficult to see that there is no link between what I wrote and what I answered him. "At least Travaglio ..." here is the fundamental issue that reappears subtrack: If you do not like Travaglio, who supports it? What the hell do you read? Of course, turbid wallow happily in the republic Berlusconi: enjoy it!

Genius and the next lapdario:
" Phenomenologist, you Rosica eh?
Have not you should not hurt, labor can choose to read it or not ... we think that we must necessarily peck your head! "

I have not understood for what rosicare. But the genius here, has already established that I have a boss (throw it there: Berlusconi?). More

marked irony, the last that we carry:
" .. dear, your opinions in these spaces for clean air are always welcome.
his lucid intelligence, fortunately, has the evocative power to bring us back to reality. We provide
Capezzone of the essays, which has been formed, so that we, poor flock, it can be so great ignorance and mend "babbeitudine" that clouded.
Thank you thank you and thank you. There were of enlightened minds like yours "

But even he, the temptation to throw it in the cow is too strong, and you take the trouble to respond to those who asked me to place my account of my reading I would be a devourer of essays Capezzone (ohibò, Capezzzone wrote some really wise?).

short, this is the status quaestionis of freedom of thought at the time (and in the maze) Fact.
I confess that I really enjoyed this episode, and drove me to continue on this road.
So begins a new section in Cato the space, which will tell you the results of my raids.
Before leaving, however, allow a necessary gloss.
should be made as to whether the newspaper had put in place a network really free, open to comments from anyone, in which even the stinging considerations Cato Maior are a virtual place to be known (with a final link), discussed, without being censored.
should be the norm, perhaps, but certainly is not.
Just today, the website of the Journal, I wrote a scathing commentary on the distressing article about the legal problems of the father of Saviano. Of course, as my practice, no offense or vulgarity.
But, perhaps, a criticism of the genre - that usually came from "communist", but by a conservative nostalgic Montanelli - it was too dangerous.
Result? The comment has disappeared into thin air.
Damn, I'll complain to my boss as soon as possible.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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An indispensable little book about Italy

In the category of people who over-spend for intellectuals in Italy, stands a dozen heads really thinking.
Among these, Ernesto Galli della Loggia. Columnist for the Corriere della Sera and historical academic Egdl is a keen commentator of our political and social events. I do not remember you ever spotted - at least in my eyes - of mortal sin (an intellectual) of banality. His analysis, even when shared, are stubbornly refractory homage to the dominant culture, both right and left.
Left which, in a cultural sense, Egdl belongs. But that has never stopped writing vitriolic editorials against the political representatives of national progress. ( follows ...)

His sharp arrows, recently, however, have often turned to Berlusconi, much to stimulate the reaction of the inevitable sore Sandro Bondi, who he accused of Our antiberlusconismo visceral prejudice.
To understand how this definition is absurd, just read the last pamphlet Egdl: Three days in the history of Italy , released for the types of mill.
It 's a terrific essay, I say it now. Council urbi et orbi his reading. Any person who is chatting peaks of our national problems, it should first compulsive disorder at least once, and pondered long.
It would not hurt him to learn that even the representatives of the foreign press in Italy, often second-rate journalists, who understand little or nothing about our country and prefer to get an explanation of what we think of the national beppesevergnini.
Agile and well written, Three days in the history of Italy also represents a formidable accusations to our political class and the intellectual left.
Three Days of the title is 28 October '22 (the March on Rome), April 18 '48 (victory of the Christian Democrats) and 27 March '94 (the first victory of Berlusconi): three historic events in 150 Egdl svelte little pages can recall and masterly sketch, describing them as the key junction that have indelibly marked the common thread of our national history.
In the first chapter, Egdl known as the First World War has represented not only an act of war, also a wonderful opportunity for politicization of the masses, until then almost entirely ignorant of issues civic activities. It emphasizes that this process, a relatively young nation like ours, was not supported by appropriate political structures to channel the new enzymes, leaving him almost physiological outlet of these political tensions were on the one hand as the other, physical violence. Egdl stresses in those circumstances, the high moral responsibility of the Left, which was played its own credibility on the plate of a nefarious maximalism, which gave the country the reaction.
And in reflecting on the origins of the fascist regime, the critical Egdl becomes a formidable indictment to the left that does not admit, even to this day, no historical responsibility, preferring charge of inconsistency liberal ruling class in power until '22 all the blame the rise of Mussolini, forgetting to "be instead been largely responsible for the advent of fascism, the defeat of freedom . Heavy items such as boulders, which should lead to reflection still those 'intellectuals' and politicians who focused its raison d'etre for massimalistic intransigence, which, as then, promises to give you a bad fruit.
In the chapter on April 18 of '48, Egdl undermines several dominant journalistic clichés of thought (especially progressive). Noting first that degeneration partitocratica that destroyed the First Republic - far from being a phenomenon attributable to a purely judicial corruption all the more deplorable as occasional - but was given degenerative physiological abnormal presence in public life party in our country, given by the fact that in post-war, the absence of a general widespread political culture, the only devices able to take charge of reconstruction not only physical but also cultural in the country were, of course, parties.
He then has a certain effect the grim sincerity with which liberalism as an intellectual Egdl notes that after the war, Catholic politicians proved to have learned the lesson of '22, Buy a culture of government that Italy has pursued for half a century, unlike the left which, for decades, keeping maximalist triggered the threat of communist revolution, made it impossible for the alternation.
Finally, two disassembled Egdl vulgate always present in liberal mythology.
Ours is a modern constitution? For Egdl, the old guard of the Christian Democrats to power after the war had to vent strongly anti-liberal impulses of his young politicians, leaving that they should agree intellectually with the Communists in the Constituent Assembly. You can guess that masterpiece of the Constitution would arise from cash Agreement (True, Bersani?).
Italy is a country founded sull'antifascimo? For Egdl not, because it was in the elections of '48, thanks to the breakdown of anti-fascist front, until then ob wrong cohesive package, was born modern Italy and Western Europe.
But the more interesting part of the essay is the chapter devoted to Berlusconi: it brought to the attention of Sandro Bondi. For
Edgl, who now barks Berlusconi's anomaly, the anomaly should first ask Tangentopoli, in which a political class was decimated in half by the judiciary, which hit a systemic corruption complaining only area the government improperly.
Paradoxically, it was the anomalous figure of Berlusconi to allow normalization of the country, he was going to spend a few months before the elections of '92, a Democrat power system to a stable post-communist system of power. Berlusconi, with his alliance to include all the political spectrum alien to communism, instead created the conditions for a political regime based on alternating finally, as indeed has happened in Italy to date. According
Egdl, Berlusconi - that his economic and media power has the strength of its alliances, but not the popular support they enjoy - not the evil incarnate of absolute negative values \u200b\u200bof an imaginary country worst instincts of rich people's freedoms. But he able to deal with skill instead of the cultural void that is physiologically replaced in the 80 to cultural and political tensions hitherto produced in our country. In short, the Knights he would have an interpreter, but not an actor, a historical period of reflux and ideologies which has rewarded him because of the lack of a strong cultural his proposal. A
Egdl Berlusconi does not like. But he points out, those who have demonized the Cayman so far, which is not always "(..) democracy looks bright for his high principles (...) It happens that sometimes exhibit a gray face and modest (...) that can not our liking. But that does not mean that it may or must make us afraid .
We hope that the message reaches as many ears possible go.
Trust Catomaior: buy this book.

Ernesto Galli della Loggia - Three days in the history of Italy - Il Mulino

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Benigni, AND ITALY patriotism

Lectio magistralis Roberto Benigni on Risorgimento

I do not like the long introduction, but are sometimes necessary.
Therefore, two initial questions. The first
Roberto Benigni: I do not belong to the category of his hardcore supporters to put aside. I appreciated a lot, but recently I found it around in circles, ossified in a repertoire become the continuous quotation of himself is the only comedian who, like a real (or a wrestler), and is preceded by the inevitable march is always the same.
absurd to think that, after having been denied the compensation required fat, has participated in the program free of Saviano and Fazio, demonstrating that his only intent was verbally bury the prime minister, whatever the cost, in fact, not costs that that costs (abundatiam on state television also paid by fans of the Cayman). (more. ..)

Point two, the League. I have voted, slightly more than eighteen years old I was excited about the political earthquake taking place, and arrived to paraphrase an entire ode Carducci, Hi Piemonte, in a paean titled carrocciofilo Hi Milan, who loved it - stylistically speaking - to my professor of Italian, and even Communist trinariciuto antileghista. I voted once and I do not regret having done so, although I have not allowed an encore. Consider Bossi has unique political intelligence on the national scene. Italy has changed more than you think. I'm not against his and his party no harm.
We come now to the point.
Yesterday evening, the Festival of Sanremo, Roberto Benigni was amazing. His monologue sull'inno of Italy was moving. By itself, the true an award of the Republic (maybe Knight, so a bit 'is happy, a little' no).
Cato Maior Why I write about?
Because today, in astonishment, I read comments left and right of which still beyond me.
Benigni has made some blunders historic, lady, and then the Bourbons were the enlightened, and those rascals of Piedmont and so on.
resorts to the famous Chinese proverb: Benigni pointed to the moon, where they looked at his critics?
For one evening, comedian Tuscan left by the vis antiberlusconiana, has granted very few and mild innuendo, to throw his heart over the obstacle.
not know about you, but I've never heard of, with a rhetoric so believable, Italy. What a prick
comunistaccio did vibrate each string of the feeling of love for our country, projecting it in a thousand-year historical dimension that put the shivers. I am deeply sorry for the poor wretches who have not noticed any thrill, really.
And who thinks that the hagiography of the Risorgimento is not true, we simply say, "Bravo genius, discovery hagiography which is never really true?".
not that hard to understand that every founding myth - maxime of a nation - and rhetoric that feeds it necessary, require a large dose of suspension of disbelief. Otherwise, if we impose the French not to go over the killing of Napoleon, or any killings in which the story is full of the Republique, the British to turn penitents with sackcloth for colonial atrocities, the violence of Cromwell and the squalor of Henry VIII, in short if we demand that every modern nation sieves obsessively impurities in its history down to the grain, not going anywhere.
you imagine my most illustrious predeccessore, Cato the Censor, intent - rather than to encourage the virtues of the citizens - a querulous complaining in the Senate of the massacres against the Etruscans, the snubbing Carthago delenda to say " No, my dear, this history of Wolf I convince the Roman false rhetoric, by Jove! ".
Benigni is obviously not a teacher. But he has been able to tell a story that is our history, with the passion and the poetic face of a great strolling.
E, net of blunders benigneschi, the generation that created Italy was really a race of people who are exceptional, that the world envies. Men who gave their lives, said Benigni, not to defend the land of the Fathers, but to create a land to be donated to the Children. I do something more poignant, on motions and patriots of the Risorgimento, the more I hear.
And I do not care about that Benigni has repaid the honor that (partially) deserve the Bourbons, or so many glorious history from pre-unification states (I am writing from the ancient Republic of Genoa), but dramatically the fate destined for perpetual servitude of any foreign potentate. The heroes of the Risorgimento
are not supermen, and everywhere there is something rotten omnia immunda immundis.
But what is our shred of history: either we keep it tight, or we fall into delirium secession, that is the death of our country, talking about alive. Why is not the Risorgimento
gold, sure, but it is the only metal that holds us together.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

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Oversized PRAYER: save us from PALASHARP

The shareholders of Freedom and Justice:
if this is the best Italy, we ended

My God forgive me for I have sinned: for I am sinning.
Forgive me because they know not what they do and say, but not for me to judge them.
Epper not do it. It horrified.
I saw the best minds of several generations destroyed by madness antiberlusconiana.
Maybe they were not the best, I agree, but the most famous probably yes.
I am writing today "to defend my dignity," as he had the nerve to say Umberto Eco, in a speech marked by the absence of any shame.
Being far from Berlusconi, as my readers know, I will not be confused with those who brought their brains in storage and Jacobean dell'antiberlusconismo Palasharp the voyeur. (more. ..)

I witnessed a pitiful sight, my God, I saw that the madness has led to a couple of parents to send their old son on stage anti-government to hold a prayer, a pathetic speech in its smallness - as it should be obvious and the harangue of a child - with this little pounding his fist on the lectern as a former trade unionist, refreshed dall'applauso child pornography to an audience clearly lost his mind.
I remembered my God, who blinded you want to lose. And maybe you have darkened the brains of those writers, philosophers, jurists, who are given the change to the stage to get some consensus pret a porter, without being the account of damnation, if not the soul, sure of their intelligence.
my Lord, what they said.
Umberto Eco has touched the bottom of a bright career. He complained that foreign
ignore the critical position of our intellectuals against Berlusconi, and this makes him just a little provincial. But then he annotated that " apparently makes more noise than a bra that falls on an editorial ", and this makes him a very obtuse in bad faith, because the noise that our prudishness newspapers devoted to the erotic implications nell''affaire B 'is exclusively due to the intellectuals and journalists from around the Eco, which they took up the powerful weapon of rubbish Standing by gossip, by interception, by publication of phone records, wallowing happily in the dark and bawdy prime minister's private, to try to scuttle.
These priests of the institutional decor Berlusconi disgraced, then risputtanano, and then say: " But how do you get a prime minister so disgraced?".
Umberto Eco makes no even aware of falling into the caricaturist, when with the same shamelessness of a pompous know-all schoolboy, who boast of the superiority of their leisure, said: "I too late in the evening, but because I read Kant! . Except then be sbertucciato within twenty-four hours from Giuliano Ferrara, who reminds him of how little this Barnum and Kantian ethics of Vestal.
But Eco is not alone.
Roberto Saviano takes the stage lay between the hosannas, speaks at length, and apparently thinks his recent transmission has not been seen and thoughtful enough, and repeats verbatim a monologue that had already appeared on Raitre, and then dare the inazzardabile, saying without shame that in our system, " privacy continues to be a pillar . Lord, do not know how much I wanted to bury him that a giant laugh. And
Monia Ovadia, this good theatrical and author, this wandering jew capable of our theater, as a Christian I can refrain from speaking ill after seeing him go on stage, especially after hearing him open his mouth? He does not
has never recovered from the shock that must have been in the eighties, with the arrival of private television stations, that is, the Devil, if he claims now that the real problem is' the devastation of the country (derived) from the Mammi law, which has allowed one man to impose a subcultural language to the country '.
Poor Moni has stagnated as the nightmare of commercial television corrupting absolute of souls no longer go forward. Perhaps in thirty years if the will with the Internet.
But you are not limited to, maybe. Taking advantage of one of the largest public demonstrations Obtuse that history has ever made, Ovadia peremptorily declare that Berlusconi is not any dialogue, because they do not speak the language of democracy, and then says facetiously, "I'm not Fidel Castro, although I would be! ". But instead of being taken away for insulting the weight of public decorum intellectual is greeted with a salvo of applause.
And, on the other hand, that Ovadia has the same rate in the blood of the democratic Cuban dictator is most succinctly demonstrated by the auspices of the successive " There is only one way to restore democracy, which he Berlusconi go! From this point we come back, any mediation would be criminal. "
And what, my God, Gustavo Zagrebelsky, sees that every law student must be included in their manuals of the most authoritative national lawyers?
Zagrebelsky, with flat and monotonous speech, read out a speech that could have been written by any student Law of the first year of employment at the university, talking about a country disgusted by those who govern, and only now realizing that the policy makes use of 'donation of seats in exchange for loyalty', as if long before Berlusconi , and for decades, the system of so-called consociativismo did not use government spending to subsidize its electoral support. In those years, our supreme jurist made a brilliant career. But certainly never saw anything.
my Lord, I hope for the soul of Gustavo Zagrebelsky - who has spent many fine words in favor of citizens who have no where to turn to the saint, and neither supports or sponsors are not satisfied with any favoritism - I hope for the soul her that he, constitutionalist univiersitario became President of the Constitutional Court has made its way without paying duty, like all others, the need to belong to turn right to get started in the academic world (let alone make a career).
for him I hope you have performed the miracle of an incredible cursus honorum no moral stain, without compromise. I say, well, for the salvation of his soul, or more secular, of his face. But so do
should not have, after all, our Zagrebelsky because even says that if one of Berlusconi " was just the sexual question, we do not judge, lest you be judged "Standing up rather quickly after a pitiless censor of a human figure dashed pathetic, sort of a strolling player who has given" proof of ridiculous and fragile solitude. "
Zagrebelsky And imagine if he wanted to express moral judgments, what he said.
How sad in my heart, my God, after seeing these and other people talking to Palasharp.
Forgive me for what I feel towards them.
Please do not let me ever meeting then no lay or 'Catholic adult' who, having for years condemned all papal interference in the affairs Italy, after having argued that religiosity is part of a exclusively private sphere, having teased and ridiculed priests and popes, cardinals baciapile, have the courage to ask whether, 'as a Catholic' I have nothing to object to the dissolute behavior of the premier private: if I do not feel short embarrassed as a believer.
not meet me know about them, please, because I do not know how to react. Going to the Devil - and forgive me again.
Finally, in the forthcoming elections, the temptation away from me that is eating up my heart to vote for the first time in my life Silvio Berlusconi, to sink all this garbage in the garbage it deserves.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

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FINIS Italiae

Requiem for a Nation ghost

Italy is dead.
I do not know exactly when it occurred the death. I could not even swear that has never really lived. Perhaps
has existed for some time. Perhaps the initial fervor of the Risorgimento - the ardor of a few to many, who left almost immediately to the disinterest of many space for all -, the first year was so strong as to generate the illusion that Italy was really an entity called sort: a language of arms of the altar, memories of blood and heart as dreamed Manzoni.
Although from the outset have been made of particularist claims proselytize anyone Unit felt damaged: papal, Bourbon, Republicans, etc.. Damn
Italy. (Next. ..)

In which country would expect the 150th anniversary to finally decide to celebrate the unity of the nation? In which country, approaching that day, there have been squabbling for deciding whether to celebrate a life worthy, or more pathetically rejoice at heart still going to work, as claimed by the league without shame (and pass), members of the government's so-called center -right (or right-wing members of the self-styled government), Confindustria and even that Giuliano Amato concerned that the anniversary should be one of the greatest institutional supporters?
What kind of party would like, these?
Filmstrip propose to the April 25, which is privately honored, if they have courage.
But no, on that date will continue to suspend the activities giving us the ball rolling, people without a memory, and then without shame, to say cheers let us remember that we lost a war by pretending to not lose it, asking friends to consider ourselves the enemy and to free us from themselves, fleeing fuggibile, lying on mentibile, dreaming in a good percentage dictatorship different from what we had blindly led to the defeat.
And we will continue to celebrate as we must also June 2, because riverginazione must be complete and you have to pretend that Italy the monarchy has never existed, even if it was the only Italy that looks like a country.
Italy is dead, and I thank heaven that are these Savoy Savoy, because if we had a dynasty worthy of the name and assume your duties, I presentarei in front of them, with musket in hand, and foaming at the mouth, saying "Your majesty, we are going: here goes back to Italy or you die."